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  • Wow, what an interesting twist on the Digimon universe. The previous seasons are revealed to be fictional within this new season and everything here takes place in the real world. It is darker and more emotional than the original.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Digimon Tamers is the first reboot in the Digimon franchise, which came with the obvious intention of taking things in an entirely new direction. Some liked it and others were resistant, a rather typical reaction for a project of this nature. However, time has proved favorable towards this series, currently hailed as at least one of the franchise's finest products. Admittedly, I too have experienced an increased appreciation for it. While I would not go so far as to call it the best that Digimon has to offer, there is much about it that is exemplary.

    "Tamers" is not really an adventure story so much as it is a tale of technology on the loose. That it is not driven by its characters leaves it a little short of its predecessor, but it can definitely be seen as the boldest in its own line. In such things as government agencies and true artificial intelligence, a different perspective is evident. The final act is largely responsible for this, representing some of the finest work that has been seen in Digimon, with plenty of apocalyptic scenery and tense moments that befit the building resolution. Such elements as the origins of Calumon and the purposes of the Devas receive welcome exploration here, yielding the most complete exposition on the history of the Digital World. Not to mention, the most interesting subplots, such as those of Impmon and the Monster Makers, finally pay-off. The rest of the series, in contrast, has a discernably rough time finding its footing, since many details are choppy in their presentation, brushed to the side in favor of the drawn out antics of the kids. Even as a person familiar with the details, I found various developments somewhat difficult to follow or, for that matter, care about, which seriously hurts the momentum. Truth be told, "Tamers" feels quite stagnant for the majority of its first half, and even after the group travels to the Digital World with an actual objective, a sense of meandering perseveres.

    I suppose I was initially somewhat harsh towards the characters, but I had my reasons. One can definitely see the realism that the writers were aiming for; the characters here watch the digimon series, play the card game and are treated like misfits for it…not unlike real fans. But despite this approach the Tamers themselves are strangely distant. They lack the charisma of the original cast and are plagued by unsubstantial minors. Consider Kazu, Kenta, Suzie and Ryo, all of which could have been erased from the series with no real consequence, whether it be for the narrative or for the other key players. One would think the central trio would fare better, but I cannot say I was terribly enthusiastic because, despite their considerable screen time, the development is quite deliberate or murky. With the exception of Rika, there is a scarcity of truly pivotal moments in the history of these guys, making their growth more mechanical than earned. For example, Takato's mostly goes through the routine process of becoming braver by taking part in more fights, not experiencing any crucial ramifications until about 34 episodes into the series. Rika is the most fascinating lead to watch because she is dynamic and proactive, a person of action, a sharp contrast to most of her acquaintances, particularly Jeri.

    Interestingly, the supporting cast of adults and digimon actually outclasses the main one. The digimon partners themselves benefit from distinct, likable personalities. In fact, a good case can be made that much of the investment made in the tamers actually stems from their connection with their digimon. The same goes for the adult characters, which actually come across as mature, competent individuals, even if the parents' part of the story never receives enough focus to be fully capitalized on; repetition does not equate with progress. Janyu is more intriguing than Henry, and even Jeri's father makes a greater impact than her with only a small fraction of the screen time. The standouts, though, are Impmon and Yamaki. Theirs are stories of mistakes, consequences and resolution, stories with true poignancy and arguably what brings most of the humanity to this series.

    The principle asset of Tamers lies in its visuals. To date, nothing else in its own line has found the correct synergy between a traditional style and the distinct style of this franchise. The grim atmosphere that pervades many of the episodes is exceedingly appropriate and bolstered well by the shades of color, while the reduction of recycled footage increases the excitement of the monster battles. By and large, this is the most well-animated of the seasons. The writing is more mixed. I don't refer to the dialogue and humor, which have become more refined; I refer to the major themes. Sure, there are many classic sci-fi themes present, such as the nature of A.I. and evolution, but these have been done much better in past works. There aren't any new insights concerning the ramifications of A.I., and any time questions of this affect the kids it feels tacked on and unnecessary. None of this reveals any convincing, unsettling aspects of humanity; even the D-Reaper's claims of humanity are too tethered to Jeri's history to be taken seriously. Does it bolster the mechanics of this world? Yes. Does it work as a set of applicable ideas? Not really.

