User Reviews (44)

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  • This is a stoner rock mockumentary. I love the opening credits that tells the audience that this is fictional but apologizing to anybody participating in the film who thought it was real. It's 2000 and filmmaker Farrel Mitchner (Gordon Skilling) documents two head banging friends Dean Murdoch (Paul Spence) and Terry Cahill (David Lawrence). The boys are trying to get Troy nicknamed Tron to party.

    This is filled with great bits of comedy. The two leads fully commit to these characters. There are truly funny moments that surprises. The natural comparison is to Spinal Tap. Spinal Tap is always obviously fictional filled with great improvisational comedians. This feels like real people doing a real indie. These guys would fit into any Cops episode. Giver!
  • "Fubar" is a 100% Canadian mockumentary from writer / director Michael Dowse ("It's All Gone, Pete Tong", "Goon") that delivers some modest chuckles, but works because it ultimately cares about its characters. Paul Spence and David Lawrence play Dean and Terry, two 20 something goof balls who are decidedly unambitious in life. A documentary filmmaker named Farrel (Gordon Skilling) sets out to record their day to day activities, as they live the life of those party animals known as "head bangers".

    Not really to be mistaken for a rock 'n' roll movie (although the soundtrack *is* ace); music doesn't play that big a part in the story that unfolds. At first, Dowses' film is mildly amusing as it shows us the tomfoolery to which Dean and Terry are prone. It's got a funny enough script, with liberal use of profanity - especially F-bombs. Things do take a sober turn when it is discovered that Dean has testicular cancer, and he's forced to take the matter seriously. He and Terry then confront ideas of life and death, even as they entertain themselves with such things as a camping trip.

    The no-name cast is quite engaging, especially Spence. Skilling is a hoot as the uptight, seemingly humourless director. Incidentally, the guy in the role of Deans' doctor was Dowses' physician in real life, and he's basically playing himself. A number of the supporting players did actually mistake "Fubar" for a serious doc on the life of the "common man" in Canada.

    Overall, a likable, offbeat effort. It does bear the mark of a low budget, but it does have some charm that more than makes up for that.

    Seven out of 10.
  • I remember it was the summer of 2002 when I first heard of this mockumentary, reading something about it in a Canadian magazine. For a while, I didn't know much about it, other than the fact that it was comedy movie produced in my country, and didn't get around to seeing it until about four years ago. I may have been reasonably impressed during my first viewing, but I'm not 100% sure. I definitely wasn't sickened by it, which some people obviously would be, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I've seen it twice since then, and still think it's a little weird, just like I did the first time, but with my second and third viewing, I had seen it before and knew what to expect, which made it a bit better.

    Dean Murdoch and Terry Cahill are two headbangers who have been friends for a long time and live in Alberta, Canada. They love beer, heavy metal, and hockey. A documentarian named Farrel Mitchener has decided to follow them around with a camera, documenting their everyday lifestyle. Terry works at a furniture factory, assisting in delivering furniture to houses, and Dean is a wannabe rock star. The two of them are caught on camera doing what they love, which includes getting drunk and causing a ruckus late at night! Farrel also interviews family members and friends of the Alberta headbangers for his documentary. Eventually, Terry tells Farrel and the camera that his friend has testicular cancer! Dean has been keeping this a secret, but the word gets around, and he cannot ignore his condition any longer!

    The first time I watched "Fubar", I expected it be more about a rock band, and didn't think it would be as weird as it turned out to be. However, after watching it three times, I certainly can't say it has never made me laugh. The two main characters are stupid but reasonably likable, and a lot of the humour comes from the stupid things they say, such as Dean thinking Merlin is a real historical figure. Drunken rampages and getting into fights (a fight with Farrel at the campsite, for example), can also really stand out. It can be hard to pick up all the jokes, which I don't think I've ever succeeded in doing. Some parts didn't impress me, such as Dean talking about putting his testicle in the microwave, but most of the film isn't that disturbing. Aside from the humour, I also like Dean's positive attitude during his treatment process. Paul Spence and David Lawrence play the starring roles convincingly, and it's not surprising that the doctor, S.C. Lim, is a real-life physician playing himself here, as his scenes look like they're from a real documentary with a doctor speaking.

