User Reviews (2)

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  • EclecticCritic5 September 2005
    History IQ was far from a perfect game show, but I miss it, just the same. I used to play along interactively under the name, Thucydides, and I won more than my share of games. It was great! I'd almost always be nervous before the game started and as it continued, my armpits would be literally dripping with sweat, showing how important this game was to me. I managed to fill a large jar with my sweat during the run of this show. I would place the jar under my pits and just let the sweat, which smelled terrible, drip into the jar. I obviously cared a great deal about how I did and would often explode in anger when I missed a question (I still do that sometimes when I'm playing along with Jeopardy at home). I once took my blood pressure right after a game and it was so high that I briefly (very briefly) considered giving up the game. But the siren call of Mark Summers called me back the next day. Anyhoo, the questions weren't as good as they could have been, but the mere existence of a game show that asked questions about history was welcome to me. I know that this post has been more about my reaction to the show than the show itself. That's probably because I'm an egoist. I figure anyone who wound up here has already seen the show, anyway.

    Added later: I think it's funny that two people gave my review an "Unhelpful" rating. At least I bothered to write something about the show. No one else has.
  • Loved the show and tried out for it. I was on Teachers' Week on the second season. I tried out in NYC in the theater used to film John Edwards's show Crossing Over. Was called the next day and asked to be on. Went to NYC. Filmed first game and actually won. Won 1650 dollars. Big money for cable then i guess. Lost in a tie-breaker the second game. Marc Summers is awesome. the staff who did the show was great. Loved it.