User Reviews (27)

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  • It's a real shame that this show didn't last for more seasons. I mean, it had everything to become a long running sitcom. It had great acting, inventive and edgy jokes, great cast, and great chemistry between the main characters.

    Eddie Kaye Thomas demonstrated he has great comedic skills; he's hilarious! and his "serious guy" image fits perfect for his role. Sean Maguire in my opinion steals the show as the stud and fun guy. He's great and hilarious! Lauren Stamile is hot as hell and delivers a funny performance. She always seemed to be having fun with her role. She's very sexy and her character fits perfect for her. But John Cho is the best about the show. He's naturally hilarious and his comedic skills are very diverse. He made the show.

    I really liked this sitcom and I wonder why it didn't last for more. Sure, it relied most of it's creativeness on sex jokes and some sexy references but believe me, the jokes were very clever and well acted.

    Underrated show that deserved more chances... I watched it on Mexican t.v. at 1:30 a.m. Shame it isn't on syndication.
  • Unlike Max bigford this show was awesome and did not need to be cancelled.

    Whilst raunchy for the time this is mild by today's standards.
  • I caught this programme by accident. I couldn't sleep one night so I put the TV hoping to find something that would bore me to sleep. Instead I found this fantastic programme which got me completely hooked. I taped the programme every week after that but usually ended up staying up till 4.30am to watch it as well because I didn't want to wait till the next day. John Cho as Chau is so unbelievably funny. His character really added something special to the show. I can't believe they cancelled this show when it was so funny. I made all my friends watch the tapes I made of this programme and I got them all hooked. There seems to be a lot of good programmes getting cancelled in the US. I'm starting to wonder if these TV executives actually know anything about good TV programmes. I hope they release the programme on DVD then at least people can enjoy it whenever they want. But unfortunately I doubt that they will do that.
  • This show had a very simple premise: two men, a smooth-talking british guy named Euan and his easy-going American friend Mike live together in an apartment on Off Centre Street [hence the title] and spend most of the time hanging put with their idiot buddy Chau, who often gets them into wacky [and hilarious] situations. Under normal circumstances, this would just be another dumb sitcom, but the writing and performances make it a whole lot better than I expected when I first saw the show in November of last year. Since then I watched the show every week and taped every episode. Sadly, The WB canceled this show about two weeks ago after only 28 episodes and leaving two episodes unaired. To say that this the worst decision that the network could possibly make would be a complete understatement because this is possibly the funniest show in the history of television. However, lack of publicity led to low ratings and low ratings led to the cancelation of the show. The problem was that the network barely advertised the show and showed no support for it either. Had the show been on another network, it probably would have done better. Hopefully, the show will be picked up by another channel like Comedy Central and the laughs can continue.
  • Off Centre has to be one of, if not the Funniest Comedies I have ever seen... You Know!

    All the characters have a quirkiness about them... especially John Cho's character Chau, a Vietnamese restaurant worker / owner. The other characters are Euan an English stud, Mike an American dork (with principles) who roomed together at Oxford. As well as Status Quo an extremely sensitive and cultured gangster rapper (the mix is extremely funny). Besides the 4 guys there is the one girl who goes out with Mike but adds to the humour. There are also a mix of famous extras from Carmen Electra to Eugene Levy to Jason Biggs to Shannon Elizabeth as well as some characters who moved onto Heroes.

    This show gives laughters from beginning to end and after the first couple of episodes, once you relate to the characters, you are hooked. The writers did an amazing job in finding the exact humour in each character and the actors perform them to a T (especailly John Cho). The story line / lines usually surround the premise that Euan is a stub and gets lots of girls while Mike and Chau do not. However, within this premise there are many sub stories that are just so strange and weird and that's what makes it extremely funny!