    Apparently, F.U.B.A.R. is an acronym meaning "F%$#ed up beyond all repair/recognition," and that's probably a fitting title for this movie. It's extremely silly, crude, juvenile, and insane, so much so that the acronym is a good way to describe it, but that's not always a bad thing. It's rated R, which obviously means adults only, and I'm sure the film would make many adults cringe as well, but for some adults, however, probably mostly male, it's pretty funny, even hilarious to some. Around the beginning, I could have easily given "Fubar" an 8/10, but the two idiots can't carry the film for 76 minutes consistently enough for that, and could have really gotten tiring if it were that much longer. Still, this mockumentary is often very funny (for certain tastes), and very Canadian. I'm still not sure if I fully get it, but when it comes to crude, juvenile comedies, you could certainly do much worse.
  • This movie was so well acted that i cant believe they were not really drinking all nite. There are so many parts of the movie that I lived through. The camping trip was classic, from not trying to set up the tent until you are too drunk to jumping through the fire. The story had to be written by a true 80's headbanger and is a trip down hazy memory lane. This movie wont appeal to everyone, but with the success of the Osbournes there is a lot of people wanting to jump on the bangerwagon. This movie will help them learn what it takes to be a hard core banger.
  • This crazy canadian film is about shotgunning cheap beer, breaking stuff, fighting, heavy metal and playing hockey. If you like any of these things you will like this movie. If you don't you might not like it. The is a mock biography about 2 canadian head bangers named Dean and Terry. Dean gets cancer and must have surgery. He decides to get totally loaded and party until the day of the surgery.

    The film also has a cool soundtrack with canadian bands redoing old metal songs. The soundtrack includes Sum 41, Gob, Treble Charger, and Sloan.

    If you like metal and stuff this is a must see.

    If not it is about a 7 out of 10
  • Just Giver.....Says it all. Although a fictitious documentary, Fubar avoids the pitfalls that plague other works of the same genre with candid performances by our protagonists Dean and Terry. Truly comical in every sense, whilst exploring touchy subject matter. Overall an impressive look at the life and times of Dean, Terry, Tron and rockets.
  • FUBAR (an obscene acronym from the military) is an amazing accomplishment. It tore onto the scene at the Sundance Film Festival in 2001, after being turned down by the Toronto fest. The classic success story of guys who maxed out their credit cards (including their Canadian Tire cards) and took a giant leap into the uncertain future - and it paid off. Telefilm Canada decided to fund the movie (after it was already shot on digital video), and "beefed" the budget up to $350,000 (Cdn.) They did a good job promoting the movie through a soundtrack featuring Sum 41, Gob, Sloan, etc. doing classic Canadian headbangin' tunes. This movie has it all: hilarity and drunken hijinx, intense drama, and incredible acting (although I wonder how much the beer had to do with this). Go see this movie, it is much more than the trailers would suggest: much more than guys acting loud and stupid. It's actually a touching film, with a look at the two main character's fear of mortality.
  • This movie took a couple viewings before the funny set in, but once it did, I laughed out loud and spilt a couple of drafts. Totally Midwestern humor (thanks for ruining the election) and Canadian humor. My Canadian friends hate this movie with a passion but had to admit that it really was a good characterization of the Canadian lifestyle.

    The plot is standard but by the end of the film we realize how interesting these two guys are, even though their in a predicament because of a minor tragedy involving one of the guys.

    The quality of the film is a bit grainy, but I suppose it's supposed to be that way?

    Definitely a good movie but it's not a date movie. Definitely one to see with the guys.
  • Honestly the first 30 minutes of this film is fairly painful as we watch the main characters played by Dave Lawrence and Paul Spence go through their childhood, as twenty-somethings with meaningless jobs and non existent friends and six pack after six pack. Farrel, the documentary filmmaker, decides to follow these Canadian fellows and make a film on their "so-called" life. As one character discovers a health issue that turns his life upside down, the two characters (and the filmmaker) start a journey into the woods and mother nature to excise their fear. It's only at this point that the film really gets going and the director is finally able to take the saran wrap off the characters and let them emote something more than pure silliness. The production value is low but the story while simple is executed well. Look forward for the Director's next film about a deaf deejay: All Gone Pete Tong.
  • Slarkshark17 September 2021
    The life of a Canadian headbanger. From where I hail on the Pacific coast of Canada, the headbangers may not be as common, but they're around and have evolved a bit since 2002. Overall, strong Canadian vibes as a whole.

    Dean and Terry live in the moment and don't have many thoughts other than just given'r. That mostly involves shotgunning Pilsner.

    A mockumentary with some good laughs, that even addresses a serious topic that affects a lot of people. It's not for everyone, but not everything is.
  • The story of two metal-heads. From Canada. I thought this movie was going to be much like "The Stoned Age" without the Schnappster and Blue Oyster Cult. I was wrong. What I got was a movie that was either way too short or way too long. The joke is that metal-heads are stupid and drink beer. If you get the joke, do you need to see it for 76 minutes? Because that's the only joke in this film. It could have been 15 minutes. Or had it been 2 hours, maybe we could have explored the characters a bit more and the depth would have cleared things up.

