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  • I haven't seen many web-animations, which might explain my principal complaint with Gary the Rat. But brevity aside, Gary the Rat, with Gary voiced by Kelsey Grammer, is really great. The artwork is really good, and allows a great deal of rat facial expressions, and the animation is fairly smooth. The humor is also pretty good, the kind we've come to expect from the better prime-time animated shows. Gary is also appropriatley charactered, seeing as how he truly is as evil as most lawyers are made out to be. The exterminator who routinely tries to kill him with zany plans is a tad juvenile, but nevertheless makes great humor when interacting with Gary, even though Gary is almost oblivious that someone is trying to kill him. It's a shame this wasn't made into a real tv series, so we'd get more than three minute increments each time, but all things considered, it's still pretty good.
  • Gary the Rat is TNN's best cartoon on their block, Gary is mildly funny and the majority of it has dry hummor and crude violence. Gary and Fraiser are on being in this show, the difference is Gary is a rat and he is somewhat of a bad guy, but overall he has the same woman problems that Fraiser does.

    The downfall of the show is that dumbass guy and his cat, they suck and are completely unnesccisary, to the plot, all he does is try to kill Gary. He botches every attempt because he's such an idiot, what a dumb fool.

    All and all I'll watch Gary if I need some time to kill before going to bed after work.

  • "Gary", which is a spin-off from a web cartoon (and sports the same jerky, cheap-looking of its predecessor), delivers occasional laughs, but the concept wasn't very good to begin with. A show about a smarmy lawyer whose physical appearance spontaneously morphs into what he's really like may have worked in more capable hands, but it doesn't here. Gary's nemesis, a tenant in his building, has no motivation for his vitriol, and Gary's employer contributes absolutely nothing to the show.