User Reviews (71)

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  • I can certainly understand why many people despise Jackass. Essentially, it's little more than a bunch of middle-class American kids goofing around with video cameras and doing some rather despicable things along the way. And yet the show managed to become a huge success, building a worldwide cult following and spawning feature films, documentaries and numerous spin-offs. Jackass is highly entertaining, side-splittingly hilarious and something of a cultural phenomenon. It's also one of the most disgusting, frightening and irresponsible shows ever to hit mainstream television- it's a minor miracle that nobody died during filming.

    For me, one of the reasons Jackass works so well is the sheer watchability and authenticity of the crew. Johnny Knoxville has genuine star quality with his Jack Nicholson-esque features and natural on-screen charisma. Steve-O is a bona-fide punk hero and is absolutely hilarious throughout the whole series. These two are the stars of the show and some of the stunts that they perform are almost unfathomable.

    They are backed up by an assortment of oddballs who each bring their own special flavour to the show. Chris Pontius has a unique comedic style that helps balance out a lot of the gruesomeness on display. Jason 'Wee Man' Acuna and Preston Lacy team up as the most unlikely of double-acts and provide some of the show's funniest moments. Ehren McGehey is the fall-guy of the show, mercilessly pushed to the limits by his accomplices but seemingly happy to go along with it. The late Ryan Dunn was one of the most likeable members but still took part in some of the most horrific scenes. And finally there is Dave England, the unsung hero of the show. It seems like he isn't actually supposed to be there but is still happy to take on the most disgusting stunts in the entire series. His 'Vomelet' scene is possibly the single worst thing I've ever seen on TV- google it if you dare.

    I can't say I was ever much of a Bam Margera fan though. He seems to embody the 'annoying rich frat boy' vibe that many of the show's detractors complain about. The scenes with him and his parents are often uncomfortable to watch and probably the worst parts of the show.

    In the days since Jackass started, there have been countless copycat acts but none have ever captured the vibe that this show had. Yes it's grotesque and appalling at times but it's also inventive, original and hilariously funny. It never feels like the Jackass crew are doing any of this for attention or for money, it's more like watching a bunch of over-excited kids seeing how far they can push things for the sake of it.

    One of my favourite TV shows; not perfect but uniquely brilliant.
  • It's crazy to think I was watching this movie when I was maybe 7 or 8 when it took movies almost a year to come to home video, miss those days.

    Nostalgia aside the movie is a compilation of skits of various stunts and maybe a scenario? But most of them are laughably stupid or cringeworthy in a way that is on par for the time period where MTV ruled and these guys were all over the channel.

