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  • Arguably a lesser work in Robert Guédiguian 's oeuvre,one of the most interesting directors of the contemporary French cinema ; not to be mentioned among his greatest works,such movies as "les neiges du Kilimandjaro" "à la place du coeur" " une histoire de fous" or "voyage en Arménie , "à l'attaque" displays his strong social concern :he's not a champagne socialist ,he's a humanist ,demanding a square deal for the underprivileged ,the underdogs of the society.

    But for the cine buff ,there is another aspect not to be neglected: Guédiguian certainly loves Julien Duvivier whose dyptich "sous le ciel de Paris" (1951) and "la fête à Henriette" (1952) pushed the envelope in the fifties French cinema ; "la ville est tranquille " ,with all these characters whose fates were intertwined:what Duvivier did for Paris in 1951, Guédiguian did it for Marseille.

    Duvivier's and collaborator Jeanson's influences are so glaring in "à l'attaque" that it's a bit disappointing that the director did not mention these past masters in the "special thanks "of the final cast and credits ; the initial situation is directly borrowed from "la fête à Henriette" ,and Duvivier did that half a century before him !two screenwriters bickering , who do not always agree, the spoof on another director (Carné's "les portes de la nuit" for Duvivier and Demy's musicals for Guédiguian in the scene in the modern brothel ) , the movie in progress; Duvivier's film influence made its influence felt even in America ("Paris when it sizzles" by Richard Quine was a remake,and "Alex and Emma" ,another one in disguise ).

    That said, there are good moments to be enjoyed in "à l'attaque ",and it's a pleasure to meet again Guédiguian 's team :his partner ,Ariane A. , true to form ;and Podalydès as the screenwriter and Darroussin as one of his characters ,it's a treat for fans for both actors.

    One line is the key to the movie :a woman from the people would not say "an erotic friendship" ,the educated (and privileged) screenwriter says and there's the rub: too many lines revolve around sex, with four-letter words galore , and Guédiguian ,whose forte is finesse (see his depiction of the working class in "les neiges du Kilimandjaro") , does not avoid crudeness and vulgarity here;like "la fête à Henriette" , it is in turn comedy (but often heavy-handed) or drama (with a Robin Hood side: the intrusion at night when the executive officer is sleeping in his silken sheets ); the story is muddled ,but after all,it's only a draft ;the actors ,fortunately , are all excellent .Dig the lines of the youngster who knows better in law than their persecutors ,without having entered a college.
  • fanni7 August 2001
    A' l'attaque! is a very pleasant French film about the class war seen from a nowadays perspective. The screen writers build the story right during the film which becomes similar to a inter-active drama where the plot changes from time to time and the characters too.

    An interesting, amusing, sweet film which I advice to watch.
  • This is a delightful and clever French film, whose starting point is a couple of laid back writers who decide to write a rather unfashionable screenplay - a light comedy with an anti-capitalist slant, set in a suburb of Marseille, aiming for the feel of certain French movies of the 1930s. As the writers create their script, we see the resulting film begin to take shape. The main characters, a leftwing family running a small garage, are introduced; relationships and love affairs are established; the "class enemy", a big businessman who owes the family money, enters the picture.

    The writers argue about how much sex there should be; they put scenes in and take them out; they have fantasies - a musical scene in a brothel; a tragic ending - but quickly discard them. And by the end of 90 minutes, we have not only enjoyed the unfashionable political film (which has a happy ending), but have been amusingly instructed on the process by which ideas are translated into meaningful cinema.
  • "À l'attaque" is one of the best french films i've seen this year, and it will stay one of the best if not the best of 'em all. The films tells the story of two screenwriters - the younger guy mostly writing, the older guy mostly critizising the younger guy. They tell us - meta film y'all! - the story of an Italian French clan striving to survive in the city that's ruled by ruthless globalizing capitalists who want to ruin their business. A very funny comedy as well as a parody and strong social criticism - all in one!
  • From the director of A LA PLACE DU COEUR, but inarguably a lesser work. Two scriptwriters holed up in Guediguian's favorite city - Marseille, are collaborating on a movie being shot there. They cannot agree on certain aspects of the script and end up squabbling.

    Utilising the tried and tested "film within a film" technique, the viewer sees the "alternative" scripts actually played out. In the end though we are not sure whether we are watching a comedy or a drama with little or no central core.

    Certainly worth seeing but eminently forgettable.