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  • StarCraft is a real-time strategy game (RTS) set in the early 26th century in the Koprulu Sector at the edge of our galaxy. The balance of power is a stake as three of the most powerful species in the Universe go head-to-head. The nomadic Terrans, brutal Zerg, and stalwart Protoss each seek the ultimate prize: survival of their species and domination of the galaxy. This game is truly a milestone in RTS development. The graphics are great, play control is intuitive, and the storyline is top notch. Blizzard Entertainment takes an interesting approach by telling the story from the perspective of each race in three separate acts. Thus, the events from Act I (Terrans) are then referred to from the other side in Act II (Zerg) and are acted upon. All in all, this game is worth its weight in gold!
  • I first got hooked on StarCraft from my friend. The day after, I ran out and bought it. This game has a great story, great cinematics, and great units from all the races; Terran (Human), Protoss (Alien), and Zerg (bug-like critters).

    If you like StarCraft, then I suggest getting the expansion (Brood War). I would be grateful if they came out with a second expansion.

    I reccomend, again, that anyone who likes good graphics, real-time combat, great story lines, and sci-fi action get this game!
  • What seems like eons ago now, I used to invite myself over to my best friend's house at least twice a week just to play WarCraft. I was completely taken by the whole bird's-eye-view-real-time-war-strategy thing. I soon became a master of defensive formations. Then came Command & Conquer. It was ok, but somehow lacked the addictiveness for me (it also didn't help that it was nearly impossible to cheat!). After that, WarCraft 2, which seemed a little more cartoony than its predecessor, but was no less addictive, and the numerous new characters, including the one-of-a-kind heroes, were a very welcome change. What made it even better was the built-in map editor feature, and, more than the icing on the cake -something more like an entire new layer to the cake- the fact that it was the most fun, most addictive multiplayer game ever.

    Then came StarCraft.

    Where WarCraft 2 had two races to choose from, StarCraft has three. Where every WarCraft 2 character had its equivalent character in the other race, StarCraft's three races are so distinct and so painstakingly designed that it's practically impossible to draw any parallels whatsoever. Where WarCraft 2's storyline was excessively simple, and the Orc and Human campaigns were concurrent (that is, they're just two different perspectives on the same story, happening at the same time), StarCraft's storyline is as rich and detailed as a sci-fi novel, full of dissention, assassination, and alliances made and broken. Further, in StarCraft, the campaigns are meant to be played in a specific order, because they are not concurrent, but rather entirely different chapters in this wonderful complex story.

    The multiplayer aspect of StarCraft is the best part of all. StarCraft, like WarCraft 2, has a built-in map editor, although it is more difficult to use, simply because the game is more complex. Unlike WarCraft 2, StarCraft includes everything you need (except an internet connection) to join the exciting world of on-line StarCraft gaming on ''.

    I first played StarCraft at another friend's house, from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. in the morning. Suffice to say I was too tired to figure out what was going on, and was baffled by all the complexities of the game. A week later I said 'Give me your copy of StarCraft so we can play online'. And the rest is history. Once again, just like with WarCraft and WarCraft 2, I'm not much good at strategic attack, but I've become an expert at defensive formations. Once again, I prefer to use humans - I suppose I understand their technology better than aliens or Orcs. Blizzard scored another winner with StarCraft, and as technology gets better and people's hard drives get bigger, many aspects of computer games improve accordingly: StarCraft has better sound, more in-game sounds, a longer storyline, better between-level graphics, more between-level videos, more characters, more races, more buildings to construct, more upgrades to make, etc.

    In closing: buy this game. (And the Brood War expansion ... I don't know where I would be without my medics and my nukes!)
  • At first I was skeptical -- one day my little brother came home with a copy of STARCRAFT -- and I dismissed it as another stupid fad my brother had bought into. Well, after a while, my brother somehow managed to introduce me to WARCRAFT, a game also from BLIZZARD, and I was hooked after almost a year of laughing it off. And STARCRAFT looked to contain more of the same strategic war gaming, so I tried it out. Wow.

    STARCRAFT is by far a more intelligent game than its BLIZZARD predecessor WARCRAFT -- in both creative and technical terms. Unlike Warcraft, there is an actual plotline here, and it is wonderfully engaging -- you'll find yourself speeding through levels just to see the next story development -- and the action, interface, units (and overall game) are like nothing I've ever seen before, and make STARCRAFT superior to anything else in the field.

