User Reviews (23)

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  • jpblind4 February 2020
    Too bad Marvel hasn't yet come into their own. Maybe they can try agai. Now that they have the capital.
  • I had a VHS of this when I was a kid. Recently went back through it on D+ & was pleasantly surprised with its quality.

    Being towards the end of the 90s, the show has pretty good animation & VFX for 90s Marvel standards.

    Great effort is put into the characterisation. Considering it's a kids show, characters seem fairly fleshed out & with real issues that they're facing depicted.

    At times the series drags, and SS faces the inherent problem of relying on Galactus. Because Galactus is meant to be such a big bad, the fact he both appears often & doesn't get his way often threatens the how compelling as a villain he can really be.

    It's a shame SS never made it into the other Marvel shows, or vice versa (with the exception of the Fantastic Four - though even then they are played by different actors).

    Underrated show. I'd love to see a modern day re-imagining of the Surfer!
  • The series has many tropes from comic creators present, mainly Jack Kirby. The art of the characters and backgrounds is heavily influenced by his art from classic marvel comics from the 1960's. (Abvioulsy, it includes many other influences from many other marvel comic creators also.) The art is good, however, the animation(characters and objects movements) are... Not so good. It is a good idea, but the show probably had a budget too small to keep he ball rolling. There's also some 3D animation in the series, which is also not very good. The series was made in the late 90s, so I'll give it a pass. The story is pretty good, but it falls back on comic-esk ideas too much. A good amount of the success of the MCU can be credited to their ability to take a wachy comic, and turn in to a fully-functional movie. This series relies too much on he original comics. It IS good to use what is available for you in the comics, but I feel that it was overused in this case. The characters were dumbed down from their comic origins which brings the series down quite a bit. But overall, the stories aren't too bad, it just may be a little hard for non-comoc readers to pick up.
  • Op_Prime28 February 2001
    It's a shame this got cancelled. It was a great series and was a good portrayal of the character who first appeared in Fantastic Four comics. The animation was excellent. The show had some very interesting episodes. Unfortunately, this show was cancelled after one season. The reason was because of Marvel Comics. They were suffering from bankruptcy problems and couldn't afford another season, even though a second season was in the planning stages.
  • Unless you're a die-hard Marvel Comics fan, Silver Surfer isn't really worth watching, not least because it ended on a cliffhanger before it was cancelled. There are certainly positives to the series, mostly that it is a series, rather than one-off episodes. It is also cool to see Marvel spread their cartoon range into lesser known characters, and introduce species like the Skrulls and many other major characters involved in the MCU 15 years later. But Silver Surfer is not at the same standard as other series like the X-Men. The main issue is the animation. A mix of usual cartoon, which is good, and strange computer graphics, which make scenes look more like cutscenes of playstation 1 games of the same era. So visually, its not great to look at. The arc isn't bad, following comic storylines so there is always a solid basis. As he is a lone character there are plenty of long monologues, sometimes getting quite philosophical in nature, but also a whole load of recapping what has gone on before. As a kids TV series it's not bad at all, but there are far better by the same creators elsewhere.
  • For it's time this was a fabulous show which I really liked, the only downside is that it got cancelled with only 13 episodes been made. It's still a great show even today, well worth watching
  • Excellent adaptation of the Silver Surfer comic book, true to the spirit of the original. Thoughtful and entertaining. It's a shame that arguments prevented the story arc from being completed.

    The Silver Surfer has always been a serious and thoughtful character, especially in the 60s incarnation, and that is true in this adaptation. This version surely demanded a completed finale and at least one follow-up series.

    The background artwork seems true to the style of Jack Kirby, while the characters owe more to the John Buscema versions. Jack Kirby was always best at drawing outlandish technology and architecture, and his work on the 60s Silver Surfer comic book took great advantage of this with stunning alien technology and lifeforms. John Buscema produced great character drawings, and with the Silver Surfer, ones depicting emotions that leaped off the page. The writing of Stan Lee, with all his humanist tendencies (no pun intended), also gave this character great drama - almost Shakespearian at times!

    What a great combination!
  • An intelligent and engrossing series that explores themes of culture, war, and the search for knowledge that are still as prevalent as ever to this day. Beautifully animated (especially for 1998), a true step above the X-Men series' designs, with characters and images that jump off the screen. This show is just something else, truly epic in scale and unafraid to take storytelling risks, which start really paying off later in the season. The new ADD generation can't wrap their heads around it, but this series has more depth than 90% of anything on television nowadays.
  • This show is like a dream for space fantasy lovers the art work done here is superb for that time and the voice acting is also pretty good but todays generation who grew up watching all sort of hentai will never understand or appreciate it ,90s rock!.
  • I'm not sure what people see in this cartoon. I've seen only bits and pieces of it but nothing there to make me want to watch any further. The animation is substandard and the voice work is...odd. The lead character's voice is this weepy, touch-feely sort of deal and Thanos sounds like a Blue Meanie.