    Digimon Tamers, to me, heralded the twilight of the franchise as the last worthy outing before things simply lost direction. It was a bold move giving it this style, and all seasons since have not exhibited the guts to attempt anything comparable. All in all, Digimon Tamers is an entertaining and versatile series that demands a bit of patience, but ultimately delivers and has its place as the second best of the franchise.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ah, Digimon Tamers. Often considered the best of the Digimon series by a large part of the fandom, I remember it got a mixed reception in my country during its release; mostly due being completely unrelated with the previous two Digimon seasons.

    But more importantly, due the very slow-pace of the first episodes, taking a very long time before the main characters venture into the Digital world.

    The mundane setting, combined with the apparent lack of a villain in the first episodes (The proper antagonists are introduced much later in the series) caused some of my schoolmates to consider the series "boring" and refuse to give it a chance.

    I remember that as the moment when many of them stopped watching Digimon, but personally, I found Tamers to be an interesting series, due its a mysterious atmosphere and new characters.

    Sure, I was bothered a bit by the lack of villains (And also the lack of action of some of the first episodes) but as the series progresses, the plot also became more complex, with some brilliantly written moments.

    The dub (The Latin American dub, not the english dub) was still pretty solid, and fortunately, kept all the excellent original soundtrack (Only the opening and the ending were translated) I always liked the awesome opening the series had; it's a very sad thing Chiaki Konaka, the main writer of this series had became a loony conspiracy theorist.

    Something something "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain". (See also: J. K. Rowling, or all the artists that started being involved in the nft scam)
  • I admit that I had shunned Digimon Tamer at first. I didn't want to see it if it didn't have the original characters. But being the overly faithful person that I am I gave it a try.

    I watched the first episode on Saturday. It really didn't seem as interesting at first. I watched for a while and became more enticed with each episode.

    As the show progressed, it became more dramatic and developed the characters more and more. There was anger, aggression, romance, and love much more developed than in the first two seasons. All the characters changed for the better by the end of the show.

    When the season ended, I found myself much more emotional then I thought I would be. As I felt when season 2 ended, I was just a emotional to see the Tamers going.

    First impressions aren't everything. Give the season a chance and you'll see that it is much more addicting and dramatic that it's predecessors.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hey, this is Blackguilmon here. You may know me from such forums as With The Will, The Digiport, and DATS. Now that I have watched the first four seasons, and some of the fifth season with subtitles, I feel I can now truly review this season to compare it to the rest.

    First of all, the ending was the best out of all seasons because it was sad but had a silver lining that suggested that Takato got to keep his promise to Guilmon, the one he made saying that he would come play with him again. I was crying during Takato's ending monologue, the voice actor did a wonderful job sounding depressed.

    Compared to the other season endings...

    Season one is the only ending that comes close to Tamers heart-felt ending. They had to leave their friends behind, and you didn't know if they would ever see each other again. It was sad, but not as sad as Tamers. Why? Because, Tamers not only developed the children, it actually developed the digimon as well as the adults for once.

    Season two ended and I was really disappointed with it. It was a really happy ending, but I could have done without them all being grown up. I also didn't like the fact that all the children had digimon, it made the original eight kids seem less special, as if just about anyone could have saved the digital world. They also didn't really develop the characters or digimon real well.

    Season Four... I'm indifferent. It wasn't really happy or sad. They developed a bond with their spirits, but the bond didn't really carry through the screen and into my heart like season three and one. I just... Can't decide what I think about this ending...

    All in all, Tamers had a darker, more realistic plot. I'm watching the Japanese version now and I'm liking it more and more with each episode. So much was cut out when it was dubbed into the American version, things that are, granted, sometimes not good for children to see. It was, after all, a children's show in America.

