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  • cohuman26 November 2019
    Wow Karthik is made for such roles . He was on top in late 80s and early 90s . Its a village story . Karthik and his visiting cousin Monisha wish to get married and have their families' blessings. While teasing each other ,Monisha gets locked in an iron box and dies . Karthik holds himself responsible for her death and vows never to marry . Later when another cousin Rajani is set to get married to Anadaraj , Karthiks father asks his sons ( KArthik and Ravi ) to get her as she should get married in his house as per custom. Both the brother kidnap Rajani and bring her back. On the way due to goons sent by Rajani's father Ravi dies . Rajani refuses to go back and marry Anadaraj , the groom of her father's choice . She stays back with Karthik's affectionate family . Teasings , bantering later , she realises she wants to get married to Karthik who unfortunately turns a blind eye to her affections . She tries her best to lure him but all efforts go in vain . His granny Gandhimathi tries her best to lure him towards her but its not of much use . Rajani even dresses up as Monisha but that too fails . Finally she tries to burn herself which makes Karthik realise his mistake . Both unite in the end. Rajani is chirpy . Monisha has huge expressive eyes .Karthik of coursei is the cream of this movie . He is super as a guilty cousin of Monisha, affectionate son and grand son , reluctant lover thwarting Rajani's affections . Its a pleasure watching him prancing and dancing on screen . It has nice songs among nice green locales.