    What I REALLY love about Starcraft though, is the 80s SciFi vibe that it creates. It really brings me back to all those "post-apocalyptic/alien war" science fiction films of the period. Upon playing Starcraft, you can't help but be reminded of ALIENS and the like.

    My only complaints, however, are some absurdly difficult levels that can make the gaming process tedious and frustrating -- but don't let that stop you, all the other wonderful qualities more than redeem this (and you probably shouldn't take it from me -- as much as I love PC games, I've never been particularly good at them).

    Go out and buy it. And pat yourself on the back for making such a wise decision. Have fun.
  • This game is a riot! With a little practice, you can have hours and hours of fun. Build up an army and save the universe. Even if you've never tried a strategy-type game, this one is definitely worth your effort. You can play the provided missions, go one-on-one vs the computer or go online and play with friends or strangers.
  • I've never been a big RTS fan. In fact Starcraft and it's expansion have been the only two RTS games I've ever played. Having said that. Starcraft is the only RTS game I need to play. I have a feeling that most other RTS games would pale in comparison.

    You get to play as three species. Terran are humans, Zerg which are ferocious "Alien" inspired creatures, and Protoss which are unique no mouthed aliens. Each species has their own ups and downs in combat, but that's what makes the game so diverse. Trying to build your base and protect it while building an army for war is a fun challenge.

    The storyline is great. Really sets the mood that all three species are at each other's throats in one way or another. It's set up so that the player has to play an individual campaign of each species. With each species getting their own storyline that eventually brings everything full circle. If there's one thing I have to give this game above all else. It's a really difficult game in the later levels of each campaign.

    In my opinion it still holds up today 8 years after it's creation. Great game. Good graphics. Intriguing storyline. A fun challenge. This game has a little bit for everybody if you're into RTS games.
  • Starcraft is a definite winner for one of the best RTS (real time strategy) games. Fantastic graphics and are put to scale; not like other try-hard games like Tiberian Sun (which I might add was released one year after yet it was worse!)

    The storyline is fantastic, from the Zerg, to the Protoss and the Terran, it will keep you wanting to find out more as you complete missions. All units have at least three different sounds that are produced and the music is fantastic (eg. a different track for each race).