    My favorite character was Guilmon. Guilmon first won my heart over when he digivolved to Growlmon and defeated Devidramon. Then, afterwords, Takato became scared of Growlmon. You know what Growlmon did? He started crying. A gigantic dinosaur the size of a small condo is crying because he scared a little boy. I also loved his childish personality. So far, my favorite part of the show is in the Japanese version, Guilmon and Renamon are together and Terriermon walks up and sings a Japanese equivalent of "Guilmon and Renamon, sittin' in a tree" or something, and they both beat the stuffing out of him. It was taken out of the American version of course.

    Overall, Tamers was the best season in my opinion, and I'm glad that the newly made forums, DATS, is subbing the Japanese version for all to enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An absolutely brilliant story disguised as a kid's show. If you are an adult, I highly recommend watching this show. It will remind you of what it was like to be a kid.

    Digimon Tamers is a show with far too many overarching themes to be shoehorned as a particular type of show. It is a coming of age story; it shows the beauty of child-like innocence and the loss of it; it is a story about loss and grief; it is a story which raises environmental awareness; it is a story which poses extremely difficult questions such as what life matters and who decides the fate of those lives; and it is a story about destiny. There are too many themes prevalent in the show to name in this short review. I could write for hours about how good this show is. I will only talk about one important question raised from watching this show. I hope you can come up with more on your own after viewing.

    What is life, how should life be respected, and who chooses which life deserves positive treatment? Tamers poses a very difficult question straight out of the gate. We are presented with these life forms and are told they are beneath humans. As the show progresses, we learn that they have intelligent thoughts and they can be our friends. However, because they are not made of physical matter, does it mean their pain is inconsequential? Yamaki, one of the first human characters we meet, uses this logic as reasoning to spread the belief that his actions are just. It relates a lot to how we treat animals. We convince ourselves they do not have personalities and feelings to justify our cruel actions towards them. Who decided that only cats and dogs deserve to live happy lives? It is the same with Digimon. They have the potential to be both friend and foe, but one bad egg shouldn't decide the fate of an entire species. This is but one philosophical question Digimon Tamers poses.

    Of course, it would be foolish to write a review about an anime without mentioning the animation. The artwork itself is nice to look at. However, even taking into account the time it was produced (2001), the animation is not great. They clearly cut a lot of corners when it came to animating shots. Still, it is serviceable and you will get used to it after a while.

    Despite this, the story is so well crafted it heavily outweighs any negatives present in the show - meaning I can only give it a 10/10. It is up there with shows such as 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' and 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood' in the way it makes you think critically about important issues and events we will deal with in our lives. On top of that, the show is very funny. Just watch out for those surprise feels attacks. Oh, and *spoiler* (only reason I had to tick the spoiler box) this show has one of the best redemption arcs in modern storytelling. Not quite Zuko from ATLA good, but not too far off. Keep an eye on the red scarf! *end spoiler*

