User Reviews (25)

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  • Lena Headey is the perfect jewel for this mesmerizing film. She is surrounded by a great cast whose menacing and troubled characters make you shiver as if from the winter's cold. The film is bleak, brutal and thanks to Headey's seductive allure, utterly compelling. Both she and the film are more than worth the price of a ticket.
  • kosmasp5 September 2018
    The movie takes its time and overall I think what it tries to do is recommendable. Putting a face to something that was a horrible event in history is not a bad idea. But until we get there, you may get bored or at least a bit annoyed. The acting is good and there is quite a few things you may like. Not the over the top cliches at points probably.

    We have Jason Flemyng and Lena Headey, the latter probably having some training or at least getting accostumed to something she later revised (GoT). So for them it seems like it was fun. It doesn't quite translate to the screen. Some of the symbolism (sexual frustration, being in charge as a woman and so forth) really don't shine as much as they could. Still there have been worse movies out there
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A small English village in 1348, at the beginning of the Hundred Years' War. Lady Matilda Mellerby (p/b Lena Heady)'s husband is taken prisoner by the French, but her nephew comes home with an important French prisoner who Matilda tries to exchange for her husband through the local bishop. The bishop, however, is a greedy perverted charlatan who wants favors from Matilda, and the Frenchman turns out to be someone more than they bargained for. Meanwhile, the Black Death is breaking out. . .

    This British Indie really tries: The props and costume design are pretty realistic, and there is a very solid storyline. Though it's not exactly Middle English, the script is also decent. ANAZAPTA ("Black Plague") is nowhere near as cheesy as its cover suggests. The problem is that it's laughable as an historical drama because the characters are mostly fictitious, the plot is entirely so, and the horrific/ supernatural elements kill any attempt at realism. On the other hand, most modern horror fans are likely to find it quite dull. There is some violence, gore, (male) nudity, and ucky plague stuff; however, most of ANAZAPTA consists of bickerings and finaglings between Matilda, the bishop, the mysterious Frenchman, and various others. The true extent of the plague is not actually shown here, nor is the war in France. Finally, it just isn't particularly scary.

    NOTE: ANAZAPTA (aka BLACK PLAGUE) should not be confused with the similarly titled and covered BLACK DEATH, which, though also set in 1348, is a completely different (and much better) story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In 1349 Walter (Jon Finch) is fighting those pesky French. His manor is in the hands of his wife Lady Miltilda (Lena Headey). Walter gets captured and is ransomed. Nicholaus (Jason Flemyng) his nephew has also taken a hostage, the son of the Count, Jacques de Saint Amant (David La Haye) oddly the only man with any class in this British film.

    There is an air of mystery around this man who appears to be something other than we think. He has a scar of a cross on his chest. There are also uneven flash back scenes that are basically meaningless until an hour and twenty-two minutes into the film when we find out about Walter's first wife (Elizabeth Marmur) a story every villager knows about...except his current wife Matilda,

    The story is slow to develop and once it was developed it moves slow to the climax, at which point I realized the film wasn't worth watching. Poorly conceived and executed.

    "Black Plague" was a 2002 film called "Anazapata" a word that is explained at an hour or so into the film and then becomes meaningless. "Black Death" was a far better film. Most films about the Black Plague are better (even that zombie one). In fact most films that have the word "Black" or "Plague" in their title are better.

    Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, male nudity, graphic sexual drawings...and all done rather poorly.
  • 5/22/18. I only watched this because Headey was in it. Other than that the sets and costumes were nice, but the plot was not that great. Could have been better.
  • Don't let the sexy video title get your hopes up, the famous plague is only mentioned in passing. But Lena Headey cuts a handsome figure in period dress and a chastity belt kowtowing to a sweaty-faced Iain MacNeice as a patriarch resembling Jabbah the Hutt proudly flourishing his huge collection of medieval porn.

    Extremely contemporary swearing is used along with a smattering of French and archaic expressions like "Let's see you smirking with a noose around your neck", while the viewer is regaled with copious quantities of gore and sights like limbs breaking off, lots of bad teeth and flesh covered in pustules, and a character with a false nose who declares that "If the Lord was good enough to put a hole in my face who am I not to use it?"

