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  • This documentary is so uncensored it makes it very impossible to lack empathy. I'm not Jewish, but I felt like I was in the film. I felt the pain and suffering of every victim.

    A lot of graphic images and videos are shown of what truly happened. This was a refreshing take compared to what Hollywood has always glamorised for ratings.

    I'm only rating this movie 9/10 because I wish it'd been longer. I honestly feel like 50 odd minutes is not enough to capture such inhuman crimes.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Shocking footage of what the allied forces found when they liberated the death camps. The filmed evidence speaks for itself and everyone should see it. I would like to say 'so it never happens again' but we know it has, in Soviet Russia, Serbia and I'm sure other places too, mankind's inhumanity towards man. I gave it a nine, because although I understand the need for evidence, I felt these poor people had been tortured and humiliated enough and I felt they were being humiliated again when for example a woman was made to show the marks on her backside for the camera and the way the bodies were being loaded onto trucks. Surely they could of been afforded a little more dignity than that. But still important footage and essential viewing.
  • This should be shown to every person who ever claims that the Holocaust didn't really happen. Even though we have all seen snippets of this through the years, the impact of the full film is undeniable. I hope it is always kept available for free viewing. Each generation needs to be made aware of the atrocities of which human beings are capable.
  • BABSBunny2428 February 2020
    The Holocaust, as with many atrocity, loses its bite as time goes by as it becomes some distant thing that happened that has no place in modern society for newer generations. However, we should never forget what can happen when a manipulative group gains power and uses divisiveness to sow hatred in the hearts of its people, how "otherness" can lead to such cruelty. Its shocking, its graphic, it happened and it could happen again under the right circumstances.
  • This film is extremely shocking in its simple portrayal of evidence as to what took place in the many Nazi prison camps throughout Europe.

    This film should not be viewed by the very young or the faint of heart.

    This film SHOULD be viewed by all thinking adults.

    It is graphic evidence of what happens when "normal" folk view those that are in any way different from themselves as "other." It is a shameful testimony of what divisive thinking and attitudes can and do lead to.

    Highly recommended.
  • I found this documentary was excellent because it succeeded in its goals and provides great footage to learn from or show for educational purposes. I didn't learn all that much that I didn't already know but it gave a different view of events that you don't often see. After the Holocaust, American soldiers go to a concentration camp to gather evidence. The footage is shocking. The camp has not been touched since the Nazis have been defeated and there are some people who are still alive and tons of dead bodies. The people who survived looked so sick. They were starved and ill and grateful to receive help.

    The victims show beatings and cigarette burns that were given to them by the Nazis. This documentary definitely serves its purpose which is to provide evidence of the atrocities and brutalities committed by the Nazi regime and its officers. The documentary takes you through multiple concentration camps around Europe and therefore this footage is sufficient as evidence and to provide insight into the Holocaust.
  • val_092926 February 2020
    This is humanity as their worst. Human beings doing atrocious acts to other human beings. I can believe still people who doesn't believe this happened. This footage should be view by everyone and try learn about this so would never happen again
  • This documentary is just shocking and soul shattering beyond words. Can't believe there are some people who completely deny the happening of holocaust. The documentary affected me so much that it's impossible for me to think of Germany without thinking of all those horrors. Every generation should watch it if we are to avoid recurrence of such horrific events in future.
  • I fled Afghanistan because of the never ending war i know the pain of war deeply the sad thing is there's still so much hate in the name of race religion language and national boundaries we humans always try to find reasons to fight and kill each other truly heart wrenching Dying of starvation is not a joke your body is eating himself and painful this was extremely hard to watch breaks my heart into pieces
  • Nazi Concentration Camps is the official documentary report that was compiled by the Allies and presented as evidence at the Nuremberg trials in order to expose the world to the unfathomable horrors that was perpetrated by the Nazis during their reign of terror. Traversing through numerous concentration camps, the film is a vital slice of human history that provides an irrefutable account of the atrocities that humans are capable of when driven by reckless hate.

    Arranged into an hour long narrative that provides brief description of each camp its crew visits, the unedited footage of countless corpses & frail, skeletal survivors is heartbreaking & soul-shattering to watch. With extremism again on the rise and global tensions increasingly high, this evidential documentary continues to serve as a constant & cautionary reminder of what hatred can lead to, and why it is absolutely essential to destroy evil before it takes centerstage. A genuinely discomforting sit no doubt but it is by all means a mandatory viewing.
  • For sure this is the darkest forage of all time in human history. Where there was NO humanity at all. And the fact is that, this is just a very bit of what really happened those years.
  • I rarely write reviews but if a film moves me I feel the need to express it.

    I only learned of this documentary a few days ago and got it on Prime for 99p.

    The scenes from start to finish were so heartbreaking but I feel important for people to see. You see photos but rarely actual footage.

    This will stay with me for a while...
  • We all know it happened but this original footage shows many of the Nazis crimes in all its detail .Heartbreaking to see such evil cruelty given to fellow human beings .Despicable that justice was never served on these hideous people perpetrating these crimes .Less than a hundred war criminals got sentences .What happened to the rest .It makes you angry thinking about it.

    God knows how the managed to evade justice, for what was the worst crimes in human history.

    Worth watching if you feel you need to see the evidence with your own eyes. Be warned though .It is very disturbing viewing.

    Would be interesting to see what would happened to these people if it had been in 21st Century.
  • Go watch it. It is mostly untampered. Authenticity can be relied upon. It's not propaganda, as a far as I know.