    The film isn't all bad, though. It's mildly entertaining - especially Deaner. Tron and Terry are only background to Deaner's madness and tight underwear. I also enjoyed how the film took an unexpected turn towards the end, though they didn't really do anything with that. For an independent film with no real actors or director, it's not bad. Honestly, I couldn't have written or acted or directed this story any better. And I'm not Canadian. This film may not be an underground masterpiece, but it's also no disgrace to Pilsner. I guess watch it if you're really drunk or on ludes. Don't watch it because your friends tell you to - they're liars.
  • ajrmacle6 December 2002
    This movie was perfect. Bangers on 10speeds carrying a case of Pilsner in one hand, talking about the murals they'd paint on a black van ("there'd be a lady, with a big f**kin' laser just, y'know, protectin'"), shotgunning beer, and looking like dirtbags. Banger culture at its best. If Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy had a propensity for RATT and incest, this is the mockumentary they would make.
  • ispry16 March 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    There were a couple of drunken character moments early in this film that gave me some good strong belly laughs but the longer the film went on the less I laughed and the more I just winced, sighed and eventually bailed 30 minutes before the end. I very rarely stop watching a film mid-way, it has to be an especially cringeworthy - almost embarrassing experience for me to turn off early - strangely the last film I watched to provoke an early exit was MacGruber - perhaps it's the mullets.

    In my opinion, the Fubar producers' choice to inform the audience in the opening credits that the film was a fictional documentary was a bad error on their part and ruined any opportunity they had to successfully dupe the viewer into believing this could possibly be a 'real' documentary. Perhaps there was legal reasons for this admission but even if it had been omitted, the woeful performance of Gordon Skilling as the straight man Farrel would most likely have raised most viewers suspicions as to the truthfulness of what they were watching.

    The longer I watched this film, the stupider I began to feel, whether it be through some strange osmotic character/viewer transmission or just for the fact that I was continuing to watch a film that proclaimed itself to be a fictional documentary still painfully attempting to pretend to be a documentary.

    Overall, the whole experience felt like being back in late primary school with a bunch of filmmakers who only had three fingers and yet were still trying to give me a decent Chinese burn. All a bit lame.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Although filmed in Calgary, any Canadian can identify the unique cultural phenomenon of the aging headbanger. This movie is a brilliant little mock-umentary that is funny and quirky enough to become a cult classic, and is definitely worth seeing. We are taken into the world of Dean, a wannabe bass player, and Terry, a swamper in a furniture factory. The two buddies give the audience a candid look at their lives, captured by documentary filmmaker Farrel Mitchner, whose accidental death is captured on film. The actors fool anybody who isn't aware into thinking that this is a genuine documentary, so it's fun to watch with an unsuspecting friend. A Canadian comedy accessible to any open-minded North American viewer.
  • A great little bargain-bin film. The two leads are totally believable as your average clueless neighborhood headbangers. We've all known guys like this, and their dubious exploits resonate even as you double-up with laughter. Oh, to be able to join these clowns in turning off adult responsibility and "just give'r", if only for a moment.

    Great improvisation based on a three-page story outline. With over 50 hours originally shot, I hope the film does well enough to allow a DVD with additional footage. I saw it opening night in Toronto with the theatre about 1/3 full.

    For now, I'm off to get the soundtrack.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was lucky enough to attend the Calgary opening of FUBAR with the film makers in attendance. The film is a lot of what you would expect, a couple of long hairs with mid two-digit IQ's stumble through life shot gunning beers and trying to get laid.

    It opens into something much more at about the 30-minute point. Not to be too much of a spoiler, but one of the "bangers" is forced to face his own mortality, while refusing to change his lifestyle. It's wickedly funny and somewhat disturbing at the same time. Not at all the light weight throwaway film people might dismiss it for, FUBAR is a tight well produced piece of work.

    By the way, I never applauded at the end of a movie until FUBAR, and there really is a town called High River just south of Calgary.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Opinion - Ferral Mitchner may he rest in peace. To exploit a death on film and to have the Telefilm of Canada fund it, it's a shame, what does the family think of showing his death to the world? I just saw it on TV last night and was shocked they showed his death and shocked that these guys are even.... trailer park boys was scripted but this to be funded all because they show a man dying, appalled.

    Opinion - Clearly he was distressed before going into the water, all others seem to be going in feet first, why was he encouraged to dive in? Clearly rocks below...little suspicious.

    Opinion - I do hope that it is the last of this documentary exploiting these poor fella's.

    Please reconsider.
  • Special, heartfelt, wonderful. Couple a boneheads with moments of beautiful human depth and relate-ability.

    It's what I love about Kevin Smith's films when he really gets it right. Enjoyable.

    What I love about the Canadianness is that even in conflicts there is an underlying politeness and even niceness that I hope to emulate.

    It's like when kids fight, they have the humanity to forgive and forget in like a minute.

    Filmed really well as well. Considering the budget they must have had, it is seamlessly wonderful in that you never really feel like 'oh this is a documentary and I'm supposed to forget the camera is a weird thing to be there', you're just there with them in an effortless looking but very difficult way to achieve.
  • Recently I got to watch two films that were shot in and around my home town of Calgary.