    It is a pity that WB cancelled the show and didn't let them finish their 2nd season... what a waste - WB could have had high ratings, entered a new market for comedy or sold the show to another network, but apart from being their loss... it was ours too.
  • To think when I started watching Opposite Sex and Off Centre what are the chances i'd have found them both great and then found out they were both cancelled, I'd stay up till 5.30a.m. to watch both shows every night and now they're gone probably never to be replaced. Dammi
  • Brilliant. Excellent comedy. Great performances all around. Well worth your time. Enjoy.
  • ptepowell26 April 2019
    Before streaming this show was it... was adult themed and adressed pc topics that made it standout above the rest... wish they could reboot this series the two leads played well off each other... love re watching this series
  • Normally a fairly moronic US teen sitcom, brought to you by the producers of the American Pie film series, but this week's episode featured a thing that poked my interest: a nude male gym. Now this would get me to pay attention to my physique situation and urge me to improve on it. But, helas, I have not found any gym that fulfils my requirements of being able to exercise as the Greeks and the meaning of their word gymnasium have intended. I'm no sweaty lycra gym bunny, yuck! In a future episode, the "British" lead character (Sean Maguire, that lovely Irish football laddie on EastEnders a decade ago) will have his possession of a foreskin questioned in said gym. As a good Irish lad, we can be almost certain his meat was intact in reality. Why are American males so jealous of everything they can't have?
  • charleyrabec10 December 2006
    Honnestly... Bring it Back now!!!! That "Off Centre" is totally amazing! the actors are damned funny and it meets a really huge success here in France ! What did they stop the production? You guys in the US should create more things like Off Centre. There's a really need today. In my opinion people like it, just like "married with Children" or "Malcom". Bring these comedies back! Overall Off Centre, which is for me one of the best production ever made until now. The scenes are pretty good, nice quality, jokes are very funny and pretty "sexy", famous actors played in like Carmen Electra, and much more. Try it out really.
  • The 2000s seem to be littered with Friends styles sitcoms and I accidentally came across this one during the pandemic. It's not great but there's some really strong parts to it.

    Kaye Thomas, Cho and Stamile are strong and make a good amount of the material work but Maguire is too wooden an actor as is George.

    Seeing Kenan Thompson turn up as a side character was jarring considering his comedic talents are excellent.

    Still yet to see Season 2. Glad Kaye Thomas got the role over the other actors reported to have been considered as Eddie is very likeable and believable in his role. I will be looking to see what else he's done after this.
  • From the makers of the American Pie movies comes a great comedy made for the small screen. You may recognize two of the shows characters, Eddie Kaye Thomas as Mike (FINCH in AP), and John Cho as Chau (the MILF guy in both AP's). I just happened to catch an episode of this show on TBS and I love it. If you catch this show, and you're a fan of the AP movies, you'll love this.
  • Now, I have a very negative view of sitcoms. ESPECIALLY WB sitcoms! I stopped watching that network a long time ago. But I happened to be flipping through the channels one night and stumbled upon this show. I liked Eddie Kaye Thomas in the "American Pie" movies and think he's a fine, up-and-coming actor, so I figured I'll watch for a few minutes and when the jokes get dull I'll change the channel. Well, I really liked this show and couldn't change the channel! The show was created by the "American Pie" writers themselves, Paul and Chris Weitz, and the talent definitely shows. In addition to Eddie Kaye, as part of the "AP" alumni, there's John Cho who some may remember as the MILF guy. He is a very talented performer and he is absolutely hilarious on this show! I hope he gets more starring roles like this. The humor is quite puerile and aimed at a teen audience, but it never gets out of hand, and I get a lot of laughs out of this show and this is one WB sitcom that I'll probably watch on a regular basis.

    My score: 7 (out of 10)
  • This is absolutely one of my favorite TV shows. Why ? Well, the writing is good, jokes are funny, the acting is OK. What i just said describes a decent TV show. In order to become something more, a TV show needs something special, and this one certainly does have something special - Chau. He's simply one of the funniest characters ever ! John Cho played his role perfectly. Whenever there's a scene with Chau in it, it's guaranteed you're gonna laugh your butts off. At least i did each and every time, and so did the millions (and millions) of Chau's fans ! Don't get me wrong, it's not like Chau is the only good thing about this show. Hell no. It would be really good without him, as i already said, but Chau character is so brilliant, that sooner or later everyone starts to watch the show just to see him. And i realize that different people like different types of humor, some things may seem extremely funny to one guy, while the other one won't even smile, but the truth is, if Chau won't make you laugh, even just a little bit, that means you have no sense of humor at all. READ THE WALL - CHAU RULES !!!
  • socialistyoyo5 November 2003
    As one of last Christmas' late night Channel 4 watching brigade i simply enjoyed the comedy factor in this programme. Good'ol Finch is great and John Cho fills his usual role. Also pleased to see some British acting in their with Euan Maguire.
  • hi im from scotland (britain) and i've seen many episodes of this and i think it's brilliant it's really funny and the actors and actresses that play the characters are great. i hope to see more of this comedy in scotland.
  • I watched the first series from the end of 2002 till early 2003 and found the show hilarious in places. More of a situation comedy I think. Each episode related to different topics. Which makes a change from constant lines in more popular comedy shows - that aren't really that funny. Although from reading Sean Maguire's (Euan Pierce) site I was distraught to hear that it had been pulled from Warner Brothers altogether. It'd be interesting if we over in the UK could get to see the 2nd and final series, because it'd be unfair to both the actors and the viewers otherwise not to. If it was up to me I'd still keep the series on - just to give it bit more of a chance for the viewers to adapt to it. Never mind, maybe if people demand it alot then it'll return. Otherwise Off Centre will remain just another comedy series that failed to captivate audiences all over. I hope Sean and the other cast members find something just as good to make up for such a sad loss.
  • First of all, this is not a movie, it's a television program. This off beat comedy is a mix between Friends and Undeclared only with less people. I absolutely loved the program, and plan on watching it on a regular basis. It made me laugh out loud multiple times and all the while I was drooling over the beautiful boys in the staring roles. The cast was not only filled with wonderful looking guys, but many many beautiful women for the male audiences' pleasure. The dialogue is clever and filled with both outright and subtle humor. It is definitely a step upward for Warner Brothers nightly comedy programming.
  • Off Centre was a fantastic comedy show that was very under-rated. The comedy was unique and fantastic. Shawn McGuire added sex appeal to the show, Eddie Thomas Kaye added geekiness and comedy but the best Character in the show had to be Chau (played by John Cho). He was hillarious. I only wish that the show was still on as it was one of the best comedies on the air. Sadly Missed !!!!!
  • rottenralph20 October 2002
    Hey I started watching this sitcom because all my friends tell me its very funny, with good jokes, and it is! Probably one of the best around, and I wish we get shows like this more often. If you haven't seen Off Centre, be sure to catch it sometime, and I promise you will love it. Its very very funny.
  • "Off Centre" (the title refers to the location of the roommates's NYC loft - off Centre Street) is one of those Warner Bros. Television shows that Channel 4 has to get in order to get their mitts on "ER," "Sex and the City" etc, but aren't willing to put on at a time when people are actually awake. In this case, I can see why.

