User Reviews (4)

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  • This movie plays a lot like FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL. So close in fact that you might think it was just a cash-in, but this film was shot in 2000 and sat on the shelf for years before finally finding distribution. While intermittently funny, the film feels like a mess with many disconnected scenes and so much partying that it makes you wonder where the filmmakers' priorities were while shooting this.

    We get some interesting cameos in the form of Chrisopher Walken, Robert Wagner, Morgan Fairchild, and Rutger Hauer, but they're not in the film very much and aren't really on their A-game. This is particularly in the case of Hauer, who appears stoned or drunk out of his mind during the duration of the shoot. Walken and Wagner go largely wasted, especially a funny gag opportunity they missed. The two could have gotten in a fight on a boat, accidentally pushed a girl into the water, who drowns, and then look at each other and yell, "oh no, not again!". No such luck.

    Technically the film feels a bit uneven with some occasional poor cinematography followed by some great work. It makes me wonder if two different crews shot this thing. Many jokes fall totally flat but a running gag in which the two leads keep getting mistaken for a gay couple works surprisingly well, particularly during the scene in which someone overhears their conversation about scuba gear through a doorway. Fairchild gets in a quick shower scene in one of the highlights of the film.

    The main showpiece of the film, in which several people drink a spiked beverage, goes sadly wasted and doesn't really affect anything later on. Things drag and get repetitive, but still, consider yourself lucky finding this extreme rarity.
  • owen-691-38091016 June 2012
    Very strange movie. Completely mis-fires comedy-wise. I didn't laugh out loud (or otherwise) once. Walken and Hauer are wasted here, which is a shame as I am a fan of both actors. It isn't hard to see why it took such a long time for the film to finally be released.

    Overall ; It gives you the distinct feeling that they might have run out of money in post-production; the editing is poor and the music throughout the film sounds amateurish. However even without these major flaws the film would still have been rotten to the core.

    If this movie had been made in the 80's the jokes would have felt clichéd but now it is simply embarrassing. Add to that the wooden acting of the majority of the cast, the awful dialogue and the lack of chemistry between any of the actors; it is no surprise (that at the time of writing); no one else has bothered to review this movie and only 50 or so people have even voted.

    Anyway; I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone. If you are considering watching this movie; please use your time more wisely!

  • Warning: Spoilers
    was at the local wallyworld when i saw this movie i noticed the actors in it and that was the hook thought well only five bucks how bad could it be well it was overpriced by five see the actors that star in this movie are basically in the movie for five minutes lol my goodness i am sound like a promo for pizza hut..the story goes that a young man goes there after being jilted at the alter and used the trip to get over the experience and from there the movie goes down hill quickly..the acting was horrific i have seen better performances at the bar at two am..the editing was awful too it could not explain how the two leads get a job immediately after one week staying there and being noticed by the owner then leave the next week overall the movie was awful and the only bright spot was the gaze upon morgan fairchild who looks great after all these years.
  • I worked as an extra on this movie. In 2000. It only came out on DVD in 2012. That might tell you something about the quality of the production. I was under the impression (until 5 minutes ago) that this movie never came out, and I have just ordered the DVD. Can't wait to see if I made the cut to the big screen or not!