    I hope this review encourages at least one person to watch Digimon Tamers. You won't regret it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This will contain spoilers! So some people writing reviews have got this mixed up! In relation to the the previous Digimon series' Digimon Tamers is set in the real world. With the previous two series taking place as a TV series within Digimon Tamers (YES, a TV series within a TV series) Tamers is set in the real world. This is the single greatest series of ANYTHING I have ever watched. Yes, admittedly it starts off a bit slow, but that is perfect, it doesn't give everything away from the start. The underlying darkness that surfaces as the series progresses, coming to an ultimatum through the character of Jeri Katou in particular, is something many would not have been used to (especially those who have watched Pokémon their entire lives!!!!) but I found it simply amazing. The story line may at first seem like something you've seen before(considering when this was made however, it is truly original) it develops further into such an amazing and glorious series. The characters are developed astonishingly well, I just couldn't help becoming attached. I don't want to give too much away, but, when it came to the ending, I felt so sad. From what I've read this 'depressing ending' received some criticism, BUT, I think it was perfect! Finally this was not just a typical happy ending, there is such a mix of emotions it left me feeling strange for days. I cannot praise the ending enough for being nothing short of amazing and if I could get the chance to personally thank its creators I would do so! WHAT A SERIES, SO SO SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANY SERIES I'VE SEEN EVER! An absolute YUGOTH BLAST!!!! to other series' such as Pokemon, YuGiOh and the rest!
  • Drago199528 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The first and only time i saw it was around 2006, i wasn't too found of it since they changed all the characters and the Universe it's settled in, since in the least 2 seasons i got used to the previous characters it was difficult to adjust, after watching it with every episode i started liking allot and warmed up to the characters, and it's a more much more dramatic and tone heavy season comparing to the other ones, i didn't really pay much notice to it back than but after re-watching it in for the first time in years in Jan 2021 has a 25 year old i noticed it, still even back than i cried when something sad happened like Leomon's death (again) and when Growmon couldn't revert back to Guilmon and Takato had a broke down in tears afraid of losing his Digimon friend, i still cried in those parts again, it just shows how well done this season was i guess much more realistic, i mean the Digimons even had wild instincts and the Digital world was much more hostile, in the other seasons they had cities and restaurants almost liek in the real world, in this season the Digital world felt more like a dangerous wild place to not mess aroudn on your own. 100% recommend this season and don't watch the english version.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    but it never be regarded as the original. The first season was an excellent anime even in spite of it's glaring dub-related flaws. With the 3rd season we definitely got something much darker, more interesting, and overall much more effective by comparison to the first season. This time around the kids aren't referred to as digidestined but rather tamers (there is a considerable difference but the sad truth is both terms are used interchangeably) so there is no absolutes about Takato, Henry, and Rika saving the digital world with their digimon partners. The antagonists this time around are actually much more complex by comparison to the original in that they're not necessarily evil or out to rule world (human or digital) but all them are actually misguided (especially so with the final villain which I dare not spoil). Truth be told this season broke away from a few conventions of the series present in the 1st and 2nd season but more or less for the better. Of all the 5 seasons Digimon I've watched this is best of them (with only season 1 and 4 being very very close). Go check it if you deem yourself a fan of Mon series.
  • Then after when Digimon 2 was just over they started creating a new series about Digimon or Digimon tamers Then this series doesn't have any of the characters we know because in this series the events of the previous two series never existed because those inthese are characters from an anime in fact in this series this time there are the cards that we also really played So what do I think of this series Well for me I am really very happy that I liked this one because finally the disasters that have Donein Digimon 2 because here we really do things because in this series it's very dark and dignified but I want to talk about the three main characters Takato So this time for me Takato was really the best main character in the Digimon anime because I liked how it's doneI say what is different from the others that he was really the only one who didn't receive any slap from a female in fact because the others were really received Instead he isn't handsome even his Digimon Gilmond let's now move on to Henry who also did this very well Apple interesting about himthat her father who works at the same person who is looking for the Digimon But let's now move on to Rika who for me was truly very incredible for me together with Sora she was my favorite female character of all the Digimon anime because in addition to being beautiful she really has a beautiful thingI know that some people may seem like an exaggerated person But only because she lived without a father and I liked it a lot my best scene on this Rika and when she receives another t-shirt but with the little heart fixed and then something I would say that It doesn't happen often and to havea very young mother Because some people mistook him for his sister and then the new way when they do the transformations is to use cards but just a very strong thing and when he has obscured one thing in this it is not the children present but it is the tamers of the Digimon in this the DigimonThey can at least be controlled but I tell you that the thing is truly very incredible and when a human being is a Digimon they come together to form a very powerful Digimon who is truly very strong. So I tell you if any of you were very disappointed by Digimon 2 see this Digimon tamersbecause this truly fixed all the disasters of the previous series for me it will be the most beautiful of all the Digimon soul to conclude with a score of 9.
  • This third season of Digimon is my favorite so far. It expands the non-battle portion of the show, focusing instead on character development and interaction. To me this makes for much more interesting viewing than simply concentrating on fighting.

    Tamers really explores the relationships between between the Tamers and their Digimon partners, and between the Digimon themselves. The Digimon are presented as actual characters with feelings and motivations of their own, instead of just one dimensional bodyguards and sidekicks.

