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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Sol Bianca: The Legacy" is a pretty, but poorly plotted miniseries.

    While the main elements of the original series are present, some details are changed and much of the inferred emotional forces behind the mains' actions are never fully brought to light, leaving their choices somewhat puzzling in many cases.

    While this could be a prequel to the original series (May/Mayo is new to the crew here), the presence of Earth (it was an unfamiliar legend originally) makes that unlikely. Given the importance of Earth in The Legacy, having this be a sequel would probably have been a better idea.

    The Feb/April dynamic is absolutely critical in this series, but Feb's past, her feelings towards April, and how it all relates to what Feb gave up to become a pirate, remain vague, despite the plot completely hanging off of these details.

    Feb is nearly useless throughout Legacy, being far more inactive than in the original series: more of an object than a subject. Despite a bit of gun waving, Feb does nearly nothing except get pushed, pulled, and pursued by others. She is also no longer much darker skinned than the other crew members in this series, which seems a very odd choice.

    April faces hard choices in Legacy, but she is still the same person as before. While she has a bit more back-story here than in the original series, most of this added story is fairly pat, a glancing glimpse at best, despite Legacy's main plot arising from it. Essentially, it looks like it was constructed just enough to forward the story, and not developed any further than that.

    Jani acts mainly the same for most of the time in this series as she did previously, but reacts here to other people one way, and then another, with no apparent rhyme or reason. Jani's clutching to a male character when threatened (in "The Cleaner") seems very wrong for her, for instance.

    Jun seems unchanged. As a prior reviewer noted, Jun's "secret" is only shown in brief flashes, but most fans already know her story (such as it is), anyway.

    May/Mayo is a new addition to the ship (more of a passenger than crew) in The Legacy, and does not come into her own until the last episode, being more of a plot device than a character until then.

    While it is possible that some of the plot and character shifts and omissions are due to a loss in translation from the Japanese language and mindset to the English language and Western world-view, it seems more likely that Legacy's production studio simply followed a fairly common motif of vague back-story and inconstant details that are fairly rife in anime releases that revisit old favorites. Continuity was never an anime strong point.

    Pacing-wise, there is not as much action in this series as there was in the original (or perhaps it simply isn't as well dispersed throughout the story). There is, rather, a great deal of time-consuming posturing and shadowy machinations from the primary antagonist, which becomes irritating fairly early on, and stays annoying to the end.

    An Art Nouveau motif was introduced to the Sol Bianca herself (granting a goddess-like image to the ship) in The Legacy; this was quite beautiful but was a bit intrusive, and even hokey at times, due to it's excessive scale.

    The series is, as noted, generally pretty, but some of the character animations are weak. Ship animations are CGI and very nice, especially for the Sol Bianca herself, but the SB isn't seen in action (or even just seen) all that much until the last episode.

    In conclusion, Sol Bianca: The Legacy is a pretty addition to the original series, but seems a lazy reinvention rather than a faithful continuation. Had the mains' back-stories been a bit more solidly presented it could have stood alone, even as a "reboot", but as it is, Legacy seems an incomplete and blurry snapshot of old friends who have somehow changed and become unpleasantly unfamiliar.
  • Sol Bianca: The Legacy is an impressive Japanese animated miniseries about five women embarking upon a journey of self-discovery. The story is set in a fascinating universe imbued with a Spanish flavour, and is punctuated both by grand technology and mythology. The series has a clear focus on ambitious production values and demonstrates the growth of Japanese animation in plot development, and audio and visual style.

    You need not have watched the 1991 series in order to understand the story. However, it is written such that the overarching plot is revealed indirectly. Needless to say, the story is powerful and entrancing, if somewhat concealed. Due to its short length of six episodes it is necessary to watch the series at least twice in order to understand the depth of the plot fully. This is the main failing of the anime: that it requires the viewer to piece together the backstory from oblique implications and sometimes seemingly-unrelated events that occur throughout the episodes. Nevertheless, the first viewing is valuable in understanding the intimate stories and relationships of each of the leading characters and their maturation and development.

    The series is notable in that it places much weight on the importance of our history and the uniqueness of our planet, with each episode commencing with a quote from a piece of historic literature. Furthermore, the most sought-after items in Sol Bianca's galaxy are artifacts from Earth – even our space-faring pirate heroines are after them. The environmental and social messages are powerful and ring true. The series also shows great conceptual creativity, with impressive displays of holographic goddesses and a blossoming computer system. These alone, shown in the first episode, were impressive enough to hook me in to watch the rest of the anime.

    This miniseries is well worth watching for its high visual quality, beautiful soundtrack and voice acting, impressive character design and its masterful and contemporary plot. Highly recommended.
  • This is the story of the pirate ship Sol Bianca and her all-female crew named after months of the year. As you may know Sol Bianca was intended to be a three-part series in 1991 but only two episodes were produced. In 1999 they restarted the series but the characters and spaceship look much the same as before. For some reason our lead character April looks kind of ugly in some scenes. Perhaps it is because she frowns a lot.

    The show opens with a dramatic musical theme which I like. The visuals are pretty cool. It looks like computer graphics were used for the ship's flying sequences. One nice scene is the AI's boot-up procedure where you see a woman's face and a tree blooming (which I assume is a graphical representation of ship's commands and controls).

    There are six episodes in the Legacy series and I found the stories moody and underexplained. For instance in the original series they gave you enough hints to figure out June's secret but in The Legacy you had to look carefully to figure out what it was. A freeze frame was useful in one key flashback. When the crew was taken hostage I got confused about which scenes were flashback and which scenes were now. There were other points that I missed that my brother had to explain like the significance of the terraforming project.

    I wonder if this show was Pioneer's answer to Bandai's Cowboy Bebop? If you liked the original series then you will probably like The Legacy as well.
  • It's horrible!! The animation doesn't exist in it.There is camera moving recording a stop picture. The plot is confused, of bad taste, and far, so far, you can put far in it, to be good or acceptable to see. Don't see it, you will loose your time and will forget what is a good anime. Your life will be worst after this experience. One of the things that is trash is the unexpected appearence of the enemies, like a RPG video game. The villains and secondary characters appear in the middle of the episode without explanation. It's really bad. If you don't agree you must be sick. ARRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!