    One film was "Open Range" and the other was "Fubar".

    Both films are focused on the reactions of two close friends to the trials that life can throw at you. Both films involve a lot of walking around, talking and strange interactions with other characters in the film. Both films feature people who basically wrote, directed and starred in the movie. Both feature lots of cool alberta scenery and both are worth watching. However, while one film is a carefully crafted yet somehow lifeless product that is ultimately a chore to watch the other is a throbbing wild thing that wiggles like a fish in your hand.

    The great flick here is Fubar.

    I was mesmerized from the start, mostly because I knew all of the locations intimately. Then I realized, I also knew these two guys intimately. I grew up with them. We all played hockey in the living room and busted stuff. We shotgunned pilsners and we all went "camping" and did hideous amounts of damage to ourselves and those around us in the process and we only survived through sheer luck and by keeping the gas pedal floored and not looking back. Man, its bang on right.

    This film captures certain of the unique qualities of being "Canadian" better than any other film that I have seen. Nothing Second City or Bob and Doug Mackenzie ever did compares to the genius that made this film. Its not the goofiness or the idiocy, its the spirit of these two bozos that wins your heart.

    Bravo, I'm proud of these guys.

  • This movie is a hilarious low budget look at what makes mullet wearing headbangers tick; namely beer, violence, and rock and roll. While much of the film is devoted to mocking and/or worshipping the "banger" lifestyle, it does have a profound sub plot running throughout regarding the nature of friendship and the way people deal with personal tragedy. With classic one liners such as "Plan B is pretty much to giv'er", and a filming style that will remind you of your high school social studies project, this picture is not to be missed. Filmed mostly in Calgary, it is a must see for anyone who wants a glimpse into western Canadian counterculture.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just Give'r!

    If you've ever wondered whatever became of those stoners from High School 10-15 years ago, look no further than this hilarious yet serious mockumentary.

    ****possible spoilers****

    At the great opening sequence, which is essentially a lesson on how NOT to drive, I knew this was going to be a hilarious movie. But I was also pleasantly surprised at the ironically serious message at the heart of the movie - hedonistic escapism may be fun for a while, but ultimately everyone has to face reality, however grim it may be. This is a coming-of-age movie about a couple of guys who should have came of age years ago.

    Paul Spence and David Lawrence are instantly recognizable and genuinely believable in their headbanger roles. Michael Dowse does an excellent job of balancing the humour (sometimes light, sometimes dark) with the pathos to make a funny yet touching tale of cancer.
  • Well, not MINE, but I knew so many guys like this in my teens and twenties. Thing is, you gotta love these kind of guys 'cause what they lack in brains and ambition they make up for in lust for life and overall heart. The "headbanger" mentality hasn't been well-represented in most Hollywood movies (Bill and Ted's, Wayne's World et al). As silly as it may seem, headbangers take their lifestyle choice very seriously and -- even if they are not always eloquent enough to put it in such poignant terms -- they are consciously rebelling against conformity and the pressures of modern life to do everything but enjoy life and have a good time.

    Even better, it was all filmed within two hours of my place. Just give'r!!!
  • I was sold with the tagline: GIVER. These guys are so genuinely into their lives that you can't help but admire them, even though they are like, the quintessential lowlifes, complete with illegitimate children and sordid tales of fingerbanging cousins (eww..). Either way, they are having the best time with what they have, and it's great fun to watch, even though it's all fake. I have never been in a theatre with a movie playing that brought down the house. It was awesome. I can shotgun better than Farrell (although that doesn't seem very hard to do). His cake was priceless. 10/10
  • SwampPickle19 March 2005
    This movie is truly an original. There have been many lower budget movies created featuring mullets, beer and heavy metal. But this Alberta local, is a classic! Deaner and Terry are sincerely oblivious to some basic facts of life. The movie focuses on their way of life and follows them through a variety of mishaps and drunk shenanigans. The suck is definitely turned down in this film. Other movies try way to hard to achieve what was done naturally in FUBAR. There is no comparison and I feel it has filled a void in my life. I can now die a happy man for having watched it. I would recommend this movie to people that can withstand a bit of out of context cursing and a hungover lifestyle. Just Give'r
  • A low-budget mockumentary about two Canadian headbangers and their ups and downs. It's a little scary to admit that I found this to be very relatable. I have known and encountered guys just like this all my life. That camping sequence seems like it was lifted from my own terrible camping adventures, I still have the scars.

    The story begins in a quite goofy way, then swerves into some unexpected drama, then back again. It might surprise some viewers thinking this was just another silly headbanger rampage.

    Some laughs and plenty of what I call cringe-comedy moments. Just give'r a try!
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