User Reviews (5)

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  • Mitch is getting married to the rich girl in town and his four boyhood chums are coming in for the wedding. One has become a dentist and settled down into a married life in town. One has gone away to college and college football career and is coming home to come out to his buddies. Another has become a meek accountant and is still living at home with his mother and spends his evenings watching De Niro movies. Another has been in L.A. trying to be a deal maker but is coming home $30,000 in debt and finds that the girl he left behind has a kid.

    Mitch has gone to work for his fiancé's father and is unsure whether his fiancé is marrying him or just acquiring him as the last thing she needs to complete the dream home she's assembling.

    As you would expect this movie raises the questions and give each of the guys a chance to resolve, or at least address his issues. The movie is well constructed and strikes all the right chords but never seems to rise above the standard formula. The movie is worth seeing but don't expect it to change your life.
  • This movie, about five guys who are getting together after a long absence in order to be at the wedding of the second one to do so, develops five different characters who have been friends from a ritzy section of Dallas since grammar school. They are so different that, as one of them says, "are we friends, or are we just coasting on history?" By the end of the movie, each learns something important about his friends, and something important about himself, and a lot about friendship. The only woman who is really featured, the intended bride, also learns some things, about herself and about her future husband. An excellent character study, without much of a plot (rather the kind of movie Roger Ebert likes; why didn't he review it?), it reveals much about upper middle class males. If you fit, you'll probably like it. Three and a half stars, out of four, from me.
  • patrickgarot17 February 2002
    A sharp "slice of life" film that never meanders (unlike many), and is very charming. The plots/character arcs are not unexpected, but the way the writer twists the scenes upon themselves is TERRIFIC! Just saw it on Cinemax, and wound up watching the whole film in spite of myself. "Certain Guys" is a fine way to pass a Sunday afternoon.
  • If you liked the film "Diner", you certainly will enjoy this movie. When a group of high-school friends come together for a wedding, they end up confronting their friendships and examining the paths their various lives have taken with some very funny as well touching moments.
  • There are so many so-called "Feel-Good" movies that come out, but most rely on Big Stars and Expensive Marketing. This, however, was a movie made by a relative unknown, trying to break in to "The Business", with a limited budget & no Big stars. What the outcome was is a movie that many will relate with ... old friends that reunite for a friends wedding; and, on their trek to seemingly losing their friendships, rediscover why they were friends all along. It is unfortunate that this movie couldn't get wider distribution. The writing was genuine, sweet and touching, while keeping on the story line. Mr. James must have had some special relationships while growing up in Dallas. Bravo!