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  • That Rajni is the star and Kamal is the actor is a fairly common notion among fans of Tamil cinema. It is true, of course, to a fairly large extent. To his credit, though, Rajnikanth has made many a fine movie, at least before the mantle of the Superstar Of Southern Cinema fell on his shoulders.

    Aarilirindhu Aruvathu Varai will never feature in any list of Rajni's most-successful movies. If anything, it was one of his least successful flicks. Then again, commercial success is never an indicator of the quality of a movie, is it? The movie is a portrayal of the life of Santhanam, the eldest son of a poor widow barely able to make ends meet. He spends the first half of his life toiling night and day to afford his younger siblings an education and spends the second watching them lead comfortable lives while he continues his struggle for survival. He is ably supported by Cho, who plays his equally poverty-stricken friend. For a movie with a premise this tragic, the movie also produces quite a few laughs, courtesy Cho's stinging digs at society and politics.

    Though a tad predictable at times, the movie is still a must-watch for the generation that has grown up watching Rajni punch through walls and stop bullets in mid-air, for them to realize that Rajnikanth wasn't always a superstar. He was once an actor. And a brilliant one at that.
  • chembai16 January 2002
    One of the rare films in which Rajini plays a simple guy who remains just that, without becoming Superman. A well-told middle-class tale, it has excellent performances by Rajini and Cho, and comes with plenty of heart-tugging scenes. Ilayaraja scores a winner again, with a magnificent song in Kanmaniye kaadhal enbathu. Definitely worth watching once.
  • You will probably come to know why he is called the Superstar and why South Indians value him so much after watching this movie. People who crack those Rajinikanth jokes, you guys must watch this movie. Acting, Direction everything is 100%. Best Tamil movie of all times. A must-watch this epic movie.

    Aarilirunthu Aruvathu varai, Revolves around Santhanam(Rajnikanth) who solely runs his poor family of 2 brothers and a sister, after their parents death, by taking them to higher level in the society. However, he gets rejected by them, after they get a modern lifestyle. How Santhanam, runs his life and gets back his greedy Siblings forms the Crux of the story in this Coming of age film.
  • bala-4188318 June 2020
    One of the best movies which showcased the acting side of RajiniKanth.
  • wwwranga3 March 2019
    This movie portrays a life's about a poor man facing a various kind of problems in society in oder to make a good life for his siblings.friendship,love&family emotions are beautifully must have to watch this movie in your life.
  • Everything is perfect from direction, story, music, cast and dialogues which are authentic and one of a kind movie in Rajini's impeccable career. Must watch movie for everyone.
  • This is genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The story was bad. The characters were bad. There was not a single moment of this boring, depressing movie that I enjoyed watching. It's only redeeming feature was Rajinikanth's amazing acting - as usual, he gives it his all and turns in a great performance. Other than that, this movie has nothing to redeem it. Viewing this movie was one of the most painful, excruciating movie-watching experiences I've ever had. I understand that the movie is not meant to happy or fun. That's fine. I've watched somber and serious movies before that I liked. But with characters this cartoonishly unlikeable and with a story that seemed to celebrate and relish the suffering of the protagonist, there was quite literally nothing in this movie for me to enjoy. I would like to encourage everyone, even die hard Rajini fans, to avoid this movie. If you want to see great dramatic acting from Rajini, there are plenty of other movies that give you that along with a story that won't make you question the life decisions you made that lead you to watch this film.