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  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE UNTOLD STORY III is the third and final in the trilogy of unconnected true-crime films. This one lacks the presence of Anthony Wong but has Danny Lee back playing his stereotypical detective character. The story here is about the disappearance of a loan shark, played by none other than Jackie Chan's bodyguard Ken Lo, who sadly doesn't get to show off any of his trademark high kicking. It turns out that Lo was involved with a bunch of gang members but the lack of a body means that the cops don't have much to go on.

    This is very much a different beast to the first two films, more crime and police procedural than horror. The rating is lower and there's really only one nasty scene of murder and dismemberment. The story keeps jumping between police station interview scenes and lengthy flashbacks. The cast are up to the job, but things feel more than a little drawn out and I admit to twiddling my thumbs on more than one occasion. Old-time kung fu fans (like myself) will be delighted by the cameo from Lo Lieh in one of his final screen appearances.
  • This one is based on an actual case. Although no body or evidence of a crime was found, 4 young men was pleaded guilty for murder. This is their story! I know the Untold series is famous for it's gore, so if that's what you want keep away from this one. Ok, a body is dismembered, but thats it! If you want a nicely written and directed (disturbing)crime story based on actual events, you should check this one out! The only problem is the strange humor, which seems out of place in a movie about a serious as this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Untold Story III (1999) was a movie that was based upon a murder of an up and coming loan shark. Four people who claimed to have been involved in the murder plead guilty and confess to the crime. Inspector Lee (Danny Lee) is on the case and listens to their confessions and tries to find any evidence to link them to the crimes. The four friends borrow huge amounts of money from one of their friends that they convinced to become a loan shark. When they don't pay him back, he loses face on the streets. One day, the loan shark comes collecting. What are they going to do? They have no money and he's being violent. There's only one option. No loan shark, no more problems. Despite any hard proof that any murder existed, the four young men are tried and convicted for murder in the first degree.

    A tense and atmospheric film from the underrated Herman Yau. It was also great to see Danny Lee back in the saddle after a brief hiatus from film making. Not related to the other UNTOLD STORY films. Just a nice and tight police procedural film. No habeas corpus here folks!

    Highly recommended for Danny Lee and true crime cinema.