User Reviews (2)

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  • Okay, let us slow things down now, shall we? Next up on the non-MST3K Bottom 100 tour, we are going to talk about a romantic film (or so it seems) called "Without Charlie." Tissues ready? Okay here we go.

    "Without Charlie" is, in my honest opinion, one of the most original, most sentimental films of all time. It's a story about a woman who had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend, well, whose name is...Charlie! Yeah, and then her life completely changes without him being near her anymore!

    What I like the best about this movie is that it shows that viewer the dangers of relationships ending and stuff, and how people feel about this happening in their lives. Hey, it may be sad...but at least I just made you happy!
  • Directed by Adam Rifkin the film had some unique elements through flashback, a comic book, and Ally McBeal-esque visions through Vicky played by Judy Greer. Greer was extremely solid, Joshua Malina was good, and Fred Willard steals his only scene. The team of Rifkin/Bing/Sackett came away with a unique little romantic comedy.