  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've honestly never been much of a fan of RTS(Real Time Strategy) games... I generally find them to be uneventful and unimaginative, most of the time. The better part of them are essentially the same, when you break them down to basic elements: Build up a base, collect credits through some kind of natural(or unnatural) mineral, build an army and defeat the opponent who has more or less the same type(s) of army/units/buildings as you. Well, this one is something else... here, you have three species... each unique. That's different technologies, units, strengths and weaknesses. There's a larger-than-usual single player part that has 10 missions per race. Most of them are fun, and they grow more challenging, so you won't tire of it before you're done, either. Music is fitting(and it's even differentiated for the three, as is the color scheme and HUD design). The game-play is among the best that the RTS genre has to offer; it's quite open-ended, allowing you to experiment to find out what works best for you. There are an awful lot of drastically different units and abilities for the three races. I have to admit, I've experienced several RTS games which unfortunately have one inferior army, which can only defeat the other army through means of drastically superior numbers. The model this utilizes has been used other times(since), recently in the Generals game in the C&C series. The graphics are excellent, and still hold up well today. The animations are smooth and positively bursting with detail. For better or for worse, compared to, say, the Command & Conquer franchise, this allows more for a higher number of bases... as soon as you can build, you can pretty much build yourself a new base. Also, I would say that this is a game where you have to expect that you may need to spend time finding yourself more minerals... or making what you get last a while. Take note, those used to there being credits aplenty throughout the RTS titles they play, as I can't off-hand think of another game that isn't pretty much like that. There is a limitation on how many units any player(human or computer-controlled) can control(clearly shown, in any given level), which rules out the often applied strategy(for other RTS titles) of just attacking the enemy with a swarm of powerful units, and necessitates proper strategy. The game also has a magnificent story(and well-told(partially through rather marvelous voice-acting, and some through beautifully animated video sequences), complete with three perspectives, and well-written characters). Usually, when playing single player in a RTS game, you have to lead the army you've chosen to victory... the campaigns contradict each other, or simply don't relate to one another. In this game, you lead each of the three races through the three parts. This way, you feel like a much bigger part; you're the one fighting the hardest battles of the war, and making the biggest difference in the plot. Each race has a final mission where they have to destroy an enormously important, heavily defended building, making for an awesome ending to that part of the game. Of course, once you've beaten the single player portion of the game, you'll want something else to entertain you... so there's multi-player, which can be played both over the Internet and over LAN. There are several different modes of multi-player, allowing for many hours spent without it getting boring. The multi-player is also reliable, with no errors during play. And if you tire of that, there's even a level editor. No, in fact it's a *campaign* editor. You can make entire series with this tool, and it's about as easy to use and packed with features as such editors get. Believe me, I've been making levels(well, trying to) for several years, and this is one of the best, most compact, and most easy-to-figure-out editor I've tried(others include the ones for Max Payne(which allows for much greater freedom, but doesn't allow much easy tweaking, and the interface of which more or less immediately weeds out all but the most well-versed in computers) and Heroes of Might and Magic III). You can make extensively programmed levels and completely redefine the game-play. Even if you don't fancy yourself a creative type, this is to your advantage if you get this; there are tons of websites with new levels, custom-made, for more or less any purpose(single-player, multi-player, various separate ones, etc.), and all you need to do is download and put the file in the map folder. It does not get much easier. Heck, you can even download more tools to customize, if you want to do something that the regular editor, that comes with the game, won't let you(though there is precious little that fits into that category... it's incredibly open and, as stated earlier, jam-packed with features). The interface is better than that of contemporary titles. This is undoubtedly one the best RTS games out there... but there are a few minor complaints. Some of the programming does leave a little to be desired... at times units go the long way around obstacles, sometimes they don't go exactly where you tell them to, just somewhere in close proximity, and finally, there are examples of units 'acting up' as a side-effect of certain magic/special abilities. Also, though the games does have a number of in-game tips, it can be fiendishly hard, and there's only one instructional tutorial, and it doesn't cover much. Finally, the three races don't have equally interesting story-lines, and they have to be beaten in the preset order, so if you're stuck on a dull and/or hard mission with an uninspired one, there's really nothing to do, except to just do your best to get through it and hope for the next one to be more interesting. Of course, that is a minor complaint. All in all, the game is an accomplishment. I recommend this to any fan of RTS games, and most gamers and sci-fi fans in general. 8/10
  • One of the best Rts ever, and one of the best game ever made, everything in this game is almost perfect, the story, the characters, the playability, the soundtrack, the graphics, the videos, everything.

    "Starcratf" is one the most well succeeded internet game ever,it moved millions of people to play in the internet(battle-net). Starcraft have three races: Terran(humans), Zerg (a primitive race of alien) and Protoss(an evaluated alien race), they fighting each other to take control of the entire universe.

    Personally i like all "Blizzard" games, but this one its special. If you like Starcrat\BroodWar i recommend: "Warcraft 2 and 3"(Blizzard), "Comand and Conquer: Tiberian Sun" (Westwood)
  • I'll start off by putting all my cards on the table, I'm a big Command & Conquer fan and am extremely biased when looking at any other type of RTS game. That being said, I actually found Starcraft to be a very different type of game and not really strictly comparable to C&C. Starcraft has a much bigger emphasis on micro-management as most units have some kind of special ability. Also armies are generally smaller with more emphasis on balance and researched abilities than size and power.

    I am a sucker for a good storyline and here Starcraft delivers wholeheartedly, the manual reads like the first chapter of a bestselling science-fiction novel and throughout the single player there a number of interesting plot twists, I'm a bit bemused that nobody ever bothered to make a Starcraft movie! Also the developers can be commended for creating 3 opposing races with different strengths and weaknesses, but with no race that are clearly superior. This has certainly been attempted before (unsuccessfully) in other games but the Starcraft developers got it more or less right.

