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  • This game, where you control Harry Potter, is set at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I liked it a lot because it is like you are actually taking a tour of Hogwarts. It was also fun because there are so many secret passages with surprises that it makes the game always a challenge. Finally, I liked it because it's not terribly easy, especially when you're in the Quidditch game, and that also makes it very interesting and fun to play.
  • The best version of the first Potter game is definitely on the GBA, which has the most RPG elements of all the systems. It truly captures the feel of being at Hogwarts with a grand sense of adventure and exploring and it never lags all the while GBA: 8/10 The PC version is the most easy, most basic version of the game and takes no more than 3 hours to beat. And yet it's super fun! And it really is, well, magical. PC: 8/10 The Play Station port is certainly where the graphics are at their lowest point, but they are easy to forgive, as the game play presents itself as a fun and challenging experience worth playing, making this one the best of the console versions. Play Station: 7/10 Later on in 2003, they decided to release Sorcerer's Stone on next gen consoles which brought in better graphics, but also a lesser quality. The Game Cube and Xbox ports were at least decent, you could tell they put in some effort and tried here. But they didn't have the sense of wonder and magic the other versions before had. They aren't great, but they end up alright. Game Cube and Xbox: 6/10 The Play Station 2 is the worst port of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It is dull, boring and ever so predictable. I had very little fun and I had enjoyment, but not enough to call this game a good one. It's just a forgettable, mediocre button-masher. Play Station 2: 5/10 But I'm sure you've noticed at the top of this review, there is an 8/10. Yes, I am a ridiculously huge Harry Potter fan. Yes, I probably added an extra star for nostalgia. But the PC and GBA versions are done so well, proving there can be good licensed games every once in a while. Magical they are indeed. And for that reason, I think Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone video game deserves an overall rating of an 8/10.
  • I have played this game and i must say that i am amazed how close it is to the book. for those who havent read the books but are fans of the first movie i would suggest that you read the book first as there are some tasks in the game that where not in the movie. the potions game on the way to the stone is a perfect example. even though i love the game i give it a 8 as i have never been able to complete it straight to the end with out using the lvl cheat to get past fluffy but i still recommend it to anyone who is interested in a game that challenges the mind while entertaining the senses.
  • elliotpower20008 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    GBA - The game is quite short at roughly 2-3 hours long but I don't expect much more than that. As a massive Harry Potter fan I feel quite let down as the game doesn't follow the story and misses out massive bits and changes other parts. I also dislike checkpoint saves as you could get to the end of a mission almost and if you die or fall you have to restart the mission as save points are very few and far between.

    Xbox - I Prefer this Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone game to some of the other versions but there is still a few let downs for me. Mainly the health system, it is too hard to find extra health thus you die a lot. Also I found a few missions quite buggy, especially the last as there was chocolate front the first time I played it, I then died respawned and they weren't there, meaning I had to keep trying to play that mission with half a bar of health (which took ages), also on the final missions the dogs should die from the spell lumps but I found that they could jump through it which was really annoying. However all in all I do really like this game and think it is the best adaption of this film.
  • Otter-1725 August 2002
    I am a hardline online gamer, have been for 5 years. I bought this game because 1; i like the books, and 2; it seemed a gentle enough game to introduce my son, all of 3 years and 10 months, into the educational values of a decent computer game with a good, non-violent story attached. This game is great, and my son loves it ( i control Harry with the direction keys, my son casts spells on switches, trees, doxy's and gnomes etc with the mouse. His hand/eye co-ordination is developing a treat). This is a thoroughly engaging, well thought out and imaginative game. The graphics and lighting are pleasing, the attention to detail is authentic and amusing (example; wizard card details), the levels are well designed and their variety has a good balance and is close in feel and plot to the first book. It;s a great kid's game, and adults may well enjoy it too. I certainly have.

    btw, of special note should be the music by Jeremy Soule which is absolutely superb, far better than the movie's score in my opinion, and whoever the voice talent was who did a ripping John Cleese impression for the voice of Nearly Headless Nick deserves a round of applause.
  • The game is not really incredible or try to make an other story or something like that. But i found the game good with the story that they tell in a book like an audio with a book open and with the story of the movie. I become nostalgic and i love it just for that. That was pretty good and i love the quidditch games even if it have a classic gameplay. Nice to feel Harry Potter vibes with that game.
  • PS1

    Very atmospheric game despite origami-like graphics (which I have no problem with). The music is really great, perhaps the factor most contributing to the atmosphere, but the famous Williams film score is absent. The sound effects are memorable and effective too.

    The controls feel fluid until you need versatility, then you might find yourself late to a few classes! And dead at times...

    I can play the game for hours on end, I love it. I prefer it to the other games in the series because of its simplicity, its difficulty, and that creepy atmosphere.
  • Wonderful as a book, this, the first of the Harry Potter stories has been very skillfully turned into a screen delight. The sets, the effects, the cast are very true to the book. Some adaption to the plot has occurred, but with no detriment to the story. This is a movie for all ages.
  • leplatypus28 February 2010
    I finished the seven books in a row and felt orphan of this marvelous wizarding world. As I waited for the next last two movies to watch them all (so far I have seen only the 1,2 and 4), I decided to play the video game with the kid.

    We found this first opus great because the game has amazing graphics: as someone else said, it is like a virtual visit of Hoggwarts. In addition, the gameplay is easy and it is made for kids: the level asks for quickness and a bit of reflexion.

    On the other side, the game has major flaws as well: first, I don't think it uses the John Williams' theme and it is a pity. And above all, some levels are impossible to finish: the quidditch games, the troll chase and for sure, the fight against Voldemort!

    In conclusion, a good game but it needs the six other to be perfect!