User Reviews (3)

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  • I have negative comments on this site about the other two S CLUB 7 shows, and I do not apologize for them. At first glance, the show has very little to offer...but after a while of watching, the show and the band grow on you. Sure, they're horrible actors, and the plotlines are all ridiculous, but in the end, it all comes together in a nice little package that entertains for the half hour it runs. The new season was one I actually looked forward to, and after the first episode, it looks like more of the same...which, as it turns out, isn't so bad afterall. The band's music is actually pretty good, so it also goes a long way to push the show forward. In the end- as I said- it works.
  • I have to say that S Club in Hollywood is not the greatest show in the world, but it is kinda cute and funny to watch. The songs are soo great and they are a very cute, good looking band. I like how they go traveling and trying to get famous. It really shows the struggle for bands to get famous.
  • Finally, after a long wait, Tina Barrett and her fellow S Clubbers new series, S Club in Hollywood, has appeared on Canadian T.V. The S Clubbers and their beat up convertible (with fake seatbelts) have returned to Los Angeles, once again to try to make it big as a bubblegum pop group (although they have in the real world with a top ten hit in the U.S). Of course, it's more of the same that the Miami, L.A., New Zealand, and jungle trips offered, but for closet fans like me, it's good enough. Yes, the cheesy dancing, lip-synching (just like a music video, they do sing the songs, but not on the show), bad acting, and heavy British accents are back; but as long as the gorgeous, sexy, and babe-licious Tina Barrett is gracing my screen, I'm a happy man.