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  • There is little hope for a movie that stars a former Playboy playmate in the leading role. There is even less hope for the movie when she is by far the best actor/actress in the entire movie.

    Lisa Boyle did a decent job in this movie, but the other actors and actresses were evidently hired because they looked the part and not because they could act. I literally cringed numerous times when they tried to be dramatic.

    As for the story... They tried to squeeze too many elements into a flimsy bag. A woman battling alcoholism is an entire movie in and of itself, to have it as a poorly written sub-plot is terrible. A couple struggling to stay together again could be an entire movie and is only occasionally successfully written into an action movie. And get this, in the middle of being chased all over Boston by the bad guys, she still checks in with her talent manager for work projects. Like the bad guys wouldn't stake that place out first?!?
  • The movie was very entertaining. Especially the nude scenes with Lisa Boyle. Bravo Brad!!!! Good storyline, although some of the shooting scenes in public were a bit of a stretch. Some of the casting was weak, but overall I enjoyed watching it the second time even more!!
  • Jukes4rent25 May 2001
    I really enjoyed this movie, so much so that I watched it twice. The story line was interesting and the movie's pace was quick. The direction was superb and the women were fine, the nudes scenes are plentiful and Lisa Boyle is a pleasure indeed. Bravo Mr. Jacques!!