    The area Starcraft didn't won me completely over was in the actual gameplay, your army are limited by available resources and most individual units are rather fragile and can quickly be destroyed by enemy fire, I spend lots of time fixing and replacing my battered army rather than planning battles! I also felt that the whole idea of researching abilities really slows the game down and because the AI opponent always start with a big head start you spend a lot of time waiting for research to be done to be able to match you AI opponent. Speaking about AI, Starcraft AI is certainly not up to scratch but this is true for most RTS games.

    Overall, this is certainly an above average game and it's legacy and success speaks for itself. For me C&C is still the king of the hill but I won't miss Starcraft 2
  • 1998 was an absolutely monumental year for gaming. Two of the greatest titles ever were released- StarCraft and Half-Life. I never cared for WarCraft, I found it's lack of an original premise and compelling story to be a major weakness. StarCraft did everything a game should. It's graphics were beautiful, the vibrant artwork lends amazing detail to the futuristic battlefield even today. The soundtrack fits the atmosphere well, when traversing the cold vacuum of space it only lends to the atmosphere when you here the creepy tunes of starcraft. Then the gameplay itself. Each race is unique, and works in different ways, but is perfectly balanced. The difficulty is just right- not too easy, not too tough. Then there is the story. WarCraft didn't have a very compelling story; nor did Diablo or many other Blizzard games. StarCraft has quality writing that makes the campaign even more amazing. Each race has it's rich history, and you can't help but take interest in at least some of the things they engage in. The game also has multiplayer, and StarCraft also excels here. Multiplayer is just plain FUN. If you get bored of massing and destroying your friends in a 1on1 or crashing the computers party in a 2 on 2 compstomp, then all you need is to select 'Use Map Settings'. The variety here is amazing. THere are brand new games and minimods created in this area, hell, there are even MOVIES that are often times very funny. StarCraft has NO flaws WHATSOEVER. There's thousands of maps shipped with the game that can be used in multiplayer and in your own skirmishes. The editor has all you need to make a brand new campaign or new game modes for online, the story is amazing, the graphics are amazing, the whole entire package is worth your time; and as long as exists StarCraft will keep you entertained till time stops.
  • The music, the sounds, everything in this game is PERFECT.. I wish i could tell what Starcraft means to me.. But its much more that what words may define.. I bought maybe 20 copies and all the copies are stolen by my friends who hated Starcraft once (and they became fans too) I LOVE THIS GAME..

    The game is about 3 species; Terrans , Protos and Zergs. You have to gather the resources of the planet and fight against the other species. Each unit has its advantages and disadvantages against the others.. The species are nearly equal in force and in tactics. All you have to do is focus on the strategy.
  • dorotka244 January 2008
    Starcraft is undoubtedly the most popular Real-Time Strategy (RTS) of all time, with the possible exception of Age of Empires. It follows the time tested RTS pattern: harvest resources with "villagers," upgrade your production and military units with a "blacksmith" structure, build up an army and go trounce all opposition. That's RTS in a nutshell.

    Starcraft was above all an outstanding single player experience. The storyline was excellent, with fantastic cut-scenes and top quality acting. It placed the gamer right in the thick of the plot, starting with peripheral missions and leading to a crucial role in the struggle at hand. Each race was unique, with completely different units and play styles. Herein was perhaps Starcraft's greatest strength. So many RTS games have either identical units or a very close facsimile thereof.

    Although fun, Starcraft did not necessarily bring anything new to the table. The terrain was rendered in 2D, the resource system identical to Warcraft and Age of Empires, and otherwise felt in many ways similar to other contemporary RTS games. I also didn't feel that the game was as good of a multiplayer experience, lessening it's replayablity. There were a limited number of strategies and tactics to employ with the units available.

    Although I got my money's worth out of the title, I did not feel it was groundbreaking, nor did it deserve the popularity it enjoyed. There are many superior RTS games, but one certainly would not guess that judging from it's sales. It's appeal is wide and any RTS fan, or beginner, will be pleased.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's difficult to give this game a good note and it's difficult to give it a bad note.

    Why? Because Starcraft is one of those games you forget, then re-discover only to forget and then find again, ceaselessly. Problem with that is that every single time, you're reminded what made you get away from it.

    Whether it was its childish multiplayer community, the lack of interest put in the Single Player campaign (most people I know skipped straight to protoss or Zerg in SC) or just the fact it becomes mind-numbingly repetitive... You can never like Starcraft for too long. Unless you play it for a living, of course.

