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  • Panterken13 October 2007
    This film is one of the better TV-films I ever saw. The acting is OK, the story is enjoyable and there are some memorable funny and tense scenes. There's nothing award-worthy here but it's certainly different than most made-for-TV-movies. I've always found Louis-Gosset Jr. to be under-appreciated, but it's mostly Jonathan Silverman who surprised me with a solid performance. Michael Madsen is OK, but he's a ghost of his other bad characters like his Mr. White. The story is a pretty basic cops-chase formula: the two inspectors gotta catch a serial killer before he kills again. It's no lethal weapon but it has it's funny moments. It's certainly not a waste of have a look when you have the chance.

  • In this day and age, there are petty criminals and then there are those who have become proficient in their ability. These individuals have developed such a skill in their crime, they are considered one of the most annoying, but certainly the most lucrative crimes today. Just as there are postal predators, there has arisen the Postal Inspectors who specialize in hunting, tracking and eventually apprehending Identity Thieves. This is the story, the second in the series, concerning these men. This movie is called " The Inspectors II. " With Louis Gossett Jr. as Frank and Jonathan Silverman as Alex they trail a masterful thief whom they believe is known as 'Joe' (Michael Madsen). The movie is a suspenseful and dramatic recreation of one of many whom the Postal service daily confront. The acting is top notch with Madsen giving a terrific performance. This is one of those particular series which will garner other films of like subject, providing the acting remains superior. ****
  • Not bad at all. The first half is taken up with a lot of scene setting, but the second half is busy busy busy. Madsen is even more taciturn than usual, ambling menacingly through the film in a sharp pair of shades and some great lines.

    I admit it doesn't sound promising; two Postal Inspectors are hardly going to turn out to be the most action-packed duo since Crockett and Tubbs (even Madsen's character chuckles when he hears 'The Postal Inspectors' are after him), but they carry it off.

    There's also lots of interesting and worrying detail on just how easy it seems to be to rack up a few dodgy credit cards and live your life as several people. As a previous poster said - buy a shredder.

    And don't smirk if ever someone pulls a badge on you and shouts "Halt - we're the Postal Inspectors". Taunt them at your peril - they've got a huge pile of Form 154B's which they're itching to issue you....
  • Two US postal inspectors (Gossett & Silverman) uncover an identity theft scheme with a particularly dangerous perp Madsen). In addition to being an okay made-for-tv whodunnit, this film gives insights into how identity theft, a crime on the rise which can hit anyone anywhere anytime, and how to prevent it. Worth a look. Got your shredder yet?
  • wiz1290-122 November 2004
    This was one of the those movies you rent thinking, well I hope this the doesn't completely waste 2 hours of my life, and then by the end of the movie you kind of wish it wasn't over.

    You don't need to see the first one to follow this, it is pretty easy, but a great plot. It is based on a true story, and is a great plot.

    Louis Gossett Jr returns to the same magic he had in Iron eagle, and Jonathan Silverman plays a great role.

    The plot is about a couple of guys involved in credit fraud, and they get the postal inspectors involved.

  • It was a pleasure seeing Gossett and Silverman recreating their characters in a movie even better than the original. While the crime being investigated is less dramatic than in the first film, it is both more common and -- as the film develops -- creepier, creating a feeling of threat that any viewer can feel. Once again the plotting and dialog never strokes a false note and the film-making craftsmanship keeps things cooking along at just the right pace, intermixing the criminal investigation with the exploration of characters you'd like to have as friends. I hope there'll soon be a number 3.
  • This is way above the general standard of TV movies. Beautifully acted by the two likable leads as well as terrific baddie who reminds me of an actor from years ago who always played baddies but I cannot remember his name (Barry something?). An unusual plot, identity theft and a very credible storyline apparently based on truth, albeit probably a composite, it moves at a cracking pace grabs you by the throat from the very beginning and does not let go until the last frame. Throw in the odd bit of humor and crisp direction and cinematography and you have a movie that could easily have been shown in movie theaters. My only criticism is that these guys are postal inspectors and you just have to wonder where all the real policemen were. Just sit back in your armchair and enjoy.
  • Most sequels try to capitalize on an earlier success by "slapping together" a production. Not this one. I hope that number two is the second of a series of equal quality. Gossett and Silverman make a good team and give excellent performances. The story revolves a con man who is using stolen mail to get credit cards issued in someone else's name. He kills a bank teller to cover his tracks and comes close to killing another. Excellent editing and directing.
  • JBoze31322 March 2000
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is awesome. I never saw the Inspectors 1, but I saw posters at my local post office for the newest film, Inspectors 2. I loved this movie. I loved it to the point, that I even looked up stuff on the web about the inspection service. It is the oldest law enforcement agency in the entire country. Actually, Ben Franklin started it, soon after the postal service was created. In this movie. SPOILERS AHEAD.......Urbina and his partner track a guy who is stealing people's identities and then going from there. Not much of a spoiler, but I don't wanna be blacklisted as it says above! The movie is very realistic and very thrilling. A must see if you ask me.
  • I've just watched it first time after over 20 years, more like 23. I've remembered this film all these years and that proves something. I wanted to watch it but it just wasn't available. Recently, however, there was an opportunity to watch it legally online and while looking for it I finally found it. The plot grabs your attention and keeps you in suspense, you are curious about what will happen next. The climate of those years, the 90s, those actors. Great acting, for the role of the villain could not have been chosen better actor than Michael Madsen. Checking wikipedia I learned that a little over a month ago Louis Gossett Jr. Passed away. May God bless his soul.

    And one more thing, I am Polish but I was not offended : - )