    The use of slow motion already looks dated and the cast all take it all a lot more seriously than you probably will.
  • Without subs the audio was not clear made watching & understanding the movie difficult to say the least, wife & I both had a hard time understanding the audio.
  • jluis198424 November 2005
    It's always great to see a film that, even when it's not a masterpiece of the genre, breaks the mold and stands high in the middle of the sea of mediocrity that average films create. Anazapta is one of those films.

    Set in the middle age, it's very realistic in it's portrayal of how dirty, physically and emotionally that age was. The amorality and violence of the dark ages set the tone for a film about revenge and mystery in the time of the Black Plague.

    A man is taken as prisoner by the inhabitants of a town. The village is suffering and needs money, and before the church takes the land, the widow of the lord of the land decides to trade the prisoner, who claims to be the son of a french nobleman in exchange of money. But the prisoner may not be who they think is, and to complicate the things, a mysterious disease similar to the plague is killing people who may be part of the mystery surrounding the prisoner.

    A very interesting mix of suspense, horror and mystery set in the middle-ages is what makes this film to shine. The script, although a little bit underdeveloped, still makes justice to the premise and what we have is a chilling tale that keeps the interest of the audience who is led through the horrors of the ages.

    Certainly, It's one of the most realistic portrayals of the middle age, it moves away from the nobility of knights and princes and shows us the harsh reality of corrupt institutions, dirty and poor villagers, and tired knights whose only ambition is to live the next day.

    The cast is good, and while it may not be the best acting, it's better than expected in a low-budget film. In fact, the entire film looks as if it's budget were big but in fact it's low.

    Maybe it's biggest flaw lays in the fact that it leaves many things unexplained, the script ends in a way that maybe will leave many people unsatisfied. I have read comments of people who could not understand the ending. I'm not sure if I understood it, but I enjoyed the film.

    It's a good movie about the middle ages, and it definitely deserves a look.

    Solid 7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    BLACK PLAGUE is one of those old straight-to-video medieval films that today has found a new lease of life as a GAME OF THRONES cash-in complete with a bethroned Lena Headey staring out of the video cover. However, it couldn't be less like THRONES if it tried. This is instead a small-scale melodrama involving various unpleasant characters doing their very best to get the upper hand on their rivals. The plague plays a part in the proceedings but otherwise this is very much a morality tale that reminded me of a Bergman film a little. The cast is well-chosen, with Headey excelling alongside Ian McNeice, Christopher Fairbank and Jason Flemyng, but the real star is the great and underrated Jon Finch who has never put in a bad performance. Sadly, BLACK PLAGUE as a whole is dreary and uninteresting, overlong and bogged down by its own self-importance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a spoiler alert - as I refer to something occurring at the end of the story: I have only one thing to add to the already submitted reviews. Who is "William" at the end? He's never mentioned before. The prisoner Jacques character seems to morph into this other William at the very end as he is being welcomed in a field by a waving woman, referred to as "Lady". I re-played the scene three times on Amazon Prime and still don't get it. Is the idea that Jacques was an apparition or ghost all along and reverts at the end to an idealized version of the man he could have been, and is now being welcomed into a sylvan paradise (i.e. heaven) by his mother? That would be in sync with the contention of the returning lord and husband of Mathilda that he (the lord) personally murdered Jacques as a baby and (literally?) ate his heart. Either this is a lie or Jacques made an amazing recovery. Oh well I won't let it keep me up too many nights trying to figure it out. Maybe someone else reading this has a better idea of the significance of that last scene.
  • ropelawshiel28 February 2021
    I felt I was watching something from the 70s. It has strong adult themes and language and well-known actors, but I thought they all acted badly; it's as if everyone had been asked to do a poor job, editing, acting, directing, etc. Shame, for a film made in 2002, it all looks pretty dated.
  • I was curious about this movie, since the Brazilian DVD has a great mistake on the cover: makes reference to the year 1838 and the black plague. Being a fan and collector of movies, I decided to watch this movie of a story in the Middle Ages. And I found a surprisingly good, amoral and violent movie. The story actually takes place in 1328, and the first positive point to call my attention was the image of the Middle Ages town and inhabitants: poor and ignorant people, with dirty clothes, spoiled teeth, living in a dirty and muddy village. Therefore, a vision totally different from those showed in Hollywood movies, with fancy castles and villages with beautiful people. Second, it is a story of lust and revenge, very amoral and violent. The script presents the story in such a way that the viewer becomes aware of the situation at the same time as Matilda (Lena Headley), the main character. Indeed a good movie and fans of movies of Middle Ages will not be disappointed. My vote is eight.

