User Reviews (17)

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  • aelst29 March 2004
    We saw this movie at the Palace Norton Cinema, quite appropriate since it is a movie about Italian culture.

    It is about two close brothers, one is painfully socially inept but sweet, and the other is the opposite. This is set in Victoria, Australia, in the olden days, so there are plenty of good old costumes. Its a humourous plot, the brothers are involved with two girls, one fresh of the boat (literally because thats how they travel back then) from Italy, and another who has been Aussiefied. Throughout the movie we see relationships between them break and build.

    In the movie is the first time I've heard of the rule of having the eldest sibling married before the younger ones, so I'm not sure if thats Italian culture. This movie also reinforced my view that mail-order brides or arranged marriages will never work. There is an expresso machine and lots of people drinking coffee in the movie, so make sure you bring a nice cup of coffee into the movie so you don't feel left out.

    A thoughtful movie, exploring love and culturally identity. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
  • huyha12322 November 2004
    i quite please to see the actor in Boot men appear in this movie. hope he gonna become a good one soon.

    the movie is nice. picture, light, music. i find it a bit harsh when reading someone say the dialogues are not good. i think it is really nice. what do we expect from a girl of country with little education? she has beautiful mind. that is more than enough.

    the two brother relationship can be more deeper. but with the view of country, easy and peaceful, i do not think it necessary.

    the story is good too. though i think a bit short and maybe go for an easy ending.

    but overall this movie is worth seeing and bring me nice entertainment for the weekend.
  • I saw this movie at Cinema Paris at Fox Studios when I was in Sydney, Australia. Although the story has been done several times before, it is set amid a community of Italian immigrants in 1950's Australia, which makes it really unique.

    Giovanni Ribisi (Angelo) is the only actor I was familiar with before this movie, but I have to say Adam Garcia (Gino) and Amelia Warner (Rosetta) steal the show. And they are both DROP DEAD gorgeous! Performance wise, I liked Sylvia de Santis (Connie) the best!

    I loved how the characters evolve during the movie. Angelo seems to be weak and troubled emotionally, but turns out to be surprisingly robust. On the other hand, Gino, the more self-assured brother turns out to be quite vulnerable emotionally.

    The music from Stephen Warbeck is wonderful. I especially liked the background music when Rosetta first sees the mural of Italy in the cafe. Andrew Lesnie's cinematography captures the beauty of both Italy and the Australian wilderness. And if these are the types of movies Jan Sardi continues to make, I want to see more.

    You have to be a curmudgeon not to like this movie - it is so gentle and warm-hearted.
  • This film is so bad - dialogues, story, actors and actresses - everything! - that it's hard to imagine that we'll see a worse movie this year or in the following years. "Love's Brother" (set in Australia among Italian immigrants) has nothing but shallow clichés about Italian culture to offer, and it is quite telling that even the Italians from and in Italy speak ENGLISH in the film. The message of the film - ugly people have to marry ugly people, beautiful people have to marry beautiful people - is truly discomforting. Giovanni Ribisi is quite good in films like 'Suburbia' or 'Lost in Translation', but here his pseudo-Italian accent is hard to bear. See this film at your own risk. Trash as trash can!
  • My husband saw this movie several years ago while on a plane bound for Germany. He has been talking about it ever since and finally tracked it down (, so that he could share it with me. Here in the U.S., the DVD format for this particular movie doesn't work on our DVD players, but we were able to change the DVD region setting in Device Manager on our computer and watch the DVD via laptop (you can only change this setting 4 or 5 times). I am so glad he finally found this movie! It is a real gem - sweet, innocent, and truly entertaining. It is a feast for the eyes as well as the soul. Another reviewer mentioned that Australian movies seem to get a bad rap, often being overlooked. How unfortunate! We would be thrilled if Hollywood would increase production of this type of film. I know other movies written by Jan Sardi have been available here in the States. I don't know why this one is not. That is truly a shame; so many people here are missing a great movie. If you're addicted to big-action crash 'em up, shoot 'em up, sexually explicit, adolescent toilet humor type movies, then this one probably won't appeal to you. However, if, like us, you enjoy gentle, heartwarming upbeat story lines with beautiful cinematography, acting, scenery and music, then be sure to watch this movie. It may even be "il destino"!
  • o-2060829 June 2021
    I am giving the movie a one star only because a can't give it a zero star. There was terrible quality and the story line was even worse. If you are going to watch this movie then don't save yourself a hour and 38 minutes by not watching this movie.
  • Saw this film twice at Worldfest, Houston's film festival celebrating 37 years of independent film. It was magical! Had the distinct pleasure of meeting the director, Jan Sardi, and hearing "the inside scoop" of trials to get the film made. It was well worth the wait and effort! Sardi prefaced the screening with something like "there's no sex, drugs, violence, car chases, or profanity in the film...but I hope you'll like it." It's near perfect in my book and I hope it finds a U.S. distributor soon! Sardi's writing and direction is superb, and the casting couldn't be better (Adam Garcia and Amelia Warner are stunning, and Giovanni Ribisi is at his quirky best). Stephen Warbeck's (Oscar winner for Shakespeare in Love) score transports the viewer to Northern Italy and Andrew Lesnie (LOTR Oscar winner) showcases the sun-drenched golden hills of Italy and Oz's lush scenery as only he can.