    I doubt any sensible person seeking a great movie with well developed characters will be seeking jackass but this movie is great for laughs with friends and for guys watching this with friends get used to cringing at all the nut checks in the film.
  • jboothmillard9 September 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    I heard the title of this show many times in my youth (through bullying mainly, which is unfortunate), and then I was introduced to it following the movie. Basically, a bunch of American performers film each other, sometimes with hidden camera, performing stunts and pranks on each other and on the public. The stunts can often involve being injured or doing disgusting things with almost no thought for health and safety, and the pranks are always hilarious to see play out either on the performers or on the public for their reactions. Starring Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Ryan Dunn, Ehren McGhehey, Preston Lacy, Jason Acuña aka "Wee Man" and Dave England, with appearances from Brandon DiCamillo, co-creators Jeff Tremaine and Spike Jonze (director of Being John Malkovich and Her), Bam's parents Phil and April Margera, Rick Kosick, Chris Raab aka "Raab Himself", Dimitry Elyashkevich, skateboarder Tony Hawk, Manny Puig, Rake Yohn, Stephanie Hodge, and Jess Margera (Bam's brother), with guest appearances from Brad Pitt and Shaquille "Shaq" O'Neal. Highlights throughout the three series included: Poo Cocktail, Lacy in underwear chasing Wee Man in underwear in many places, Mexican Snowboarding, Knoxville and his erection, Knoxville with two broken arms, Daddy and Baby, the Mullet, Sumo Wrestling, the Goldfish, Knoxville in Mianus (pronounced "my anus"), the Blind Driver, the Magic Show (Preston urinating), Land Skiing, 50 boiled eggs challenge, Poo Dive, Taxidermy, Stilt Fall, Fisherman's Wharf, the Beekini, Night Monkey, Big Wheel Craze, High Dive, McGhehey tanning the word "Jackass" on his chest, Knoxville farting in a yoga class, Bam kicking his dad's ass, Prostitute Boat Race, Street Fishing, Knoxville as a hearse driver with a coffin on a steep hill, Grass Skiing, Mr. Mean the bull, Fat F-word, Egg Nog Challenge, Steve-O having letters stapled on his bum, Santa Colonic, Shopping Carts, Urban Kayak, Pontius rollerblading with his bum showing, the Skunk, Knoxville shot with a crossbow in armour, Squid Suit, Sling Shot Pond, Oogo, Cell Phone, Bread Suit, Extreme Scootin', Aggressive Sledding, California Bobsledding, the Cup Test, Plunger Wake Up, San Francisco Snowboarding, the Worm Trick, Party Boy, Jai Alai, Knoxville artificially inseminating a cow, Margera pranking his dad with a hole in the lawn while he uses the lawnmower, American Werewolf (in London), the Loop, Butt Piercing, Boxing, Antiquing, Bikini Wax, Human Bullseye, Bucket Cars, Human Bowling, the Fire Hose, Stilt Boxing, Blindfolded Skateboarding, Big Wheel Craze 2, Bobbing for Jellyfish, High Dive 2, Ice Blocking, Beard of Leeches, Ice Barrel Jumping, Fat F-word 2, Bottle Skating, Lacy as a builder needing to poop and afterwards shrinking to Wee Man, Office Chairs, Spermathon, Snow Surfing, Metro Bunny, Crapper Sled, the Body Cast, Snow Tubing, Nutball, the Toupee, the Omelette, Bloody Windshield, Playgirl Pontius, Poo Diaper, Backwards Bullride, Chemical Spill, the Magnet Suit, Security Guard, Ice Block Skating, Sculpture Garden, Bloody Carpet, 90 Years Old, Duck Hunting, and many more. The performers deliberately doing things to hurt themselves and each other, often crashing into things, is cringing and looks painful and dangerous, and should not be tried at home. But you cannot help but laugh at it, because the performers all have a great sense of humour, and there are some genuinely ingenious pranks on the public, it is a significant part of in 2000s American popular culture, and a most watchable reality comedy show. The Christmas Special was number 49 on The 100 Greatest Christmas Moments. Good!
  • Jackass is the funniest show ever, that's all I can say. Just see Chris Pontius turn himself into Party Boy at an electronics store and you'll die laughing. If you haven't seen this show yet, or don't plan on seeing the movie, then get a nice big set of pliers and remove the plug from your hinea because you don't know how to laugh. 'Nuff said.
  • Johnny Knoxville and his friends show no fear in all the hilarious stuff they do in this show.

    Some of the stunts they do are more dangerous and nasty than what you see in "Fear Factor".

    Like would you agree to be in a public street plastic toilet while it being taken upside down and all the "material" in it goes down on you? Johnny Knoxville did it.

    And there's that scene where Johnny Knoxville puts protection against fire and then puts meat on him and becomes the human grill.

    And where they put him in front of a very scary bull that chases him.

    Good laugh for open spirit people.
  • "Jackass" is, to say the least, an outstanding achievement. Most television (before the reality craze) is carefully crafted, written and rewritten to the point of insanity on the part of all involved, then exhaustive searches for the actors take place, and all this without a guarantee of ever making it to air.

    And then there's "Jackass". A group of twenty-somethings (now thirty-somethings) who make idiots out of themselves just by inflicting pain or dancing around in a man thong. It may not sound like much, but this is highly entertaining television. Its now spawned a number of imitators (although a fan of said shows will always tell you that *insert shows name* came before Jackass and that its so extreme it makes the Jackass guys look like girly men), but not one would have ever made it to air if it weren't for "Jackass" nor are the entertainers nearly as charming and funny as the "Jackass" crew. "'Ass" has always maintained the perfect balance of extreme stunts AND very funny practical jokes on the unsuspecting public, while imitators only focus on stunts.

    Although some of the stunts from the show may not seem that extreme compared to the two Jackass films, I still highly recommend checking out "Jackass: The Boxed Set" for a quick, mindless laugh.
  • BeerFairy1009 February 2010
    Jackass is basically just 30 minutes of a group of guys doing crazy, funny, and wild stunts. Every now and then I just want to relax, and enjoy something stupid to watch on Television because I am too tired to think about what I am watching. I shake my head of fans of the newer MTV shows like, Parental Control, and Date my Mom. Sure, I admit those are crazy, and stupid too. However, with those programs I felt my brain actually draining from the stupidity. With Jackass however, I just felt as intelligent as always. Maybe because I become more educated, and aware of the consequences of doing the stunts. Which are shown in, the Television program. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy this program if the following applies to you: You enjoy stupid humour/Television, are more open minded about Television in the decade, and you happen to be very bored for a majority of the time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Jackass is the best T.V show and movies(s) ever and i recommend it to anyone (who isn't stupid enough to copy the stunts) to watch it and get a great laugh outta it!! fair enough it has some stupid stunts in it like when Johnny Knoxville does the riot control test in the first movie and Bam, Ryn Dunn and Johnny Knoxville in the second movie, but the rest of the film is just completely hilarious! i'd give it 10/10 stars any day! and just hope that they can keep the good ideas coming to make these fantastic shows!! well done to all the people involved in the show producers and stars(stars also including Matt Hoffman and Tony Hawk) x
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is awesome! The cast perform crazy stunts like poo cocktail, poo diving and eating eggs. In almost every stunt someone gets hurt, and that makes me laugh very much. My favorite characters are Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera and Chris Pontius. He has a cool "stunt", or can we call it a stunt? Anyway he goes to a shop and music starts to play. He takes of almost all of his clothes and starts to dance, then he says to the salesman; "I like partying, this music makes me party." or something like that. Pontius got his nickname from that "stunt", Partyboy.

