User Reviews (4)

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  • I love this show. Sadly though, I see the signs of it being pulled from the air. I really saw some potential and even made it a point to sit through that Jim Belushi show that came on first just so I could see Connie Britton in a sitcom again. Good Show, I couldn't stop laughing. However, I don't think it will last, much to my dismay.
  • My god, how dismal. Poor Rich Guy! Ignores his family for years. Wifey complains he's never home. Helps make it up to her by purchasing expensive jewelry! My, didn't he get that by working and ignoring her?

    Ignores kids for years. Now they are teenagers. Yet with a couple of dorky little interactions, he's the hero (woo hoo) and now Mom feels left out!

    What a load of Hooey! Unbelievable, implausible, and not even well done. Don't waste your evening here - read a book or rent a vid instead.
  • Love Connie and glad to see her on a show again but this show lost it the first show. Strange thing. The son is going to have sex. Okay. Got it great. Good for him. Why would he bring the girl to the house for a quick visit then plan on leaving again? There seemed to be no reason for them to stop by the house. Now since it was the pilot maybe they couldn't afford another location but if that's the case change the story. It didn't make sense so I just zoned on it. Plus who needs another show about a hapless father who is the stupidest person in the house.
  • Clearly there is a black hole for original thought on TV. Everwood must be pretty good, because it's been hijacked and shrunken down into a lame 1/2 hour comedy. Nice original job, ABC -- especially in hiring an actor who looks just like Gregory Smith. Too bad there's only one of him!