    BTW, the film won Best Feature, Best Director, and Best Cinematography at the festival. A must-see...a gentle film for the entire family with enough magic to make you want to see it again and again!
  • nicolapjmartin9 September 2006
    I personally thought this film was wonderful. For me it was pure enjoyment to watch it. I found it to be a fresh idea with very good young actors. I thought the interchange romance development was very interesting. Giving complexity to the film. Putting one in a different time, 1950's or place, Australia. Surrounded with such amicable characters and so human. The idea of preparing a book of their love while waiting to come to Australia seemed so romantic. Making this film probably more something a romantic person would like to see. There should be more pleasurable films like this one, because it still brings a smile to my face to think of it now. Which must be a good sign. If you like love-films, I can definitely recommend watching and enjoying this splendid film.
  • an unconventional take on an Italian romance story. by no means is this film in the league of titanic for out and out romance, but romance is definitely what this film is about. it becomes obvious that the shy brother is much more comfortable with the other brothers girlfriend, and the confident brother is much more in love with the mail order bride. it has a great feel to it this film, the locations are great, i never thought of Australia to be so picturesque, but this film is set in the 1950's and the attitudes of people are reflected in that, its kind of quaint, a more innocent age than we live in today perhaps? i am glad i got to see this film, i don't think this film would appeal to people who are not romantic, its an interesting yet unconventional love story which i found quite enjoyable.
  • A beautiful new storyline light film like "Serendipity",but in it's Producing,Directing,Acting,Music,Color it's similar to "The Pianist",the color of this film is so crisp.

    This film is wonderful, heart warming, for all ages, a new story that transfer the audience into the second moment with mystery,you keep asking yourself while you are watching, will they fall in love? or will they not?.

    The scenery of the Australian country viewes are magnificent,gorgous outback,farms,houses,also this film introduced the first espresso machine in Australia many years ago.

    Geovanni Ribisi, he looks good and handsome,he played the more reserved brother,Giovanni put on his best performance to date,his acting is haunting I never ever seen him like this before,he manipulated every inch of movement in his face, and introduced it on the camera,he killed me I just wanted to grab him and say were on earth were you hiding this talent all those years. as we all know he acted in many films. see his work in IMDB.

    Adam Garcia, he puts every gorgous hollywood star for dead, with his looks in this film, Yes I know he is a hollywood star himself, as he acted in many hollywood films,specially with the superstar Drew Barrymore, Adam Garcia shiny blue black hair,navy blue eyes, magnificent figure all show very well under the sun and among the beautiful trees. (Girls he's a hunk in this film you must see this film to believe me), about his performance as the playful brother in "Love's Brother" he is superb, calculated and enchanting acting.

    I really believe every Director should see those two performances for future casting of the two stars Giovanni Ribisi and Adam Garcia.

    Both stars Giovanni Ribisi and Adam Garcia deserve an Oscar nomination for this film.

    I also loved the two girls Amelia & De santis

    This movie and the performances are a medicine for the heart.
  • This is just one of those enchanting movies that stays with you. I will definitely see it again on the big screen, and will certainly add it to my DVD collection when it is released. The stunning cinematography, charming storyline and excellent cast make this a must-see. Giovanni Ribisi is in a movie that truly suits him. Adam Garcia just leaps out from the screen, he's such a natural. Amelia Warner is just gorgeous and is so totally right for her role. There isn't one actor who doesn't do his/her role justice. A totally uncynical story, told with warmth and a great fondness for the characters. How wonderful to see a movie that all generations can enjoy together. I sincerely hope there are more of the same from these superb filmmakers. Congratulations.
  • Love's Brother is full of charm, warmth and lots of coffee. Coincidently I was drinking an espresso in the cinema while watching this movie!

    I really hope that the nationality of this film (Australian) doe not deter people away from it. I love and support our wonderful industry down here but as a video store manager I am seeing an increasing amount of people who read video covers and say "Oh, but it's Australian".

    This movie works as an international movie. It's location is not of too much significance... it could have been set in Canada somewhere and it would not have mattered. Besides, there are no 'Ocker' Aussie accents in this movie anyway.

