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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is either the worst show I've ever seen or the most unintentionally hilarious TV show ever created. I mean, what were the people in charge of this thinking when they created this show? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! First of all, you have the most inept editor ever, who can't cut a film to save his life. It hurts my brain when I see rapid cuts with no coherence whatsoever. Then, you have the most ridiculous plots ever seen since Space:2001. In one episode, you have a woman being arrested by some stereotypical Nazi baron, then getting put in what looks like a dungeon or something, and then her bodyguard blows a wall through her cell, beats up other inmates, and tells her they have to get in a helicopter, which is hovering in the middle of the prison courtyard, with guards who have automatic machine guns walking around! And there's even another episode where a vampire(!) who's dating the main character(!!!), gets into a fight with a ghost?!? What the hell? And the for some reason, whenever an action sequence begins, you have the compelling need to tell me what the music is? I don't need to know that? Who greenlighted this idea anyways. To conclude, this is a horrible, horrible show.

    Bottom Line: Avoid this like the plague.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Zalman King's Chromium Blue was truly one of a kind, and so was the sadly missed Zalman King, a genius in mixing hip, innovative and creative themes with seriously slick looks, comedy, music, fashion, travels, erotica, genres bending TV, all so well made with the brilliant use of an incredibly rich and unusual cast and contents, in each episode! I have a feeling that this will be finally one day regarded as a true cult show, and, experience,too! I am sadly reading that some other Canadian reviewer reported this as being a non sense show, even concluding his or hers truly poorly conceived and utterly disrespectful lame vision and review, with the threatening:" avoid this like the plague"! How would you even think it makes it OK for you to not recommend, but, actually, to even so offensively disregard such a Show, that i know, for a fact, it's instead considered by way many more open minded audiences, who are clearly just a little more evolved than you are or were (I hope)! Vampires, Sheiks, and, even the Nazi's mixed with the hip hop crowd, gorgeous models, and, handsome thief's, gypsies and playboys, or just, more simply described, as, that now mythical, Millennium's "24 hours party people crowd", all lingering and happily mixing together in a show so unafraid of clichés, to be able to showcase even a truly flamboyant main gay character, one of those gays who used to be fun and avant-guard, creative and never dull, seeking to pursue new contradictions or to open up new wild journeys or fashions! Yes, an over the top, and, truly liberated, unapologetically politically incorrect, dancing and laughing off, merrily, every prejudice, a self humorous fashion stylist, such as, the brilliant Popo, very lovingly, well portrayed by the amazing Domiziano Arcangeli, with an understated comic vein. Or again starring even a sexy driver like the kick ass, high energy Maria (astonishing beauty Summer Altice ) who just does not wear an uniform, but, is an extremely eclectic young woman, who could be either a Top model, or even a Bond girl, when demanded, like when, on occasion, co-piloting , with a sophisticated butler (so wonderfully nailed by legendary British character actor, Ian Abercrombie) an helicopter or even a private jet, and, allowed to love aggressively men when she wants, and, to reject them when she doesn't want them or need them! There's also a young handsome billionaire, Henry Brooke, who's funding the whole adventure from the mysterious Castle, up to the Hills of what you'd love to think it"s Transylvania,and, where he's retired,after a life threatening motorcycle accident, now a constant virtual presence, to fully fulfill the most romantic parts of the show, and introducing, Viviam Vadim's resourceful, always classy, and, also extremely anti cliché heroine, who is a smart and clever, compassionate, yet wild and fun host to the guest stars, normally young, but romantically dissatisfied, lovely young ladies, coming on board, through the virtual Chromium Blue's site, and, after getting a complete makeover, immediately being set up, by the never exhausted, always spirited, Chromium Blue's clan for a dream romance which happens always with punctuality, but, never in the same fashion, allowing the multiplication of the genres here introduced! The guests here just mostly needed a break from the usual routine, to reconsider or even growing into themselves, before going back home, like after having spent a wonderful and unforgettable vacation, which is the whole , and, not so secondary, point of the Chromium Blue! Ah, isn't this all wonderfully riveting and exceptionally crafted and created? Yes, and, if the editing of the show isn't traditional, it is because it often follows more the "senses" or the psychological adventure and growth into this new life of pleasures, than the logic of the action sequences, that are really second to the message that so needs to be brought out loudly and extended to others with generosity, since, while it might be important to live and work, and, to have a life dedicated to accomplishments and goals, or simply having a family, it would be also as essential, to never forget, that wonderfully "youthful side" laying within ourselves, but, that once in a while, just kicks in to call our attention for a distraction, or a break, to just understand who we truly are and how we truly are living, and, I cannot imagine a place, possibly better than the always so blissfully rejuvenating Chromium Blue, with its foolish crew of happy people, always partying without remorse, but, always also working for us, like embracing a mission and never just some job! Very far from that, actually, there's certainly no doubt! I believe that there are so many people who have reconsidered the main theme of this show: it is already spreading some Cult resonance in the big cities, where this show has today many admirers who would like to "spread" to others the real fun yet life challenging message and philosophy, coming from the Chromium Blue and its wild and irresistible crew, so well orchestrated back then by Zalman King's unique eye for glamor and fashion, beauty and creativity, never forgetting that freedom of choice, in this case, obviously was meant as a form of providing us, with something so brave, so completely sharp and new, bringing us towards new poles and considerations, trends and social commentaries! But only now, in 2013 (over 10 long years later) this concept has, at long last, finally appeared, more and more so, in diverse, new trend setting shows, slowing, but, surely getting exactly to that same look and new narrative format ( which was back then considered obviously ahead of its time, to scare many) that was instead exactly where Chromium Blue, had already been, and, i stress, way over a decade ago! Time to rediscover the origins of a true, colorful, never ending, fun cult!
  • "" is a motion picture and a tv series by Zalman King. The men are hot, the women are sexy, and the scenery is beautiful. Zalman King also created the movie and series "Red Shoe Diaries" so you know its got to be good. Once again, Zalman is at his erotic best with this new, hip and ultra-sexy film.