User Reviews (32)

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  • Detective Tom Canboro (Gary Busey) is a skeptical atheistic man, who is very close to his family. His sister Eileen (Matgot Kidder) and his wife Suzie (Sherry Miller) are Christians, his brother seems to be Christian and his brother-in-law Jason (Howie Mandel) is agnostic and quite crazy. One night, Tom is called to investigate two similar occurrences, both of them of domestic aggression and attempting to suicide, being one of them committed by Jason, who becomes totally insane. Tom realizes that something weird and unexplainable is happening, and he finds that the men of the leader Franco Macalousso (Nick Mancuso), who is indeed Lucifer, are threatening his family. Tom tries to go home to help his family, but a mysterious force controls his car and it crashes on a truck. Many years later, Tom awakes from his coma in a hospital and realizes that most of the worldwide population is now dominated by the Anti-Christ Franco Macalousso, who intends to destroy the Christians, and is marked with the number of the beast 666 on one hand. Tom tries to find what happened to his family and how to fight against Macalousso. "Tribulation" is a good movie about the Apocalypse. I noted in IMDb that it is the third part of a sequence of Christian films about the text of the Bible. The first one of this movies I saw was "Judgement", the fourth part of this series; now I have just watched the third part, which is much better than "Judgement". "Tribulation" is a good movie and the story can be understood without watching the first two parts. I liked the analogy made by Tom in the beginning of the movie, when he compares a person who speaks with aliens, with one who speaks with God. My vote is six.

    Title (Brazil): "Forças Diabólicas" ("Evil Forces")
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spoiler This film is worth watching. Some notable actors, but has beens, they do an A job. Does way better than most made for video shows, actual the only non HBO made for video show that I found well done considering the budget. Left Behind is not close in quality too this series, and I found the video strong threw out. They could of cut a bit out of the middle, and how could the house be the same after all those years. Other than that ok, this video is like an interesting TV show, I'll rent 3 and see how this continues. 6/10
  • ugh. It just gets worse. Perhaps the positive reviews here are by the Lalonde Brothers themselves. I don't know. BUT they can't be serious objective reviews. Bad acting. Badder writing. Baddest direction. God is worthy of better than this trype. How long must we wait for a good Christian-themed film? Everything I've seen is bad or after-schoolish. We are capable of better than what the "world" produces, no? PLEASE!! STOP THE WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!
  • This movie is NOT nearly as bad as what people have said about it. I agree it is a movie made especially for Christians, and its ideas on the rapture are debatable, but beyond that its about finding God and overcoming your doubts as are the rest of the films in the series. The thing about the tree with Eileen's name on it. Its about knowing God in a very uncertain world. These films, although overtly are about the rapture and tribulation they are more subtly about knowing God and his redemption. Plus this film might be Gary Bussey's best role ever. A rare gem in the midst of a sea of B films. This film is something that I would recommend for any Christian struggling with their faith. It is not for everybody. The script was strong in places and I will agree it was a low budget production, but I would recommend it.
  • martinjackson14 September 2000
    This was the worst Christian movie I have ever seen. I thought 'As a thief in the night' was, but this one is even worse. It felt like the movie was preaching for 90 minutes and left me no choice but to turn to God. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with telling people to turn to God, but I don't think you have to put it in a movie like this. The actors were terrible, the plot too thin.... what can I say... I only missed the toll free number on the end of the movie :)
  • returning7 January 2005
    This film is the definition of bad, anyone with a entry-level interest in film could tell you that and describe why. I'm not going to do that. As a Christian and a cinephile this film poses a dilemma for me. In the special features the filmmakers talk about how if the film reaches one person for Christ than it will all be worthwhile. For them, the "worthwhile" is all the work they put into it. For me, the "worthwhile" is how this film simply reinforces negative stereotypes of religious art as pandering and anti-intellectual. And I can't help but skeptically state that a conversion caused by this disaster couldn't possibly be genuine and based on anything more than fear, and also couldn't possibly justify the film; from Van Impe's shameless self-promotion to the apologetic problem of "opening your eyes and seeing the light." Watching this now, I was surprised to see some interesting concepts hinted at early on: the world as a network theory is a fascinating area, but it's given little treatment beyond mind-control here. It's not that if we can unite we can accomplish anything, but we already are united whether we know it or not. Instead, the "Christian" view of "in the world but not of it" trumps and ignores any other interpretation. Also, endless amounts of literature have been devoted to these end-times themes and apocalyptic characters that there is no excuse for these cartoon-ish characters. They really should make Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky required reading in High School, or maybe in Bible Schools.