    Title (Brazil): "Anazapta"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    a village keeps a grievous evil as a secret, and thirty years later retribution comes in the form of a man who is meant to be their salvation. it all starts with greed. this village is as corrupt as can be. they are willing to whore out their queen for money from the bishop, and the irony is that the black plague that comes upon the village is payback for a terrible thing that occurred to a previous queen who had another lover. there is a lot of Christian symbolism. it's hard to tell if the stranger in town is the Antichrist, a demon, pure evil; meant to be hated, or just another unloved and mistreated bastard. you feel sorry for the poor guy until he kills someone. the upside down cross he was branded with marks him to be evil, but he is actually quite charming and seductive. this man uses talisman sorcery to send out demons to do his work; both to kill and seduce. its ironic that this man causes forces of lust and obsession when it is those forces exactly that he is come to gain revenge from. he bonds with Matilda who is a kind and gentle soul. she is the only non- grotesque character in the film. Matilda burns these sexual paintings and the only one not burnt is wadded up. It's of two women and one has a phallus. I don't really understand what that means. Maybe it's the only one that doesn't make Matilda think of her suitor. Basically, this grotesque, corrupt, and evil town is brought down by their own creation which is slightly poetic. I won't tell you how, but they are. Lena Headey is brilliant as Matilda. She is kind and compassionate and as I said the only non-grotesque character in the film. She did a brilliant job in this role.
  • Being an avid admirer of director Alberto Sciamma´s first film "Killer Tongue" I did not hesitate to watch his new movie while it was shown at the "Fantasy-Filmfest" Germany. I cannot say, I´m disappointed. But i did not turn out the way I expected it. Compared to his first movie, an extravaganza beyond compare, "Anazapta" looks too arty to capture my benevolent attention. There have been some great movies on the middle ages, like "Flesh and Blood", "Jabberwocky" or "Hour of the Pig". In all these movies the middle ages are so dirty, amoral and violent as you always thaught thy would have been. "Anazapta" makes no exception, and that´s the biggest failure. It does not show anything you haven´t seen before. The movie looks very tv-like. There is no spark. Compared to the in some aspects similar "Hour of the Pig" it´s a major disappointment. Although it´s twisted, you lose interest in getting to the final twist. Don´t misunderstand me. It´s not a bad movie. I have seen much, much worse. But my expectations were higher.
  • gvis27 September 2019
    It makes sense, like some other reviewer said, that this movie was only released on dvd to cash in on the GoT hype. Juding by he cover of the dvd, this was exaclty the case.

    To me, judging by the cover, I expected a horror movie.. I quickly found out it wasn't. Not really a big deal, I loved Name of the Rose, so if it was a medieval thriller, I would be okay with it. Well, I still don't know what it is. Either way, it failed miserably.

    The movie takes place somewhere around 1348, just after the plague arrived in Europe. A group of English soldiers return from war in France and with hem a French prisoner. Soon after, people die under mysterious circumstances and the Frenchman may not be who he claims to be.

    Sounds exciting ? Yes. Is it ? Heck no. The movie very slow paced, confusing and just downright boring. Very few scenes make any sense. For example, there is this scene where this idiot with the whistle in his mouth attempts to murder the Frenchman, gets caught when the lady walks in and quickly disappears. And gues what ? The lady doesn't even aks wtf he's doing there, as if she doesnt care ? WTF is up with that ?The costumes and settings were okay, but that's it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Pepe Le Pew comes to chase Cersei Lannister. She doesn't mind being caught. And many of the characters recite Pepe's "Ah, the adoration..." type speech. Somehow this guy magically makes everyone catch the plague. If he was a carrier; and snuck his blood into wine, food, etc.; it would make sense. But no. Magic. So he was killed, but became alive to get revenge. And somehow he became French; like Pepe Le Pew. But after all, this is ALL fiction. Like Pepe Le Pew.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This should get more, but I can't go past 5/10. The basic structure of the movie is 'inspired' by more famous classics, notably Sergio Leone's 1.ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (remember how Charles Bronson's character is gradually introduced via short flashbacks, so in the end we learn he's come to exact revenge on Henry Fonda's character who had once killed his brother ).

