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  • I have seen this show,and I will tell you it is fantastic. It isnt like some of those morning religious shows,it has news,and info,and you learn about the bible too.

    I say Good Work To Rexella,Jack,and Chuck.
  • This show proves that the general public is wrong, Christians are not stupid. Jack Van Impe is an intellectual, which has been proved many wrong. His quiet attitude and convincing way of speech- well it's hard to put it down in words. But it's a convincing voice that seems to say "trust me". You can also tell he has had a strong relationship with God, and the inspiring videos he releases show his understanding of the Bible. But, with all this, Jack couldn't hold the show up himself. There are two things which make this show superior to the rest on TBN: Jack's knowledge and Rexella's reassuring, light-hearted attitude which reminds you how great Heaven is, whereas Jack's grim attitude which continually reminds us how close the end times are is slightly disturbing.

    Better than all the others on TBN.
  • This program uses a news style format tv show to coney every week that the world is coming to an end. The producers are of the opinion we live in the "last days" as foretold in the BIBLE and face all manner of peril and wrath. The show has had a long run. Jack does the show with his wife rexella and when not hashing over the danger we are all in shamlessly plugs the video of the week he wants you to buy. A interesting show for believers and scoffers to say the least.