    Going by what little I've seen, the show seems to depend quite a bit on exposition. In the episode I saw, the Silver Surfer had seemingly interminable internal monologue.

    I dunno, it could be I've been spoiled by Bruce Timm, but somehow I don't think so.
  • I really thought the Silver Surfer series was very neat and I also like all the computer animation that was in there! But I cannot believe why Fox Kids would cancel it. Because they should of had some more seasons just like some other Marvel Comic Book heroes that got their own shows like Spider-Man (1994), X-Men (1992) and The Incredible Hulk (1996). But it was again those stupid Power Rangers fault! Yet again! Because this show was one of my all time favorite shows that were on Fox Kids. The other shows that are my all time favorite Fox Kids shows are Spider-Man (1994), X-Men (1992), Life with Louie, The New Woody Woodpecker Show (The 1999 verison), Oggy and the Cockroaches, Mad Jack the Pirate, Toonsylvania, Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, Digimon: Digital Monsters, Medabots, Mon Colle Knights, Action Man, Flint the Time Detective, Space Goofs, NASCAR Racers and The Avengers. Now that Marvel is doing well, I hope they try to bring the show back and show the episodes of the second season.



    User Rating: 9/10
  • It is slow-paced, but thought provoking and teaching. Kids nowadays or even adults will not comprehend the messages in this cartoon, because of how far society has degraded.

    I write this because people should really give it a chance. I'd also suggest to watch it when stoned because it's very very captivating and INTERESTING, actually interesting. I also want to mention that it's epic how there is so much humanity in this series yet almost no humans (which makes perfect sense hence humanity is almost dead in humans nowadays).

    There are lessons in this series and a lot of dynamic but without getting fillers which is amazing. The whole journey of the Silver Surfer and every episode is connected. Scenery always changes and some of the same aspects also helps to glue it all together, but they are always presented from a different angle. I'd say a must watch series except that the last episode has a huge open (hole) end and the plot in it doesn't end at the end.
  • AnnaPagrati29 March 2022
    This show, honestly? GOLDEN! Probably one of the most entertaining Marvel animated shows ever! I love Silver Surfer's story, the plot & the characters!
  • Still a great show in 2024!!! Reminds me of the good ol' days in the 90s when you would watch cartoons like this on the weekends and read the comic books and just get lost in the beautifully written and drawn comics. He always was a cool character from the fantastic four comics. Great take on a never told story that was created from scratch. This is a show you and your kids can watch together and enjoy the action and follow along with the well written story! Wish Marvel would bring back shows like this just like they have the X-Men 97 series!!! The visuals of the classic cartoons are definitely the way to go and can become some huge hits for future produced shows.
  • Really gutted after reading the comments here that hiw magnificent the show was, so ahead of it's time and it had to end like this. I feel for the makers, the creators, who put all their heart and soul into such marvels and they have to be discontinued bcz of financial reasons.

    I watched a few episodes of ot when I was a kid in 2000s and then now I've watched the whole series and I feel like how somthing so good and so great was made so many years before. I really loved silver surfer and wish I'd at least read the screenplay of second season if that's possible somehow.

    I wish someone can make a season 2 even now.
  • simbiot11 June 2007
    Man, that cartoon is so... how I should say that? Stupid? Yeah, it's definitely stupid, but I wanted to say something else. Maybe it's boring? Oh, no it isn't. I watched this stupidness and laughed. It's funny! It's bad, but still funny. Everyone, who ever read some Marvel comics should watch it and take a good laugh, but I think no one of self-respected fanboys (or fangirls, if such a word even exists) wouldn't make it to the rewatch. It's really stupid! Drax is an android? Man, that's just sucks. Oh, and don't even ask me about Adam Warlock (long hair and Ra's Al Ghul beard. It's just killing me!). But there is one really good part - it's picture itself. Jack Kirby-style cartoon - it's not what you seeing every day. You should watch it, but for just one time. You wouldn't want to watch it anymore, believe me.
  • It's a shame such a good show was cancelled like that. It really was good. Had some smart episodes and even turned characters who were lame in the comics interesting (like Beta Ray Bill). Some good animation as well. I hate it when good shows like this get cancelled.
  • ThunderKing69 December 2021
    Story: About the cosmic surfer known as Silver Surfer as he protects space from evil doers.

    Production: The animation looked like 2021 animation and that's not a good thing

    Highlight: I always thought Silver Surfer was the coolest superhero.