    First of all: In 1997-98, the world of video games belonged to FPS like Quake 2 and Half-Life. Real-time strategy games by then up and coming Blizzard were all seen as grandiose. The initial two games having been inspired by the engine used by Dune (Warcraft 1 and 2), they were looking for something to revolutionize. So how about replacing squares with circles? It seems like a simplistic thing to do but it's the kind of revolution that got SC going. The graphics for this game were impressive for 1998. Forget about 256 colours and midi-music. How about 16-bit and industrial techno? It was visually very attractive and extremely fun and simple to play.

    Once you played it for a few hours, though... The creativity began to falter. The campaign being done and forgotten, you turned to UMS(use map settings) and melee and free-for-all. Blizzard's way of saying "If you find what we gave you not enough, go ahead, make something better." This is the kind of recipee that works: Simple, addictive fun... for a while. You buy it just because it's popular, then you tell your friends to buy it because you find it kicks ass.

    If you're nostalgic, play it. If you're of the next-gen generation, give this a miss. You will only be able to complain about how crappy the graphics are and how much more complex RTS games are nowadays.

    Back when I was 10, I didn't care. I loved this.
  • Starcraft... the Best Real-Time Strategy game in the world. Centered around the Koprulu Sector, 3 races, the human Terrans, the bug Zerg, and the Alien Protoss, go head-to-head in triangle war for control of the galaxy. This story, employed by great voice-acting and Content.

    Voice-Acting? It isn't like a professional voice acting guild BUT IT WORKS! The characters are brought to life before our very eyes. The noble Protoss Warriors Zeratul, Fenix, Tassadar, and Aldaris show knightship and honor like medieval times. The great Terran men like Admiral Gerard DuGalle, Captain James Raynor, and Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov give the feeling of human wrath on the sector. The Zerg... Only one person sums up the Zerg... Former Terran Warrior Kerrigan, now hte Queen of Blades. The Queen ***ch of the Universe. Very well played.

    How about the creativity? TONS OF IT! Each race has a different strength or weakness. One may be technologically strong (Protoss) than the other. They may be physically strong (Zerg) than the other. Or others may be well-rounded (Terran). Each has a weapon of destruction. They have to use it well. Protoss has Dark Templar, who are great against any person, Terrans have Battlecruisers, that are all powerful, and the Zerg have their usual Strike Force of Hydralisks, ready to decimate a colony in no time flat.

    To sum it up... Starcraft is A GREAT GAME! BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT! Also with the Brood War expansion set... I feel it's just part of the game. Now when you get it... You feel happy to say when your Ghost lauches a Nuke:

    "You Call Down the Thunder... Now Reap the Whirlwind."

  • Lots of bad sci film films out there. They need to take a page from the book of StarCraft- a PC game that creates a beautiful sci fi universe that is more compelling than the ALIEN franchise!
  • It's a great game and the story and voice acting added to the feeling you we're watching an epic alien movie!
  • anselmdaniel11 July 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This review contains spoilers for the single-player campaign.

    Starcraft is a Real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The game features a single-player campaign with multiplayer up to 8 players. The game has three distinct races: Terran, Protoss and Zerg. The three races feature different gameplay. For instance, the Terran rely on slow units with high ranged damage outputs. Zerg units are cheap and quick but lack range. Protoss units are bulky and powerful but are expensive. The single-player features a campaign for each of the three races.

    The single-player has a great plot. The single-player opens with the Terran campaign and follows Marshall Jim Raynor. Raynor discovers a Zerg invasion and joins a resistance movement led by Mengsk. The Terran campaign has the player in a variety of attack, defense, and special forces missions against all of the races. The Zerg campaign follows an unnamed cerebrate that protects a chryssalis with Sarah Kerrigan. The campaign involves the Zerg creating something in its fight against the Protoss and ends with the invasion of Aiur, the Protoss homeworld. The Protoss campaign follows Tassadar as the race seeks to destroy the Zerg Overmind. Across all of the lengthy missions, the player will be acquainted with the units and understand how each of them play.

    The multiplayer is competitive but imbalanced. The Terrans have more of their focus towards mechanical units. The Zerg are incredibly difficult to deal with their mutalisks. The Protoss are strong overall. The game is still fun and many hours of fun can be had here.