    2. PER QUALCHE DOLLARO IN PIU' (Lee Van Cleef's character hunts down Gian Maria Volontè's character...only in the end we learn he seeks revenge because his sister had been raped and murdered ). Remember how the link is a carillion watch the bad guy amuses himself with, which in the end we learn belonged to the departed sister?

    3. The mass rape as punishment for adultery also came in REVENGE with Anthony Quinn (and the old nobleman/husband IS portrayed as another "Tiburon" ).

    This movie basically mixes'n'matches the above plots...we get a necklace instead of a carillion watch, the flashback device and all the rest to a T with the notable exception of the medieval angle.

    Movies like French SECRET DEFENSE do a better job at being more cryptic. This one here aims higher than its class should allow. Historical reconstruction is good, scenes are also good, but the whole lacks something important...maybe because Leone's masterpieces sprung to my attention immediately.

    Of course you also get bits&pieces of NAME OF THE ROSE (=the enigma of the words on the corpses ) , MASK OF RED DEATH etc etc...again...give you the feeling of having seen all devices in an overall better product.

    The storyline is at times inconsequential...instead of feeling guilty for the punishment -however excessive- of a crime, people could have easily killed the 'mesmerizing stranger without a name'...but I realize that we'd have a ten minutes movie, then.

    Maybe the botched state of the movie explains why it was released 3 years after being produced, as some say.

    Won't watch it twice.
  • As others have said,a somewhat confusing storyline , but there's no denying that it feels like you're there in medieval times whilst watching. They manage to conjure up a very convincing atmosphere. Whilst set in England, it was actually filmed on location in Wales at two locations. The case are uniformly excellent, and if it weren't for the messy storyline, this would be a corker. Still worth a watch. I note the running time is stated as 1 hr 55 mins, but my French blu ray only runs for 1hr 48mins ,so I wonder if its been edited?
  • Story about amoral revenge, cold, dark, seductive, cruel and brutal, splendid reflection of Middle Age atmosphere, mixture of tension and strange romance, tale about price of gestures and powerful force of past errors, about values and trust, about ghosts and crime as projection of community's soul.

    In same aspects, a love story and, in fact, subtle exploration of existence significance.

    A debate-film, with some aspects from Shakespeare or Marlowe, with flavor from Dostoevki and taste of Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal" but, very personal as structure and construction of end.

    Film about old moral debt, about cruelty of a bleak era," Anazapta" is a mirror, with Greek tragedy as mat, image of human instincts, desires and secret fears, notion of justice and faith, greed, poltroonery and black angels. It is lucid introspection in the loops of deep reality beyond the words.

    The acting, the dialogs, the lights and location are bones of a social corpse, without coffin, funeral or grave.

    The innocence or the mercy are only illusions for a character in which single limb is memory beyond facts, illusions or regrets.

    A destiny's butcher and his way.

    And a very interesting presence of Lena Headey in magnificent role who transforms,in delicate and subtle manner, the nuances of atmosphere and the respiration of action.
  • The cinematography looks like the film was made in the 80s . The acting is so bad. And the story is ridiculous. You do feel seriously cheated after watching this crap.
  • I never heard of this flick and being released nowadays, almost 16 year after it was shot it does mean a thing. It must be bad, isn't it? Shot in 2002 it stayed for 3 years on the shelves before it was finally released but even then it was failure. The reason it came out in 2014 under the new title Black Plague do had a reason. Pick up the DVD or Blu Ray and just have a close look. Lena Headey is sitting on a throne. Does it ring a bell? Sure, it looks like Game Of Thrones. And they are picking in on the success of that series. The cover of the DVD is never seen in this flick.

    But don't get me wrong. Mostly it's a bad sign but this flick do offer a few things. It shows Lena as the main lead and is showing what she can do. It's clear that she was ready to move on to bigger projects. Further the look of this flick do show how people lived in the Dark Ages just before the plague entered Europe. Just look how they lived, how they looked, look at their teeth. Look how religion is important. And it do has a good story. The only nudity comes from soldiers standing naked who are controlled by a doctor looking for signs of the plague. Even as the plague enters England there's more going on. Not bad at all.

    Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
  • "Anazapta" is one of those movies about the medieval times which does not have any characters boasting a bright, ultra-white-teeth Hollywood smile. The whole so to say "medievalness" is shown very naturally, i.e. people are dirty, rude, there's violence and brief nudity, etc. And this is great. This is the only thing that provides the movies with above the average rating IMHO. The story is twisted just perfectly for ending-guessers to figure out the grand finale some 20 to 15 minutes before time, but the very ending scene has left me wondering. Anyway, in my TV-program the film was described as a historical thriller and thriller it was indeed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If The Name of the Rose and High Plains Drifter had offspring it might look something like this. Although this child would, alas, be inferior to the parents. That's not to say it's a bad film. If you want to spend two hours in the worst year England has known you've come to the right place; rain, plague, misery, violence. There's something Pythonesque about the squalor the characters inhabit "Ooo, there's some nice muck here". There's even a chastity belt and a false nose thrown in. The acting is top notch, Lena Hedley holds everything together as the noble milady, Ian McNiece as a delightfully corrupt bishop and Jason Fleming a psychotic knight with a tiny monkey, no really. The music is epic but strangely out of place evoking an England in happier Arcadian times. A darker, base toned score as used in The Name of the Rose would have contributed to th menace. The photography is, I believe, in film rather than cinematic video and this raises the film's quality allowing rich, glowing colour in the warmer scenes to grainy realism in the rain-soaked outdoors. But it's flaws are the run time, it's a lot to get through in one sitting as a times the story can drag in places. There's a degree of confusion over what exactly is going on for some time, admittedly wrapped up toward the end, but taking some leaps in the viewers imagination to piece it all together. Nice ending though, which I think suggests the Black Plague is a human manifestation travelling from village to village exacting revenge for the sins on the guilty. A wandering Angel of Death. Incidentally, the title and poster art rebranding on Amazon suggests a Game of Thrones cash in which is unfair as the film is it's own thing, for good or bad.
  • This is a great movie because you never know what's going to happen next.

    A dark thriller that keeps you guessing all the time. The thing that hooked me from the beginning wasn't just the mysterious plot but also the way the middle ages are presented; raw and dirty, the opposite of what a more conventional film or a Hollywood approach would have given us. I found myself a little lost at some points but I liked the abstract ending because it keeps you thinking after the film has ended. I'm not so sure about some of the gross or violent scenes but I guess they help to set the scene. I also found the orchestral score very melancholic and powerful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    By the way, the bubonic plague, though it really got traction in medieval Europe, if you read history, and this is well documented, began with infested rats in China and just like Wuhan, came knocking elsewhere. Of course now we have one that has infected more people then any plague in history and some genuinely reputable people (I work in health care) think that the 4 million death toll could be as much as 12 times higher as I type on May 18, But NO plague in history has destroyed an entire world economy before....... Genghis Kahn has returned.

    But back to the business at hand.....

    The Buboes that make their appearance in this pretty remarkable movie, are really subthematic. It is the strange personal and sexual and intrigues of court, not traffic court, that are at the center. In that sense we have a sort of recreation of The Name of the Rose, remember that one?

    This is a detective story set in medieval times. The performances are excellent. It has a slow general pacing but there is a lot to uncover. The film maintains a sense of imminence throughout, you know you are being led somewhere, and you are, and I am not going to 'spoil' on that count.

    Part of what I enjoyed here, beyond the passionate dignity the actors invest, they are really into this, and it often feels like a stage play, something Shakespearean, is the deepening mystery as things appear to solidify.

    It is intelligent, extremely well acted, peopled with very memorable characters and an intriguing plot. It will require your attention but what's going on pretty well demands and compels that.

    It is a long ride, yes, but the scenery is worth looking at, and you are literally with (a) good company.

    Not everyone's cup of tea, this is not AVATAR........a lot of it is grim and muddy and gross, and it is an actorly exercise all the way, It is unique and i can't decide if it's just an above average medieval/horror/drama/passion play/ mystical/sexual/theological/brutal thing, or something that's verging on terrific with all the above modifiers.

    I thing it just misses a bullseye so I'll give it a 9 but what it is missing may be intentional, because when all is said and done and more or less laid out for you, there can be questions of interpretation.

    No question though that I recommend it.