    Main intelligence: 7

    Should you watch this show?: You don't have to. It's short lived. I think it came out at the wrong time. During the 90s no one knew who Norrin Rad was and even today Norrin Rad is still not known. However, with the growth of superhero products. This show would have done better today. I say it came out at the wrong time is my opinion.
  • At last, a cartoon that doesn't insult the viewers' intelligence! Silver Surfer is beautifully animated, with an enthralling plot, intriguing characters, and voice acting so talented that it will enthrall both kids and adults alike. Set against the stunningly beautiful backdrop of space, Norrin Rad - the Silver Surfer - is on a journey to find his home-world, Zenn-La, after it was flung into the farthest reaches of the universe by his former master, Galactus. The cartoon chronicles his adventures, his friends and his foes, but most importantly, his thoughts. The villain of the series, Thanos, is also worth a mention, as his voice - let alone his hopeless love for a cold, unresponsive statue - is enough to make you hate him and love him at once. This masterpiece is by far Marvel's best cartoon.
  • WeAreLive11 October 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Trust me don't waste your time watching this show. During the 90's this and Spiderman unlimited are the worst Marvel had to offer.

    I remember watching a clip from this when Frankie became Nova. What doesn't make sense is in the fantastic four series 1994 she discovers her powers when she kissed Johnny but in this version, Galactus gave her these powers.

    Thank god it got canceled
  • Silver Surfer as a character itself is boring. We tolerate him mostly for Galactus who is awe inspiring while Silver Surfer is weepy. In the show itself he is moaning Shala bal every time, and why should we emphasize with him when we have not even seen any backstory at all? The show starts with arrival of Galactus and immidietly this dude becomes a slave to Galactus and leaves home planet. The drama is never explored.

    All the characters are truly side characters apart from Thanos and Galactus. Adam Warlock, Skrull and Kree. We have never been introduced to any character properly, their backstories or their superpowers. It's just a jumbled mess. When Fox was giving amazing shows like Spiderman, Robocop and Fantastic fourth not many wanted to watch this weepy character. Self pity is truly unattractive.
  • Why do people see this show as a masterpiece? I can't see it. Everything is a mess, the 3-d animation looks terrible, the stories don't make any sense, the constant inner monologues are just annoying and I am not even going to comment on the ending (actually I am, it was probably directed by a seven year old Michael Bay).

    The writers must think kids are morons, just listen to their horrendous techno-babble. Once they said that the only way to 'not be "sucked" into a black hole was through a "plasma-jump".' What? First of all black holes don't suck, second of all a "plasma-jump". What? A time-jump moves you through time, and a space-jump moves you through space. What in space does a plasma-jump do? Does it move you through plasma or what? Also how would that help?

    And the colors of space are just tacky, what did Jack Kirby think when he made those comics?

    I know that their animation was limited by budget and stuff, but did they have to give everybody those ridiculous poses? And the 3-d animation is totally out of place, Galactus' chin goes into his helmet, the tentacle arms looks weird, all his weird button-pressing and lever-pulling, and he looks like he has swallowed a light-bulb. It would have been OK if they used it sometimes, for like spaceships, but they constantly use it.

    The dia/monologues has some weird use of odd grammar. I know that some sci-fi books have fancy grammar (like Frank Herbert and Isaac Asimov), but this show is just silly with it. And everybody talks constantly, with themselves or with others.

    The show however is still enjoyable (not always in the ways intended), and I recommend to watch it with a couple of friends. It will give you a good laugh.
  • Like the Silver Surfur. Like how he looks. He's one of my favourite Marvel Superheroes. I like the animated series of the Silver Surfur. I saw it on Fox Kids. I saw all 13 episodes. Silver Surfur and Iron Man (tv series) didn't have too many episodes, and I liked that. It means I can easily watch every episode out there. I was clever. Took me less than a year to watch all the Silver Surfur and Iron Man episodes. I feel good. Spider-Man and X-Men have 65 and 76 episodes which is obviously harder. I didn't see every episode of Spider-Man and X-Men. If I can turn back the clock, I would've made an effort to see every Spider-Man episode on Fox Kids. X-Men. No! Just a few more X-Men episodes. Realism I guess (a subject). I should've done this, so I regret a few aspects of my childhood which was still very good. I had nice clothes, video games, movies, like that :) Could do with a few more :) Silver Surfur needed more villains apart from Galactus (trump card). Fox Kids had it all - Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron-Man, Silver Surfur etc. But for most kids, it was Spider-Man and X-Men since the animated series was long I guess or popular then. Iron Man and Silver Surfur were not as popular among the kids here on this channel (Fox Kids). Fools. How many episodes were there of the Silver Surfur and Iron Man again? There! Just watch them (Iron Man and Silver Surfur), and get it over and done with like me :) Then watch either Spider-Man or the X-Men or both then.