User Reviews (4)

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  • As an American who has lived for many years in Southern Africa, I was enthralled by this sweet, funny film. It captures the beauty, humor and unexpected depth of life in a South African dorp (small town), as seen through the eyes of a young urban Jewish woman who unexpected finds herself directing the annual Nativity play. The story and the characters are universal enough that most people will love them, whether or not they know South Africa itself. Those who are fortunate enough to have lived in or visited this country are in for an extra treat. Highly recommended!
  • The plot of this "fish out of water" comedy is simple: Hazel Levine, an aspiring South African actress, is stranded in Eden (the middle of nowhere) when her car breaks down on the way to a job in Capetown. The townspeople, who recognize her from her commercials, hire her to direct the local Nativity pageant, despite the fact she's Jewish.

    Will Hazel win over the lovable-but-eccentric towns people? But of course. And, along the way she'll overcome serious problems such as racial segregation and domestic abuse with nothing more than her plucky spirit. What distinguishes this from the average made-for-TV movie is the somewhat exotic locale and characters--certainly not the production values, which are very much on a par with Hazel's amateur theatrical. If you can turn off your brain, you may enjoy this pleasant fluff.
  • This must be the best South African film of the decade, if not ever. And it certainly must be the most beautifully filmed. Neal Sundstrom handles both the cinematography and the characters in supreme style. Heartwarming, hysterical and yet so poignant at times, I found it hard to believe that this was the product of a country with such a poor film tradition. How Sundstrom managed to break of the mould, I have no idea, but Inside Out left me absolutely ecstatic. There were some of the best one liners I have ever encountered...such as (to my recollection)"your husband, with his little green men and those mielie rings", and "oh father, I didn't see you" to which he replies, "it's my ninja training", and my personal favorite during the monologue of Emily McArthur..."Miss Universe...THE Miss of them all". Gilda Blacher is well cast as the short skirted Jewish kugel/actress Hazel Levine, and the other characters, especially Tobie Cronje, follow suit. Particularly delightful is Emily McArthur, who brought me to tears in the audition scene. Although the story line teeters dangerously on the cliched at times, the wonderful character development and supreme portrayal of a small South African town is divine. I've seen this filme three times and can't wait to obtain a copy on video. It's going to make me so very happy.
  • bugzmo21 August 2005
    I watched this movie when I was living in South Africa, a few years ago. And, whilst I cannot entirely recall every detail, I do remember that it was incredibly funny and heart-warming.

    The story line was imaginative, fun, and moving. The actors were well cast. I most enjoyed the wonderful portrayal of Leticia by Emily McArthur.

    Similar to "Connie and Carla", "Cosi", and "The Birdcage", Inside Out manages to flawlessly combine music, humour, and love, with the result being one of the better films I have seen in my time.

    I have yet to find a copy of this film, but when I do it will be an immediate addition to my collection. All in all, I would say that this movie is definitely a must see.