User Reviews (3)

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  • The L.A. Connection are a comedy troupe who did live performances at the Nuart Theatre in the early '90s, several of which I attended. They would show some campy '50s movie with the sound turned off and recite their own (scripted) dialog over it, in the manner of "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" This is a recording of one such revision, that of the original 1958 "The Blob."

    Some people see nothing at all funny in this sort of thing. I must confess that I am an easy audience, as I have always found this premise intrinsically funny no matter what is done with it. But even with that caveat, I insist that the L.A. Connection do it better than anyone else. Every gesture and nuance of the actors on screen is incorporated into the new dialog in hilarious fashion. They also contrive an entirely new "story" around the action. In "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" Woody Allen kept the original notion that it was a spy story, whereas if the Connection had done it, they would have made it about something completely different. Whatever kind of comic genius it takes to do that, I wish I had it.

    My only quibble with this preserved record is that, unlike the live performances where the film was untampered with, this version has occasional animation, music video-style editing, and a "plot" recap at the midpoint, all of which are unnecessary. But that didn't stop me from laughing through the whole thing. I am delighted to have this tape as a memento of the performances I saw, and I wish they would release more of them.
  • jbels14 April 2006
    I watched this in two parts like I did with The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. With each movie, I got a little tired of them at the halfway point. But I did enjoy a lot of Blobermouth. First of all, I remember being a big fan of the original but had not seen it in year. Watching it with a different soundtrack shows that very little happens in the movie (lots of talk). There are some very clever jokes in this version, particularly from the female lead. When the characters go into shadows, they will shout "Where did my head go!" And the Aunt Bea segment is an absolute riot--dead on! They also make fun of Steve McQueen keeping his hands in his pockets. However, the musical breaks are needless and unfunny. The animated lips on The Blob are annoying at first, but once he continues to deliver Henny Youngman jokes, the character becomes funnier. They mostly get it right, it is just a little long.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I should've written this review years ago, especially after the first time I ever watched it.. but, I digress..

    Anyway, this movie is beyond any movie I have ever seen in my life! I remember I was on Amazon, looking for something else ('Blob'-related); when I came across this movie. It looked interesting enough, so I purchased it. Had bought the VHS copy, received it broken, so I returned it and bought the DVD. (I prefer VHS, is why I shot for that format, initially.) I was with my (then) husband at the time, we sat and watched it. I laughed, and laughed, and laughed hysterically with almost the entirety of the movie! My husband, on the other hand, didn't laugh at all, not once (and, I was surprised, because he loves to watch stupidly funny movies). Got my son to sit down with me to watch it, he thought it was absolutely hilarious! Talked my Mom to sit down with me and watch it.. she laughed only during the "Aunt Bee" segment. She enjoyed that part, but hated the rest of it.

    So, the movie came out in '91.. I caught hold of it in 2009. I literally became addicted to "Blobermouth", there for a long time.. set up my cassette player/recorder infront of my t.v. and recorded it onto cassette tape. Seriously, I carried that tape/player with me at all times.. No matter how many times I watched/or, listened to it, it's almost like I was watching it for the first time, every time I watched it! Listening to it/watching it.. I swear, I could NOT get enough of it! Fast-forward to 2016, I can honestly say that I've watched it well over 500+ times, if not more. I have it uploaded on my OneDrive, on my Android, all these years later.. watching it, listening to it, I still can't seem to get enough of it. I'm surprised I have not yet had to replace my DVD! It has been mentioned in the other reviews (on here) about the musical breaks being unfunny.. well, sorry but I beg to differ on that.. especially the "Fish and Chips" song.. I love it, I freaking LOVE it!!!!! I sing along with it, every time! The Blob with animated red lips was what initially sold me on the movie.. the whole movie is funny, everything said is funny.. I always wished (after seeing this EPIC masterpiece of a comedy) that they would've tried to've done the same with "Son of Blob".. or maybe, even with the '88 remake..

    Nothing is more funnier that the Blob with red, animated lips!!!! So, many homages to so many t.v. shows in it; was very enjoyable.

    Obviously, this movie is an acquired taste.. I am glad I have that "taste"; otherwise I would be missing out on this little *GEM* of a movie! Thank you Kent Skov!