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  • I feel like the only person who watched this when it was on in the UK. I loved it, especially the semi-couple banter between Wolf and Fox.

    Fox: Do I look like your mother? Simon: Sometimes, when you wear the shawl. Barry: I thought Foz WAS our mother.

    This show had everything - a modern storyline (single-male-parent families) mixed with humour (from top Canadian and British actors/writers) and great visuals (nothing is better than puppets in my opinion).

    What a shame virtually no-one watched it/liked it here. They're all mad. Madder than Mad Jack McMad winner of last year's Mr Madman competition.
  • Gah, I miss this show so much! They used to show it on the kid's network at, like, 1 AM when I was just a little wee teen, or maybe twelve...Anyway, I always stayed up late to watch it every weekend, holiday, and summer break! I want to see it again so bad. When I did watch it, I always had to keep the volume really low just so I didn't wake everybody up. It'd be nice to be able to actually hear it properly this time around. :<

    I only remember a few of the episodes, but I'm fairly sure I did see all of them - I mean, I must have, considering I watched religiously for probably about as long as it aired.

    I really can't believe they didn't show it at a more convenient time. It would have been popular in these parts had more people seen it, I believe. That's biased, I know, considering my own opinion of the show, but there's gotta be a good handful of other people that would have enjoyed it.
  • I just recently discovered this show on a new local station (iT TV). I thought it odd at first but as I watched more if it I found myself really enjoying the dialog and characters - not to mention the crisp well executed puppetry and occasional 3d-CG effects that really help bring the characters to life. I think this show is great for children, and adults would find it clever and very entertaining as well. Looking forward to seeing more of them.