    Anyway Jackass is an excellent show and it's fun to watch when someone gets hurt or gets embarrassed by someone. This is entertainment, and Jackass is a good example of entertainment. But please, DON'T TRY THOSE STUNTS AT HOME. DON'T TRY THOSE STUNTS ANYWHERE ELSE EITHER.

    I give this show 9 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In this reality show. Skateboarders and pranksters johnny knoxville, steve-o, bam margera, chris pontius, wee man and ryan dunn peform outrageous stunts and pull pranks on each other. A blend of pranks, stunts and also skateboarding. The cast members are really hilarious, and sometimes bad ass with there stunts. Also the show was based off of a skateboarding magazine and videos called "Big Brother". And while this is all great some stunts are a bit too gross for my taste such as "Cow Poo" and "The Omelette". But otherwise a good reality series mixed with stunts and pranks pulled on each other in a style of an skateboard video.
  • When i purchased this Box set, i didn't know what to expect, i only saw the opening scene of Jackass: The Movie. I thought there would be a lot of vomiting and filthy stunts. I was right. But their was a lot of absolutely funny stunts. My favourite stunt is the BMX Joust in Volume 1. That stunt includes my favourite quote "Bam you will feel a lot of my lance, in your ass". There's a lot of pain in it, especially for Johnny Knoxville. My only disappointment in the box set is that there is a lot of pointless stunts such as the sexercise bike, Wee-man doing the "Wee Hand" (he just shows you his hand) Johnny Knoxville and Co. really need to make more of Jackass TV shows. After "Jackass: Number Two" they should concentrate on Making a few more volumes of Jackass.
  • dragokin30 April 2013
    The only reason i gave two stars is because of occasional laughs i've had while watching Jackass and guests stars like Brad Pitt.

    In my opinion, it is senseless to discuss the qualities of the show, especially when my most memorable moment was late Ryan Dunn in swim trunks diving into a cesspool wearing goggles and snorkel. Although i'm not sure whether he had flippers on, this episode catapulted him to world fame.

    The show motivated people to repeat the stunts, or even invent their own, despite warnings not to do so. On the one hand, this obviously means that Jackass fulfilled its mission. On the other hand, it showed to the viewers that it is legit to do anything to become famous, even if that means doing harm to yourself in front of a camera.
  • JACKASS is the most brilliant and idiotic show on television. It's the kind of genius idea one gets while they're half-baked. The best characters are "Night Monkey" (Chris Pontius) and "Danger Ehren" (Ehren McGheyey). sure people will imitate the things done on here, especially the c**p done by Bam Margera, Brandon Dicamillio, and Ryan Dunn (pushing shopping carts into curbs, jumping off roofs with umbrellas and into bushes, BMX jousting), but that's their own decision. There's plenty of disclaimers calling you a dumbass if you do this stuff. That doesn't mean you have to obey them though, just don't imitate the stuff that could get you killed (Human Barbecue, Alligatorama, Self-Defense). Being a dumbass can be fun. Being a JACKASS is something holy.
  • fire_god3315 December 2010
    Being an 11 year old in the past 10 years of my life I was forbidden to watch JACKASS.But now that I'm a bit more mature I sat down with my FATHER and watched every skit on the box set in 2 days every o skit I saw made me almost crap my pants. I respect that these morons have been doing these stupid stunts pranks and god knows what else for 10 years now, and I also respect that they have the wit to warn people not to try this stuff. That being said you might hate the fact that these guys do these things, and I understand its retarded but thats why its awesome because I would NEVER do any of this crap ever.

    But if your'e like me you'll laugh at there crude public displays and irresponsible stunts and pranks until the cows come home.

