User Reviews (14)

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  • Lauren Bishop (Kari Wuhrer), an efficient executive, meets Clay Harding (Stephen Baldwin), the son of the owner of the company where she works, in a business meeting. After having intense sexual intercourse, they decide to deviate the company money to a Swiss bank. Last, a cheating game between them two will make a winner and a looser.

    With more care, the plot of this low budget B-movie could be attractive. But the problem is the excessive and long sex scenes between the two main characters. Instead of improving the screenplay, writer and director give free sex for the viewers. Stephen Baldwin is a bad actor, and maybe for him it would really be necessary to show his butts many times for the pleasure of his feminine public. However, Kari Wuhrer does not seem to be such a bad actress. Indeed, she seems to know how to act. I have not watched the films in her filmography, but she does not need to show her beautiful naked body all the time. I am not daring to compare 'Spider's Web' with the fantastic 'noir' 'Body Heat', but sex in Lawrence Kasdan's movie was sensual, was part of the plot. In this 'Spider's Web', it is free, rough, looks like in 'Sexy time' or other erotic show. My vote is five.

    Title (Brazil): "Poder, Sedução e Intriga" ("Power, Seduction and Intrigue")
  • mr_pivac198512 March 2003
    This was a very odd movie, it was a mix between Movie and porn.

    It was most likely Steven Baldwins worst film, I also noticed that One time Bond star George Lazenby had a small part in the film, I thought he did really well considering the type of movie it is.

    This is a movie that you could watch if you had Absulutely nothing else to watch, thats why I watched it.

    There where some very nice nude scenes however.

    Stephen Baldwin, What the hell are you doing? You use to do quality films, fire that agent of yours.

    go to your local video shop and you'll find this movie in the B-grade waste of time section, it should be right next to Gladiator or some other crappy Russel Crowe Movie.
  • "Spider's Web" tells a convoluted tale of deceit, murder, and other treachery with a woman exec (Wuhrer) who falls in love with the son (Baldwin) of the wealthy tycoon for whom she works and the sets about to embezzle $40 mil and abscond with the son...blaa, blaa. At issues is; who's scamming who? The film plays out like a paperback crime novel on film trading character depth and a solid story for some cheap sex and a showy veneer. Mediocre stuff best saved for cable which may be of some interest to fans of the principals or couch potatoes who can overlook the countless plotholes. (C)
  • This one's pretty much par for the course, as these things go. You can't complain about why Wuhrer would strut her naked body, and Baldwin makes a point of showing his ass, too, but the convoluted attempt at a high-minded, high-tech atmosphere here falls a bit flat. Most of the performances are satisfactory, though, and it wasn't hard to finish watching the whole thing play out.
  • 1st watched 11/19/2002 - 2 out of 10(Dir-Paul Levine): Boring, slow-moving movie that eventually becomes about a couple of people trying to steal from one another the high-tech way(thru swiss bank accounts). It's a sad thing when the best you can say about a movie is a person's figure and looks. I'm sorry but I have to say it, the best thing about this movie is Kari Wuhrer's body. The rest of the movie was boring, worthless, and a ridiculous waste of money(for those who made it and for those who purchase or rent it). I waited, and waited, and waited for this movie to be over and guess what. it finally ended!! I guess I've pretty much said enough. Don't invest in this loser.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In Spider's Web, a wily businessman plots with a sultry executive to swindle $40 million from his father. But who is conning who?

    This is a pretty woeful film, with cheap production, despite the presence of the beautiful Kari Wuhrer. Everybody's stealing and backstabbing, with twists and turns, but nothing is executed at a competent level at any point. The acting across the board is terrible, Stephen Baldwin might just be the worst actor there is. The best isn't gotten out of Kari either, which is a crime in itself. Haha, what's the great George Lazenby doing in this film... Not worth your time.
  • The movie was slow to develop if it actually ever did. I have seen better plots on cable soft porn movies. If you are into that sort of thing then this movie is for you. Don't waste your time just+6 take a nap.
  • A cheap movie - and not only because it is low budget. The action pretends to be about a cheating scheme in the high tech capitalist venture world. It actually is just confusing and predictable at the same time. Directing and camera work are close to ridicule, and acting does not get higher than low quality TV dramas. Steve Baldwin is shaming the Baldwin name by participating in this movie. Even the erotic scenes seem to be just there to fill in the time. 4/10 on my personal scale. Avoid it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS*** Despite all the great work she's done for the investment company De Winter-Hathaway tech annalist Lauren Bishop, Kari Wuhrer, feels that being a woman in an all mens business world she'll go nowhere higher up the corporate ladder then where she's is right now. It's when Lauren runs into the boss's Robert Harding's, George Murdock, son Clay, Stephen Baldwin, that she sees an opening for her to make it big in the company.

