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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Four people have been killed and three of them were very important people. Of all the detectives that Mexico can call, Santo seems like the best pick. The bad guys want $10 million in 24 hours, but with the man in the silver mask looking for them, perhaps the cops are right to not negotiate with maniacs.

    It turns out that the killer is a blob, which means that Santo has faced nearly every great movie monster of the past and has now moved into the modern era. But now he has to content with a bad guy who forces him to battle numerous men in gladiator matches before revealing that he has moon rocks that he is growing into creatures willing to do his bidding. Let's give it up for Santo in this one because he goes all Indiana Jones and instead of a long fight, he just grabs a machine gun and blows away a bunch of henchmen.

    Let me go back and break down that scene again. Santo is forced to battle bad guy after bad guy in a room that looks like it has fake stars and one of them has a flamethrower. I don't know why anyone makes movies any longer when we have movies like this that give you that scene and then remember that the film is really about a blob. That blob not only attacks innocents, it also eats one of the major bad guys and a villain's girlfriend.

    Don't get too excited about that blob. It really looks like several people under a sheet, which makes me so much happier than any special effect could. I also enjoy a bad guy who makes all of his men wear neckbands that gas them if they screw up.

    Director Rubén Galindo also made Santo vs. The She-Wolves which flirts with gothic horror inside the world of the man with the silver mask. It's great.
  • An evil scientist turns microbes from a moon-rock into large, flesh-hungry blobs in a fiendish world-domination plot. Will the masked wrestler Santo defeat this madman and his lackeys, and shield humanity from blob-snack doom? You bet your sweet ass, he will...

    This 1973 release(some sources cite it as being made in 1971) is a mostly par later entry in the Mexican Santo series. If you're already familiar with these films, then you pretty much know what to expect...a distinctly Mexican recipe fusing cheesy, high-camp sci-fi/horror thrills with cheesy, high-camp wrestling-hero action. The pulsating, slowly moving "blobs" are nothing more than some kids crawling around under big sheets of Naugahyde(seriously...this one serves up some of the most ghetto monster effects you'll ever see). Amazingly, these beasts dissolve their victims straight to the bone, yet leave their clothing entirely intact! Preposterous and juvenile twaddle, indeed...but in the right mood, it's a harmless barrel of old-school belly-laughs that should put a goofy grin on any old sourpuss.
  • Finally watched this film the other night. It was hilarious. If you're not familiar with the Mexican made Santo films, Santo is a masked wrestler hero. He has appeared in many films, this is the first of them I've seen. In this one he struts around shirtless in a mask, tights and gaudy red cape. Santo is summoned by the authorities much the way Batman is to deal with master criminals on the loose. In this case it's a scientist who tries to control blob like giant space microbes. The costume for the blob is a bunch of guys covered in a camouflage colored plastic sheet. You can see the obvious shapes of the men under the sheets when the blob attacks.

    The fight sequences between Santos and the bad guys are dragged out and badly choreographed. They're unintentionally funny at first, then seem to go on forever. Aside from those scenes the rest of the film is classic "so bad it's good' fun.