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  • Many of us Americans have great respect for the business woman Dolly Parton is, and for the personally wonderful woman she is reported to be.

    Even so, that respect doesn't always translate into being a fan of Dolly's music. I'm simply not a country/western fan. Though I've never been to Dollywood, the concept always seemed to me to be rather corny, and not my first pick of vacation destinations.

    Graham, however, finds it endearing. From the mile-high platinum wigs, to the butterfly motifs (only a half-step up from unicorns, really), to the non-alcoholic dinner show, to the rope-lit red, white, and blue finale, it all genuinely brings a tear to his eye. "Say what you want, but these kinds of things are very important to Americans, and they do them very well." It's a telling quote. I suppose we do hold our public displays of patriotism in fairly high regard, which I guess is something of a dated notion to some of our European cousins.

    I have to give huge credit to Dolly for her tolerant attitude, as well. Many country musicians flee from anything smacking of an alternative lifestyle. Dolly is either too big in the business, or simply too sweet to have a negative attitude about it. All of her fans are precious to her, and the things that make Graham who his is are special gifts from God. What a warm heart, and what a wonderful human being. God bless her.

    Dolly takes the time to show Graham around personally as a guest of honor, sings with him, exchanges gifts, and guest-stars him in a Christmas music video. Along the way, she shares the story of her life and success with him. For Dolly fans, it may be a strange journey watching her cavort with a gay Irish chat-show host. Graham fans may find themselves to be too sophisticated for Dollywood. This special is most likely to be enjoyed by American casual Graham viewers, like me!

    Maybe I've been too cynical. Perhaps the spouse and I should take a trip to Dollywood. (But there is someplace to get a drink around there, right?)
  • jon137918 March 2003
    After visiting Dollywood several times, and feeling that Dolly re-developed the old Silver Dollar City Theme Park into just a Smoky Mountain Theme Park - representing only the most conservative of values - I was thrilled to see this episode of "So Graham Norton" on BBC America. It truly made me believe Dolly is truly accepting of diverse and different people. (and if DirecTV is reading - I would LOVE to see Channel 4 live in America.)

    To say the least, it made me feel much better about visiting Dollywood. Dolly represents herself as a tolerant, progressive woman who has achieved wonderous heights in the business world, and used those heights to benefit the community of her birth.

    For me, as an entrepreneur, I aspire to one day deliver as much to my hometown as Dolly Parton has delivered to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.

    Thank you Graham, and thank you Dolly for delivering a wonderful message - proving that even in the Bible belt of the Midwest - tolerance is acceptable, and people should be respected no matter what their race, gender, orientation, nationality, etc...