    Clay for his part just can't wait for his dad to check out by dropping dead so he can get his ands on his pop's 40 million dollars in bond and stock options and ,in not wanting to off the the old man, plans to steal it right under his and the big wigs at De Winter-Hathaway's noses when they would least expect it. During a major money exchange for a tech company that De Winter-Hathaway is interesting in buying. Together with Lauren whom he's planning to check out of the country with the 40 million Clay forms a dummy company masking itself as De Winter-Hathaway in Zürich to pull the whole scheme off. And it's his lover Lauren who's to get his plan put into motion by her setting up the exchange by getting in the company's master computer and accessing it's passwords!

    ***SPOILERS*** As you would expect in a film with both greed and sleaze being a common commodity the plan that Clay came up with doesn't include his partner in crime Lauren in that she's slated to be the fall guy or girl in it. Lauren for her part has plans of her own in despite spending a number of hot and heavy sex sessions with Clay in the sack soon realizes that he's only interested in her or her body, and what a body she's got, to end up behind bars, That's in her being a pasty in what he's secretly planning with his other partner in crime, the man who had Lauren fired from her job at the firm, Harry Burnham, Benjamin King. It's his good friend and collage classmate Harry who in fact Clay not only ends up double-crossing but murdering, and making it look like a suicide, as well!

    It's the really hot sex scenes between Clay & Lauren in the film that makes it worth watching with both of them seeming to really get it on and not just acting them out. Actress Kari Wuhrer who in some of her close ups looks at least 10 years older then she really is, at 34 years old, had no trouble convincing you that she's as turned on as an in heat hot to trot teenager, taking her clothes off at every opportunity, in the sizzling and erotic sex scenes she's in with, that lucky stiff, her co-star in the movie Stephen Baldwin! Where in the end of the movie it's Clay in him thinking he's in control of things ends up holding the bag with Lauren checking out of the country with the 40 million waiting for her in a Swiss bank account.
  • DVD synopsis:

    A sexy executive (Kari Wuhrer, "Eight Legged Freaks", "Anaconda") is seduced by a younger man (Stephen Baldwin, "The Usual Suspects") into stealing $40 million from his politically ambitious father. As the elaborate swindle is set in motion and their erotically-charged affair reaches a boiling point, the two begin to question the intentions of one another. Is he pampered rich boy getting his kinky kicks with an experienced older woman or is she a shrewd black widow out to make a killing? As the bodies pile up and the double-crosses multiply, one will be left holding the fortune, while the other will be caught in a web of deadly deception.

    Who is going to be the overall winner? Wuhrer or Baldwin? You cannot help but wonder but what happens to them in the film is their own stupid faults. It seems that no one is this world can get enough and it is true. Everyone wants what they cannot have and what is not theirs to be deserved or had. I have watched this film many times, and there is so many double crosses, over-laps, deceit and betrayal that when I think about it, it is almost as if that the film is a jigsaw puzzle, whose pieces have been scattered after completion.

    All though good, I am sorry to say that the "money" thrillers have been done time and time again and now, it is hard to find or come up with new and unique ideas.
  • a story of betrayal featuring baldwin and wuhrer scheming and trumping each other to steal his father's money. filmmakers seem to have made the most of a modest budget. considering limitations of script, star performances are excellent and overall look and pace of film is first rate. too bad the material wasn't better. as is, it's a nice diversion for 90 minutes, with a distinctive european look and feel.
  • I failed to see what the point of this movie is. The only thing I found entertaining was looking at Stephen Baldwin's excruciatingly sexy body. The movie went nowhere and Wuhrer gave a cheap corn-ball performance. If you are thinking about renting this movie, don't. Wait until it comes to cable. You'll thank me later ;)
  • stylish visual choices and expensive-looking locations highlight this old fashioned betrayal yarn, reminiscent of some of the early rko films, this one with a european feel; nice to look at despite a script that would have been better if cornell woolrich wrote it. while this isn't saying very much, it's probably the best performance of kari wuhrer's career. same goes for baldwin. it looks like the creative people may have cared. really sucky music and poor color timing, typical of films by this cheesy company, aren't consistent with creative directions, suggesting that producers (credits include milli vanilli) probably had the prevailing low budget hand in post-production. too bad.
  • I think they tried to make this another sort of Wild Things. You know, lots of double-crossing and triple-crossing, etc. However Wild Things was a fun ride all the way through, this one isn't.

    I noticed that both Kari Wuhrer and Stephen Baldwin were not only the stars of the movie, but they were co-executive producers. I wonder if these two stars just wanted an excuse to make a movie where they could be naked together? I can't see any other purpose for this film.