    1 out of 5 - Poor
  • DrSamba12 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    What else can you say about a movie where one baddie finds the protagonist's bible and turns to his partner with an evil grin and says, "He's... unarmed"? This abomination makes "Manos, the Hands of Fate" look like "Citizen Kane". Why MST3K never lampooned it is beyond me.
  • This is a truly awful movie from the bland acting to the by-the-numbers script. It picked an apocalyptic theme from the bible and turned it into a preach fest. For those who think this is a good film, I can only say you truly have treat when you see a film that has more than the actor and nondescript background in shot. A good film evokes emotion from both sight and sound and lets good actors say so much without a word. Furthmore it takes the viewer on a journey with twists and turns leaving them gasping for the next scene. This was meant to be an escape into a biblical fantasy but forgets that for the fantasy genre, a cardinal rule must be kept that has been lost: "engage the viewer with the central character or characters and take them from a recognised reality to the world they seek to create with every scene and word. By pressing the "believe or perish" message it fails to do either. Furthermore there is no mystery in the story. There are no sub-plots. Potential for such was hamfistedly wasted. All in a all a bitter disappointment given its potential.
  • I loved this movie. The caring and the love these people shared with each other made me a little emotional. Gary Busey was great as the unbelieving cop/brother/husband, Margot Kidder played Eileen very believable, and I just adored Howie Mandell as Jason. Howie played the clingy little brother to the hilt. The rest of the cast was wonderful as usual.

    Eileen's relationship with her little brothers hit home with me. It was so warm and loving. I watch it several times per week. I loved the acting and the actors. They were well chosen and I was hoping they would be used in a 5th installment. I have no name for it, but Lucifer has to get his in the end and I want to really see it happen.
  • This is the third film in a series following the movies "Apocalypse" and "Revelation". It essentially starts off prior to the first movie ("Apocalypse") with "the Rapture" yet to occur and involves a family arguing over religious ideology. "Tom Canboro" (Gary Busey) is a police detective who doesn't believe in God. His sister "Eileen Canboro" (Margot Kidder) is a devout Christian who tries to convince him and the other members of the family to open their hearts and minds and listen to the gospel. None of them want anything to do with it. Then one night Tom is seriously injured in a car accident and goes into a lengthy coma. When he awakens the Christians have vanished and people everywhere are being forced to accept the "Mark of the Beast" or face death. It's at this point that the movie follows the second film "Revelation" with "Helen Hannah" (Leigh Lewis) leading a small group of Christians trying to disseminate the truth of the gospel and counter the lies of the anti-Christ, "Franco Macalousso" (Nick Mancuso). With her is Tom's wife, "Suzie Canboro" (Sherry Miller) who has no idea that Tom has awakened from his coma. At any rate, rather than disclose the rest of the story and possibly ruin the film for those who haven't seen it, I will just say that this is one of the better "Christian Apocalypse" movies out there. Frankly, I think it would be better for most viewers to watch the first two films beforehand to understand some of the things that have gone on prior to this one. For example, this movie features an event called "the Day of Wonders" which was first presented in "Revelation" and might cause some confusion to viewers who don't understand the significance of it. That said I should also mention that there is some science-fiction added along with some mysticism which adds to the entertainment value but might diminish the scriptural meaning for some viewers. Be that as it may, this movie has good acting and is well-directed and I recommend it for those who might enjoy a film of this type. Above average.
  • Tribulation stars Gary Busey as a detective who sustains an injury that has left him in a coma. When he wakes up the Rapture has happened, one of those raptured was his Christian sister. He also has a brother who supports the new world dictator who back before Busey was injured was one of those self help motivational speakers.

