User Reviews (1)

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  • Goloh19 October 2017
    This review will be fun for me, if not for you, so please indulge me. Like so many Indian films, it could go on and on ...

    Do Kaliyaan was the first Indian film I had ever seen, back in 1968. No, I've not seen it again since then, but it left such a huge impression. I was freshly relocated to Kenya, which had a substantial Indian community and therefore a good supply of Indian films. My friends wanted to try something "new", so we went to the cinema.

    Wow! What an assault on the senses, in all ways. For one thing, the colours -- apparently all primary. The running time -- endless. The music, the songs, the dancing, at seemingly random intervals. The plot line -- all possible emotions one after another. Kids. More music. Being real about it, from my distant memory of this film, I thought it would *never* end.

    But I came to knew and appreciate a certain formula for Indian cinema, and up to this day, somehow I compare every film from there in my head with Do Kaliyaan, and if it were possible, yes, I would definitely watch it again.

    Thanks for reading!