    The graphics in this game are great. Even now in 2018, each 2 dimensional sprite is distinct and visually interesting. The graphics have aged well and is incredibly simple in its design.

    The sound is great in this game. The units and characters have voice actors and several lines. The soundtrack fits with each race and scene. Even the Zerg units with roars, grunts, and snarls have character to them. The player can repeatedly click on a unit to hear humorous lines.

    Overall, Starcraft is an excellent game. Even for players that are not Real-time Strategy fans, the game has a lot to offer.

    Grade: A
  • With that I mean the fact that, since the last time I played this game (exactly twenty friggin' years sucks to get older), I have not changed my idea that this RTS is surely enjoyable and charming and the universe presented is an interesting one but it's not GreatUzt thing evUr some people make it out to be, not just when compared to other RTS games of the time but also compared to other outings of this same company (Warcraft III anyone?). Also, I'm pretty baffled at the fact that, apparently, people online seem to have particular problems with the second iteration of this game (Starcraft II) that I still have never played since its debut in 2010 because of its story etc. Etc. Etc. Well, apparently, in this one not only there isn't a particularly developed story - more an excuse to patch together scenarios with different terrains and enemies than anything else - but neither there are exceptionally developed characters excluding the clear-as-day romantic liason between Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan, meaning this game has the same things people accuse Starcraft II of having except for the as of now dated gameplay, the easy exploits (without using cheats I mean) available in several missions, the super repetitious terrains etc. Etc. Etc. But hey, the OST surely is great, no questions attached. This is not Warcraft III, sorry. We'll see if the so-much-overrated Brood War campaign available in the remastered version I played is better or not, even I have my sincere doubts in this regard.
  • Like most games this one obviously did not age well. You can't blame the developers or programmers for that because the main thing with video games is the graphics and also the sound and those never hold up because computers and cards are always improving and moving beyond current games within a few years or even just a few months. One of the downsides of gaming!

    The story and game play of this game was always fine. It was a fun game and it was obviously a very popular game among gamers. But to play it today you would have to be very devoted to it because the game really doesn't hold up at all.
  • I love playing this game, and have for years. What I especially like about it, aside from its seamless gameplay, is the sound. All of the sound effects are very cool, very original, and the soundtrack is awesome. I'd love to get a CD cut that just had the soundtrack on it. I highly suggest this game to anyone who like strategy games, and particularly to those who have never tried one, but would like to. A CD version can be had very inexpensively now that the game is some years old. It has very cool characters which are informative enough without being intrusive. The gameplay is good or great in every aspect, and I expect I'll continue to play it for years to come.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    StarCraft I personally think is okay, it's not really anything special. However, it seems like everyone else ADORES this game. I mean, the game is fun, it's pretty challenging. I just couldn't find myself getting invested into the story like in other RTS games like SupCom. However unlike SupCom, the three main factions are all neat and varied and require different play styles to use them properly. But the units are sometimes unresponsive. Whenever a unit bumps into another unit, they just storm off in different directions. The graphics are good for the time, but the cutscenes are just messy. In the opening cutscene, I couldn't tell what was even happening.

    Overall, StarCraft isn't as good as people say it is. I think the game is okay, but I couldn't get into it as much as so many other people have.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    WARNING: FUNNY SPOILER AT THE END ------------------------------------ I think that stracraft is a REALLY COOL GAME! Some things that are cool about starcraft are that you get to create you own missions in a starcraft campaign editor! When you make multiple maps you can link them together using triggers! using triggers you can make aperson talk, kill cartain people make units or even create buildings! You can do anything with the map maker!!!!!!! Starcraft is the best game i have EVER bought and i have bought a lot that gives me a thought... nevermind. Anyway when you beat the game The WHOLE UNIVERSE BLOWS UP AND YOU ALL DIE AND THE GAME SAYS YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME!!!! JUST KIDDING
  • Warning: Spoilers
    in the last protoss map all of the protoss heroes are there but fenix to help destroy the overmind. please tell me where did fenix go? i mean if he is such a great protoss hero than surely he should be there in the final apoctolyptic battle.

    After all he was in every other important battle he had a chance to be in. this has always confused me because it does not make much sense.