    The English dubbing seems pretty good in this one as well. Guilmon and Renamon in particular sound very close to their original Japanese voices.
  • At first glance, "Digimon Tamers" comes off as a barely interesting tale with characters who aren't nearly as easy to sympathize with as those of the original. The saying that first impressions are often wrong has perhaps, never been more right.

    As it progresses, the show reveals itself as an addicting, exciting, and oh-so darker story than the (excellent) original. There are moments when this series suddenly jumps off the 'kiddie' train and presents drama that can surprise, anger, or otherwise touch viewers. Matters such as depression, self-evaluation, and of course, the bonds between the Digimon and the humans are all done quite well as every character becomes a little more interesting. In addition, this incarnation has the best written romance yet, and I found myself rooting for the two key players involved almost the whole time. The directing and battles are also decent, and some of the humor is actually funny.

    When all is said and done, if nothing else, "Tamers" is certainly one of those stories you'll remember--and for good reason.
  • I think Digimon Tamers is better than the earlier series. The drawings and plot and summaries are better. And it's more like realities. Look at Digimon Adventure 02 and Digimon Adventure, they have DARK CAVES and DARK WORLDS but we don't have that in reality. While in Digimon Tamers, they're just depressed without "darkness" and "dark worlds" appearing around I say it's more realistic. And more imaginative..and detailed..spending more time on it..
  • This one follows some time after the wonderful season 2,although the plot is not connected.It,s about 3 new kids,each with different purposes with there Digimon,until they meet the true enemys,and it isn't Hypnos,although they are nosy.Very good action,good drama,and a good plot,definetly for Anime or Digimon fans.
  • I wasn't too fond of it at first, but it got better. The last show of the first season of Digimon was so very sad though, but then after watching the second season it's not so sad any more.

    The second season was better than the first ( Ken and Wormmon...wormmon sooo cute ) But then it was sooo sad with wormmon and the Digimon Empirer and every thing but in the end it was my favorite season. BUT....

    The third season came out I didn't like this one at all at first but... it changed now it's my favorite season of all.....the ending is WAY too sad though (so far anyway) But I love Terriermon he is sooo cute :) Well anyway every season keeps getting better 1st was okay, the 2nd very good love it, the 3rd better than the second love it too.

    Deffinetly one of FOX's better if they would just put it back on weekdays. Two thumbs up. 5 stars

    And I don't think Pokemon stands quite up with Digimon though.
  • Pokemon lost my interest this way.

    For some reason, Anime shows seem to have an awesome, action packed 1st season, then an annoying moral based second season, and then a good 3rd season that finds a balance point.

    This may be why they switched to Tamers, or just that they ran out of villans, or that they forgot (or purposely) to leave a cliff hanger/open end. To sum it all up, they ruined the entire idea behind digimon. Digimon, to my mind are either the roaming, and may be killing, wild digimon or ones that protect their human friends/partners. The partners are few in number (which they lost in the Digimon World Tour) and are selected to try and remove the evil that is in the digital world. In a perfect series, evil gets beaten up but never removed (just like it is in life).

    Tamers goes back to these principles and, at least so far, sticks to them. With it, it losses the requirement for the restraint on violence thus decreasing the morale content, increasing the fighting scenes, and keeping the same hilarious jokes they had for the original series. It is a beautiful save (applause).

    Hopefully, like Pokemon seems to be doing right now, it'll just get better.
  • Being a big fan of the first series of Digimon, and then the second, involving all new kids, I thought this show would be great. But I was very disapointed. The show as a whole is lacking. For starters the voices of some of the characters are not too convincing. The human characters are much harder to warm to, one being completely cold hearted, another is just plain dull and the third annoying, although the bad guy does have potential. The Digimon themselves seem wrong. They appear to be more closely related to the first set of Pokemon, or the monsters in Monster Rancher, they are far to humanoid in appearence or not strange enough. It is as if the artists could not be bothered to use their imagination any more after blowing a few cogs on the first two series. The plot is very repetetive and dull, the writers take far too long to explain anything in the story line, there are odds and ends just left floating.

    I would suggest giving this show a try if you are a fan of Digimon or Pokemon and all the modern anime, but it is not at all impressive.