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  • Good film, but 'Low Budget' doesn't begin to describe it. Horrible flat & grainy VHS-C look on my Dutch 'York Entertainment' DVD, - If your wedding video turned out like this, you'd sue. Sound non-existent at times, a real shame, as 'Straight Out Of Compton' is a nicely performed and directed tale that could have worked so much better with a higher budget. If the makers read this forum, perhaps they have an explanation for the sometimes unviewable nature of the film - Some sort of problem with the transfer? If there's a better version out there I'd buy it, but credit to them for working to the limits of such obvious restrictions.
  • Although this is a low budget production, this movie has a great feel to it. It has the classic story of overcoming the obstacles of being broke and in the ghetto, but brings a very humorous flavor with it. Ryan Combs did an excellent job behind the scenes and in front of the camera. The only person who's acting wasn't that great was Johnny Dearenzo. I know she was part of the money behind the film, but being beautiful is no excuse for appearing to have a half hearted attempt at acting. Hopefully someone in Hollywood will give Combs or Sean Epps a chance to appear in some bigger features, so their talent can further be displayed. This is high quality "B", low quality "A" movie that is just fun to watch.