• Severe
  • Two men ride in a jeep, one is unexpectedly shot in the head causing brain matter and blood to suddenly splatter on the other mans face.
  • A man lies in a ditch with many frozen dead bodies. Close-up of one dead man's face.
  • A man is interrogated harshly: he is deprived of shoes and then clothes. Multiple closeup shots of severely frost-bitten feet (open sores and entirely purple/black).
  • Men crowded in a train are strafed by planes, blood splatters. Planes attack an enemy base, soldiers are shot, blood sprays. Multiple shots of soldiers being engulfed in flames and blown up by bombs.
  • POWs are executed by hanging; throughout the next scene their bodies can be seen/heard hanging.
  • A murder victim's body is discovered.
  • A man is executed by a firing squad.
  • A man is shot in the head at close range, no blood is shown. Lingering shot of a crumpled body.
  • Col. McNamara is executed via gunshot wound to the head at close range, at the end of the film, the bullet impact is offscreen and no blood is seen, however we see him collapse to the ground.