• Severe
  • In season 11, a suicide attempt is shown where blood is gushing from a man's vein or artery for 2 to 3 seconds. Quite graphic and very disturbing.
  • "Streetwise" features a young homeless girl, roughly twelve years old, whose eyes are cut out and her mouth "slit from ear to ear"; she is said to have been tortured for twelve hours straight, causing her street "mother" to vomit and sob openly. The photo of the girl with bloody eye sockets is later seen on-screen.
  • This show may be emotionally intense and disturbing for some viewers in the sense that in the end, there is not always a "win" or a "justice" shown. (for example, despite best attempts, a rapist will get free and the victim will be left crying in the courtroom). There are also multiple episodes showing underage children committing crimes/sex crimes/lethal crimes to adults or other children older or younger, that might be disturbing to some.