    Takes a bit for Busey to catch up and he sure doesn't know who his friends are.

    Yet another interpretation of those biblical last days which is a Christian cottage industry. But Nick Mancuso as the anti-Christ is having one great old time hamming it up. Several hogs got butchered to aid his performance.

    Watch it to see Mancuso and how enthralling overacting can be at times.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie I saw with a friend of mine who had the tape. It is a cloud ten tape and more importantly it is a great film based on the end times prophecies found in Revelation.

    Picture this: you're a cop on the beat and at the same time, ten miles apart, the same thing happens saying 'haters, they must die!' and other things against the Bible and God's people.

    Fast forward: His brother, Jason is hearing this and seeing this also, in fact he was one of the vessels who wanted to kill Eileen, his Christian sister. Now, this is freaky. That night, FBI like goons come after him in his hospital room and try to kill him because it's too early for making known what is about to happen--the reign of the AntiChrist.

    ON the way home, Tom gets into a car accident because he heard every word and 'knew' but didn't believe what was going on and is in a coma at the height of the AntiChrist's reign He wakes up in a world that is foreign to him in which Eileen is raptured up and Jason was found out to be right. Now everyone alive must receive a mark or face death, and Christians are on the run from the Antichrist and must hold out the forty two months of his power. Tom's wife is having to live on the run and broadcast the gospel message by patching into One Nation Earth's satellites, there is a big address by the Antichrist himself and will receive their 'god-like powers' they are going to have a worldwide audience then and this is the time to broadcast the gospel. They broadcast the Antichrist's remarks that people are pawns in Satan's game and that he wants plenty of company in the lake of fire, this is too true.

    However, Helen Hannah is caught and in prison and the rest of the Tribulation saints in that circle are safe for now.

    Next one in the series: Judgement
  • There is nothing I enjoy more in a film than watching a good actor at work. I saw this movie years ago and recently watched it again and the same thing impresses me-- Gary Busey's performance as Tom Canboro. There is one line he says, with a gun in his face: "If you came to change my mind, you're too late" and he smiles in this amazing way. If you like character-driven stories (rather than pretty faces and special effects) you will enjoy this film.

    Teens I watched the film with really responded to Nick Mancuso as the Antichrist, found him very creepy! It's good casting all around, actually; yet the message is not overshadowed by star-power (kudos to Busey for that).

    This is a Christian film with a Christian message, delivered without a heavy hand; and the main character's spiritual process is 100% believable.
  • Before the review, a brief plot summary: Tom Canboro is a police detective with a prankish younger brother named Calvin and a Christian older sister, Eileen. He is happily married to Suzie Quincy, sister to a strongly eccentric man named Jason Quincy, who has read Franco Macalousso's book "Babel Becomes One" and believes that, if the world is united, whatever we believe we can achieve. However, one night when Tom answers a domestic violence call, Jason and Professor Tim Tucker both attack a Christian calling them a "Hater" then both dive out the window, possesed by demons. When Tom learns of this, a mysterious force takes control of his car, smashes it into a truck, and sends him into a coma. When he awakens years later, he finds that 95% of the world wears the mark of 666 on their right hand, Macalousso now rules the earth, millions of people (including Eileen) have simply vanished without a trace and everyone with the mark can't remember theu ever existed, and his wife is a member of Christians know now as Haters being hunted down by the police force called ONE.

