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  • lucyemma11 February 2007
    I was beginning to think I'd imagined this series, as every time I searched for it on Amazon I just got the woeful film with Freddie Prinze Jnr and Monica Potter of the same name.

    I too loved this series, and actually had every episode on video (taped off the TV) until my mum used it to tape Casualty a few years ago. I was gutted, and have been looking for a replacement (video or DVD, I'm not fussy)ever since.

    If you liked this series you'll probably also enjoy Sex, Chips and Rock 'n' Roll, which was along similar lines. However, this is starting to disappear now too, which is a shame - how hard can it be to keep these things available?
  • I can remember when this was first on I was in m first year of Senior School and all the girls were obsessed with this show. We used to watch it religiously every Monday night on ITV and then talk about it during Maths lessons the next morning. I couldn't tell you a single thing about it now, wouldn't recognise any of the people who were in it, except there was something in it about a dance contest and the geeky/mean girl trying to trick the "girl from the wrong side of the tracks" character by stealing her partner and entering in her place. Or something like that. I could also sing the theme tune, and the music was very catchy. I'd love them to repeat this show just to see if it really was as wonderful as I remember it being!
  • Ladies, you are not alone, I absolutely loved this series. Aged 8 at the time, my parents would not allow me to stay up "late" on a school night to watch it whilst my older sister was allowed to watch. By way of compromise, they would tape it for me to watch the next day. I would get up really early and try and watch a bit before school and then rush home to watch it after school. I remember wishing Camilla and Jimmy would get it together and also wondering who got Patty pregnant. Gutted there was no second series! A couple of years ago I went to Dubai on holiday and the evening we arrived in the hotel I flicked through the channels and randomly came across an episode of this which brought back fond memories. Would love to get this on DVD, how annoying, isn't always the way with the best programmes!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I remember it well,the series revolved around a posh ladies finishing school run by Gracie Ellis,assisted by Mr Dunn the vicar and his wife Flora,plus Mr Ellis who was a teacher at the school.He had a daughter Catherine at the school and a son Jimmy who was the handy man,The Dunns had a daughter Stella at the school and a son Daniel who I think was a trainee vicar.Camilla De La Mer arrived,after being expelled from her previous school for setting fire to it.She arrived with leather jacket and rock and roll attitude.She converted the girls to rock and roll and helped Jimmy spruce up the local cafe,turning it into a juke joint.The episodes I remember involved Irish girl Bernadette inventing a musical vanity case,Catherine attempting to become a photo model,Daniel becoming a rock singer,managed by Patsy,Teddy Boys trying to wreck the cafe and bash Jimmy,and finally Stella being betrothed to rich twit Barton James,only to jilt him at the altar.It was later revealed Barton's Father Quinlan,had jilted Gracie many years before.Jimmy and Camilla never quite got it together,and their entry into the local dance contest was spoilt by Jimmy going to find Stella,who had run away from her wedding.This all happened in the final episode,and Patsy announced to the owner of the cafe that she was pregnant.....but who was the Dad ?.....sadly we'll never know.All this led to the promise of another series,which never came.I have seen the video (long deleted) at car bootys and also the CD of songs from the series,and it was repeated on a sky channel about five years keep your eyes peeled.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I remember this series too, and I agree, I'd love to see it repeated. What I remember most of all about "Head Over Heels" was the fact the final episode ended in a cliff-hanger when the chubby girl that never seemed to have much luck with "boys" confided in a friend that she was pregnant. This was supposed to lead into the second series (ITV actually commissioned another series), but just before shooting was about to begin on season two, Carlton TV who made the show pulled the plug on it at the eleventh hour. I remember reading an interview with one of the show's stars some time afterwards and she said none of the cast and crew were given a reason as to why the show was axed, but rumours suggest that ITV were ploughing a lot of it's drama budget into "Soldier, Soldier" which would become one of that channel's biggest hits of the 90s.

    The theme song, also entitled "Head Over Heels" was sung by Nick Haverson and it was actually released as a single (which I boughtÂ…..and the soundtrack album too!). I think that's what most people remember most of all about the show because it fitted so well into the 50s nostalgia atmosphere. The song was also used as part of the show when Nick Haverson's character ("Daniel Dunn") sung it during the last episode to win a talent contest.

    Although I haven't seen it myself, I have heard it's been repeated several times since its original 1993 airing. Some regional ITV stations have shown "Head Over Heels" in weekend afternoon time slots, and some have shown it in the early hours of the morning. When ITV Granada had its "Granada Plus" channel on SKY Television, the show was repeated on that at least once. So there's hope it might be repeated again. The entire series was also available on video cassette about a year after the series ended, but the title has since been deleted. I don't think it's available on DVD.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    i absolutely love this show! i was 11 years old when it aired and i became obsessed with it from episode one. i actually taped them all except from the first episode (i didn't know how good it was!) and i still have them to this day. i vaguely remember the first episode, Mrs Ellis burns Camilla's jacket on a bonfire and jimmy saves when shes not looking. I was really into the fifties music and fashion (still am really) and this show completely gave me my fix of them. I remember being so excited when my dad bought me a copy of the sound track (on tape of course)i played it over and over (wonder if my parents thought i was odd?) does anybody else remember this as fondly as i do? surly its not just me and one other woman in england! come on people you know you loved it