  • redhead_firefighter4310 September 2006
    I love the movie but they need some girls that do dumb stuff. Boys aren't the only ones that do that stuff.I do all types of things that they do. I actually do worse things. LOL. I think that somehow there should be a way to write to them and tell them what we think. If it would be possible i would and i would comment that they need some girls doing that sort of thing as well. I really think that party boy is good looking hes one of the more attractive ones. I like his little dance that he does its cute. Bam is also very good looking. I don't know what else to say. I cant wait for jackass 2 to come out. Hopefully it is just as good as the first one!
  • Great show with the same humor, memories, and debauchery as the movies. Almost like it started here?!? 😂

    However, Paramount+ cut it to pieces, spliced it however they wanted, and reused footage like the audience is as stupid as the CEOs who take advantage of them.

    I hope the decide to rectify their mistake, and I'll be sure to edit my review if they do.

    I mean they can always actually post the shorter episodes and put some editing time in, like they actually are being paid.

    Overall my favorite part is the Warning for "this program is airing in its original form with outdated social norms."
  • Man, what a nostalgia trip this was. From having seen it originally on MTV, though never fully. The memories are still very much there.

    What can you say about Jackass that hasn't been said already, you know what you are in for and it's silly, gross and funny. There are some great skits here. But it really all just works perfectly when the guys are having fun together. Putting a bottle rocket in places it shouldn't, rocket skates...the list goes on. But it works best when they are all together and laughing manically at the person having a bad time.

    There are also a few (more than I expected) skits that just don't work and aren't funny anymore. Not because of it being 2022 but just not funny in general. But that's the nature of this type of show, some skits work, others don't.

    Classic, I'd recommend the series more than the 2002 movie as well unless you want a condensed version. All in all a fun time and some moments that just get you crying from laughter.
  • I've heard about "Jackass" for years but only now got around to seeing it. What a series! These assorted scenes of Johnny Knoxville and his friends doing all sorts of things that you should never attempt keep you laughing every step of the way. Unabashedly schlocky, proudly disgusting, and lovably cringey, they're not afraid to do anything that they want. Now that I've seen the show, I'll have to watch the movies. I suspect that Knoxville and his friends are allowed to go all out in the movies.

    Anyway, a real fun romp all the way through. Too bad Ryan Dunn got killed in a car wreck (the Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to picket his funeral, but I don't know if they followed through on this).
  • "Jacka--" is, without a doubt, the funniest show ever created! I love the crap jokes. My friends and I talk about this show all the time. This show is better than the Tom Green show (Which people think Jack--- resembles). Mtv, whatever you do, do NOT cancel this show. This is the funniest show ever made!

    Rating: A+
  • Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, and the rest of the cast are so funny. They're always trying new funny stuff. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 10. Johnny Knoxville's movie career is taking of fast. I hope Jackass does not get canceled
  • I don't care what people say about this show. I get irritated when people say this show is stupid and why would someone do that. How about who cares. Its there show and they can do what they want. I love the show and i own the box set and the movie they made in 2002. My favorites on the show are Bam, Dunn, Dico, Steve-O and Chris. WeeMan is adorable. I just really love this show. If they can get paid for acting stupid let them. I really enjoy the most of it. Some looks gross and painful. The ones where they dive off into the water look fun and i would do it.Most fans of this show are guys. I am a girl and I like it. I have several friends that are girls and like it. I would give this show 10/10.
  • STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

    There is nothing subtle or classy about Jackass.There is one particular target audience it caters for:silly people.And people with a silly sense of humour.Players Club members should probably steer clear of this.But,in appealling to the lowest common works.The sheer spectacle of watching people who quite clearly have some kind of serious common sense problem make utter,well,JACKASSES of themselves is worked to considerably funny effect here.Truly deranged stuff,and all the better for it.***
  • jaychadwick13 August 2019
    I still remember when Jackass hit MTV and spread like wildfire. This show always brings a smile to my face. Huge thank you to the Jackass Crew for many laughs over the years!
  • Jackass would have to be one of the greatest shows of our time. This is laugh-out-loud stuff because, lets face it, people getting hurt is funny. The other gags (where people dont get hurt) are also amusing. Fun for all the family. Jackass is hard to beat in the comedy/stupidity/vile genre and is only outclassed by the New Zealand show 'Back of the Y' which is basically the same thing only with a (very weak)storyline.

    9.5 out of 10.
  • What can I say JACKASS is just damn hilarious, some people, like say my parents may find it down right stupid and well, they're probably not wrong but its still really funny and a cool programme and if people like entertaining people by doing stupid and down right painful things then its up to them.... Johnny Knoxville is the best he may not be the best of actors like Elijah wood!!! But I admire him just as much as I think Elijah wood is cute and that's a lot, anyway Knoxville is my idol I think he's really cool for doing all that stuff, and the other guys on the show too. I don't know if I should call him brave because he doesn't have to do this stuff, then again does that mean he is.... forget that, not brave like say Dave Pelzer (a child called it), but another kind. Well, apart from F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Buffy JACKASS comes next in my favourite programmes list!!!!!!!!

    10 out of 10

    14 years old

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