    Well, as you can see the plot is rather complex. Sequel to "Apocalypse" and "Revelation", it again features Leigh Lewis as Hater Leader Helen Hannah, Patrick Gallangher as Jake Goss, and Marium Carvell as Selma Davis. Sherry Miller plays Suzie Canboro, and Howie Mandel appears as Jason Quincy. Margot Kidder, famous for playing Lois Lane in the Superman movies, plays Eileen Canboro, while Joseph Ziegler stars as Calvin Canboro. Rothaford Gray has a cameo, again playing Ronny Spalding, the Hater spy who infiltrated One Nation Earth in "Revelation". Nick Mancuso again acts as Franco Macalousso. And the sinister Lawrence Bayne, who has appeared on "La Femme Nikita", "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" and "The Famous Jett Jackson", plays the evil false prophet Zack Probert, who hunts Tom down throughout the movie.

    This film may be a sequel, but all the films made by Peter and Paul Lalonde really aren't connected. Yes, they have the same characters and each film takes place some months after the last one, but they are really a collection of theories of what the rise of AntiChrist may be like. In this, Franco Macalousso shows to the world that he is Lucifer, who discovered that everyone has the power of God, which is why he was thrown out of Heaven. So, a night is upcoming where the world will join together mentally to battle God.

    The film potrays intense suspense, as Tom narrowly avoids being arrested by Probert and his agents while struggling to find the truth. The scene with Macalousso and Helen in the Day of Wonders is spine chilling and so good, it deserves to be ripped off (because good films are always ripped off by lesser films).

    However, there is one thing not to be taken seriously, because if it is, it could give a wrong impression. The Tower of Babel is used by AntiChrist as an example of how mankind can come together, Genisis 11:6, mainly. While he could, it is not what the Tribulation period will revolve around. Athiests may believe this as being the truth.

    With that in mind, this film is highly recomended.
  • Peter & Paul Lalonde have done it again in setting new standards for Christian films. Tribulation has gone beyond my wildest expectations in quality, acting, action, and suspense. Gary Busey has found his calling by playing police detective, Tom Canboro: a man who discovers first hand where his doubts in God can lead him. Margot Kidder makes a wonderful comeback as the Christian sister who warns her family before these tragic events take place. Howie Mandel delivers a brilliant dramatic performance as the mentally challenged brother who becomes the target for the underworld's darkest powers. Nick Mancuso strikes gold a second time as the sinister Anti-Christ, bent on taking over the world, and destroying the Christians. This movie is as wonderful in quality as ANY Hollywood feature. No longer do we have to watch in shame by a low-budget and cheap acting, Now we can hold our head high and recommend this Action, thriller to ALL our friends. I can hardly wait until the next sequel, "TRIALS OF FIRE."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Gary Busey, famous for his role as Buddy Holly in the 1970s, is one of the lead actors in Tribulation, released at the millennium, yes in 2000. Interestingly, the imdb rating for Tribulation is less than the rating on the website named after a South American river, so I'm not sure why there's a disparity. Anyway, I read that Margot "Superman" Kidder, was unaware Tribulation was going to be a Christian movie, and she threatened to pull out, but risked legal action if she did. Interestingly, I also read that her performance in Tribulation has led some viewers to become Christians. Howie "America's Got Talent" Mandel also stars in Tribulation.
  • I could just write Gary Busey and be done with my review, but I won't. Busey is hilarious in this. Margot Kidder, Howie Mandell, Nick Mancuso, it's as amazing as it sounds. Is this a dumb Christian movie with a rehashed plot and offensive attempts at rhetoric and logic? Yes. But it's also the most fun dumb Christian movie out there. The gold standard in self righteous irony.
  • As a movie this one is generally pretty good. Decent production values and an interesting story (it is based on the oldest book). As a non-practising believer I think it gives you plenty to think about.

    The only downside is the occasional religous fervour that we British are not really used to.
  • The lord works in mysterious ways. Such cannot be denied when one considers his latest work, "Tribulation".