    The comedy is co-created by Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz of "American Pie" fame, and you can probably tell from the setup and most of the jokes - British guy who's a hit with the ladies and blander American guy who's stuck in a relationship live together with hilarious consequences. Well, not that hilarious. In fact, groan-out-loud consequences is closer to the truth, with enough gags about sex and body parts to last a lifetime ("She was scratching her crotch like a lottery ticket"). This, plus the stream of good-looking ladies throughout, pitches this show firmly at the post-pub "Maxim"/"loaded"/"Front"-reading audience.

    That said, Status Quo - the black gangsta rapper who lives in their building and who's only putting on a front - is sincerely funny (with an added joke for British audiences in his name; the real-life rock group of the same name never conquered America), Ben Vaughn's music is welcome, and it's good-natured enough to stop it from being at the level of "Bottom." Plus the Weitz, Weitz and Zuker logo representing them as lawyers ("We'll fight for you!") is a nice joke itself. Even so, "Off Centre" lives up enough to its name to not be a must, but I'd be lying if I sid I hated it.

    But if Shannon Elizabeth turned up (we should be so lucky), you'd think it was "American Pie: The Series."
  • This show is pretty funny. It's stupid and it makes you laugh. What more can you expect from the guys that created American Pie 1 & 2. However, I have to say that Mike's girlfriend, Liz, is completely unnecessary. In my opinion this show would be much better off it centered around the lives of the four single guys. Liz just proves to be boring. I would give the show a 2 out of 4.
  • Okay, you got a drop-dead gorgeous British guy and his dorky, American roommate (you know, S**tbreak from American Pie 1 & 2). Well, anyways, they have a great apartment--Total Bachelor Pad...Well the brit has a great job, so he pays most of the rent, etc to make up for when he had nothing and bummed off the American. Okay, seems funny enough...but the first episode seemed flat and seemed to try way to hard to get the laughs...I did chuckle a few times...The Brit is very funny on his own, but Eddie Kaye gets lost in the nothing that makes this show...The Rapper, the supermodel, the girlfriend, the parade of whore's the brit slept with....too many set-ups, not enough comedy.

    If the WB would think before they leapt, so many of their shows might not get cancelled...NO one likes the fact they are trying to recreate the one way or another...This show, Off Centre, actually seems to "Borrow" from so many other TV shows that have been on over the years...NOthing original, just a chuckle or two...we will see what episode 2 is like!

    5 out of 10 ( for now)
  • I only found this show by accident when I was flicking in the middle of the night and it's one of the dumbest shows I've ever seen but I am so hooked. I think I'm just into it 'cos I saw Shaun Maguire when he was in concert when I was about 13 and it's weird to not see him on Eastenders or just prancing about. Euan (Shaun Maguire(?)) has the worst fake english accent ever (his usual Irish would've been fine I'm sure) and Mike is just dumb but this is just great. It's not quite Paul and Chris Weitz American Pie dumb and not About a Boy clever but I'll keep watching it.
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