    It's a movie about Brotherly love as well as it's differences. A story about tangled love and mistaken identity. And above all it's a story about Coffee!!.... nah not really... the coffee just provides an excellent means of comic relief, as the locals seem to need it like a car needs petrol.

    At the risk of sounding cliche, Do Yourself a Favor and see this movie. It's a beautiful film that should proudly sit beside other classics like: Chocolat, Like Water for Chocolate, and Il Postino. It's likely to only have a limited Theatrical Release so rush out and catch it before it's too late... otherwise wait anxiously for the dvd.

    I give it 8 out of 10.
  • Watched this movie 4,5 time but never felt bore Such a Great love story Direction,Script,Story all was soo good, movie Background music was very soulful ,When watched this movie,i felt liked watching Authentic Italin,Spanish movie but was so surprised movie made by Australian production house,Actors Acting was so good especially Giovanni Ribisi,Adam Garcia,Amelia Warner
  • Forgive me for not being one of those cinema buffs who can articulate the many problems that they observe in films but I'm just a viewer who loves sweet films about interesting, human topics rather than the junk shoveled out by the big Hollywood studios. I was enchanted by this film and I love our film industry and the products of that industry.

    Our films are so believable and human-centred as opposed to the make believe product from across the Pacific. I recently watched "To be and to Have" and was captivated by it's beauty and innocence-a documentary about a rural French teacher and his class of primary kids. I mention this fabulous film because it was a member of a genre of "slice of life" films like "Loves' Brother"-I was as captivated by this beautiful Australian as I had been by the beautiful French film.

    I loved looking at fifties, rural small town life; I loved watching the difficulties of young foreign born people trying to overcome problems of distance and culture and I, as opposed to others, was completely taken by the huge difficulties of connecting. I know, in the dying years of last century, people who endured not dissimilar marriage situations. I thought the film was exceedingly sensitively worked and I have no complaints about the movie in any way.

    If you enjoy the genre of human development then this fabulous little film is for you. Take it as it is-don't read your own values into a time and place far removed from today.
  • There's a first time for everything, including directing a movie, and accomplished Australian scriptwriter (`Shine') Jan Sardi has not disgraced himself here. The plotline is corny (wrong brother's photo sent in marriage broking operation) and the approach stickily sentimental but things are saved by some good casting, quality acting and fine cinematography.

    As Angelo, the shyer brother who is looking for a bride from Italy, Giovanni Ribisi (last seen as the doltish husband in `Lost in Translation') combines the intensity of B A Santamaria with a remarkable amount of diffidence. Adam Garcia, hitherto mainly a song and dance man, plays the less screwed up younger brother Gino with abundant artless charm, and they combine very well to give us a picture of two very different but very devoted people. Rosetta the mail order bride, (Amelia Warner) is very beautiful and doesn't say a great deal which adds to her charm of course. There are also some strong performances from supporting players. Silvia de Santis, hair dyed blonde, is very effective as Gino's girlfriend Connie, and John Bluthal does an Italian version of his loveable old man persona. Eleanor Bron has a brief role as the marriage broker – no more improbable than an Italian siren from Liverpool (where Amelia Warner hails from). It was also worth the price of admission to see Barry Otto as a Catholic Priest blessing a newly installed espresso machine.

    Andrew Lesnie, responsible for the cinematography in the Lord of the Rings series, gives us one or two unusual camera angles, but by and large keeps things very pretty. He apparently looked at `Il Postino' to get some pointers on how to shoot an `Italian' movie. (That film was actually directed by an Englishman, Michael Radford.) Daylesford, Victoria, and its surrounds are shown to their advantage, certainly more so than the Italian village used for Rosetta's home town. The Italians shown here who migrated to Australia are a jolly lot; most of them seem to think Australia is heaven compared to Italy. The film is set circa 1958 but even 40 years later it looks like they made the right decision. They certainly did wonders for Australian coffee drinking.
  • I would love to watch this movie, but when I find it, like on Fox Hd, etc. All it does is buffers., I haven't even started to watch it, because all it does is buffers.
  • mapr913 September 2011
    Okay. I have set myself to write a review on all of Giovanni Ribisi's movies, so here goes.

    I don't think this is his best movie, nor his best acting. But the fact that he puts a lot into looking like a shy, not-that-good-looking-guy (even though he is), means he's committed to his roles. His accent and histrionics are just amazing, too.

    The story is actually pretty original, but for some reason I perceive it as cliché or too corny. I don't know why. If I were to write this story again, I would have to think hard on what I'd change because like I said, the story is really nice and also, the characters are so cute that you care for each and every one of them as well as identify with them.