    Why, oh Lord, doest thou have Margot Kidder, she who was found drunk on the side of a Los Angeles highway eating her own hair, preach thy good works? Why, oh lord, hath thou chosen Gary Busey, whose coked-up corpulance once protested motorcycle helmets. Whast Christopher Walken unavailable?

    And, why, oh why my Lord, have you charged Howie Mandel with this task? He, who once drove my pure heart to murderous thoughts with his works?

    Oh, Lord... thank goodness that you speak so vividly through Cloud 10 Pictures. It would shatter my faith completely if this company was just a bunch of opportunistic hacks who were seeking to profit off of the growing Christian demographic of the midwest.
  • I saw this movie, and needless to say I was blown away. It is the kind of script that is so good that the mainstream studios will not go anywhere near it. The movie is just about the end of the world and the apocalypse, and the people making this movie really guessed pretty good how it is all going to turn out! I think someday during the apocalypse, people will find this movie, and they will realize that all of these things have actually come true! One of the best parts was the use of great American actor, Gary Busey, who recently converted to Christianity, and believes that God prepared him his entire life for his role in this movie. You can tell by watching this movie just what a devoted and serious Christian Gary Busey is, and I only can pray that more people in Hollywood and in America will stop being foolish, and will find Jesus like Gary Busey did through this movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Many of the other reviews summarize this moderately good movie well.

    If you like sci fi, or if you are interested in some Christians' take on what the end times will be like...this movie will entertain you.

    As a lover of both sci fi and the Bible...I got a fair amount out of this movie.

    This movie site claims that both Margot Kidder and Howie Mandel were UNAWARE at first that this was a Christian movie. Guess their agents did not check out the Canadian company that made this and other specifically Christian influenced films.

    However, Kidder is GREAT as the witty yet loving older Busey, etc. Whatever her personal religious or non-religious belief are, she a Christian whose faith is well integrated into her life.

    NOTE - the recent US TV series "V" has a few overall rough similarities as do other sci-fi movies. An alien or otherwise formerly unseen governmental force takes over the whole world...People are forcibly enslaved to this government (Think of Invasion of the Body Snatchers maybe) but some people RESIST this evil...and are part of the Underground...It would be interesting if some student of both science fiction and theology would write up on how the Bible may have influenced science fiction...(and maybe how our view of Revelation might be colored by science fiction).

    But not all scientific possibilities are fiction. Beware the world leader who just seems too good to be true...
  • Melissa Alice13 November 2000
    This was an exciting movie, with good acting and good filming and good over all quality. Our whole (large) family liked it very much! It has a good message, and at the same time it's hard to stop watching because it's exciting. It's a scary thing to think of being in the tribulation, and hopefully God will use this movie to lead people to Himself.
  • Even though TRIBULATION features former name stars and a credible budget it is a disappointment and not up to the standard for "end times" stories which is now being set by LEFT BEHIND- THE MOVIE. Gary Busey , Margot Kidder, and Shery Miller do an average job in a poorly written and disjointed story. The plot becomes amateurish after Busey has an automobile accident and wakes up after the Rapture. Especially annoying is the acting of the Devil (Nick Mancuso) and his henchmen who lack any special powers and are unable to track down Busey and his cohorts. Howie Mandel overacts his way throughout the picture. The video will be of interest to Christians but will not find an audience in the secular world. Too bad!
  • I thought this movie was a huge step foward for Christian film makers. This is one you can actually watch with your non-christian friends and not be ashamed of. The film is not wishy washy and portrays evil and violence without overly downplaying the realities of what the last days will be like. Skip the Omega Code and see this instead!
  • Maybe the mask and the healings are over the edge a bit, but the intensity was the right level, the deception was well portrayed -- hey, like they say "it could happen" just that way. Notice how people viewed non-marked persons as dangerous. Why? Because they were the last vestige of evidence that the deception was 1) real, and 2) resistible.

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