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  • Played this game when it first came out, thought it was extremely boring. The combat is ok but not really refined, mostly resorting to just shooting everything with your guns. THe maps are bigger but empty. Enemies are bland, from gorillas to these metal skeleton looking things. Boss battles are terrible, from tanks with eyeballs to helicopters with eyeballs. Just stay back and shoot, shoot, shoot.

    What i hate is the level up system. Not only does it take a lot of red orbs to upgrade your weapons, you gain no new attacks and it just raises the attack power. You get so much weapons that is becomes annoying when you spent all your orbs upgrading a weapon then you find a new weapon which is stronger and realized you wasted your red orbs on the previously weapon (which you will never use again).

    Lastly Dante is now a mute for some reason. Dude barely talks, and the ending is horrible.

    Anyways, the only good thing I can say about this is the character model for Dante is great. This is my favorite Dante look.

    5/10 Capcom pretty much erased this game from history, similar to WWE and Chris Benoit.
  • Now as this title suggests it is genuinely one of the worst games I've played, and for a time it was the worst with it being topped by resident evil 6

    The combat from the first game is somehow downgraded will all your melee weapons doing the same thing and not having cool combos like the first game, so you pretty much just have to spam your guns which are good in the other games, but not when I have to just hold the square button down till I win, like the damn helicopter boss fight where I swear I physically could it reach it so just had to shoot it for what felt like hours.

    The story is the one reason why it's above resident evil 6 in my book, not because it's good, but because it feels like a pirated copy that doesn't work, as a lot of context just feels missing, like I had no clue who the main villain was or how I got to certain places, which was just funny even if it was also terrible

    Overall this is easily the worst devil may cry game and I'd just recommend skipping it, there's nothing important here.
  • The original "Devil May Cry" played like an installment of the "Castlevania" series on celluoid. It was an all-out action game which was initially meant to be part of the popular "Resident Evil" franchise. As development progressed, it gradually turned out be an original title influenced by Japanese Anime and Hong Kong action films.

    It was a tough adventure that required lots of stragedy to master. I called it a masterpiece and named it one of the best PS2 games I had played in 2001. "Devil May Cry 2" takes that same non-stop action concept and pays tribute with it to the side-scrolling arcade beat em-ups of the 1990's. The demon hunter Dante, a cross between Marvel Comics' Blade and Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat, returns as the hero with his twin trusty pistols and huge sword.

    In this episode, he's partnered with a mysterious knife-flinging woman named Lucia. The two join forces to stop an evil businessman from merging our world with the demon world. Yadda, yadda, yadda; we've heard all this before. The story isn't what made the first DMC an outstanding game and it certainly doesn't do it for this one either.

    However, it's servicable for this type of genre and while the game itself isn't great; it succeeds in, if nothing else, taking the over the top action of the original up a notch. Dante now runs up and jumps on walls, shoots in two directions simultaneoulsy and can jump 20 ft. in the air, then dive head-first toward the ground with guns blazing. Lucia, who's a playable character, performs similar moves with more emphasis on the martial-arts.

    Like an RPG, you can ungrade their attacks, discover new weapons and special magical powers. Unfortunately, you hardly need to use all these tactics since the game's difficulty is a bit on the easy side. However, I enjoyed DMC 2, I thought it worked on the basis of its fast paced action. I wouldn't recommend buying it, but certainly trying it. I'd give it *** out of **** (or grade it with a B-).
  • Devil May Cry 2, in comparison to Devil May Cry 1, is somewhat of a disappointment. The levels are MUCH larger, but that is somewhat of a bad thing, as it is more about exploring rather than just demon slaying, like the first. The one true thing that makes this game disappointing, is it's difficulty. Devil May Cry 2 is the easiest game I have ever played in my entire life. But still, DMC2 is a good game, and worth a rent.
  • Action comes fairly easy in to the mind of the videogamer since it is all about timing. Much like tetris is action in the sense that you have to time it. This is much more advanced and less complete working from the frames of movies.

    Camera is a core concept in action. You can either approch it with editing (e.g. Once Upon a Time in Mexico) or without (e.g. video games where the edit is impossible, or as we say in these circuits "Tarkovsky-ish", we are still waiting for this to be done great!). Devil May Cry was the first game to explore the camera issue that has been the biggest problem of videogaming since it's been compromising the artistic view. Say; if a director of a film doesn't have the money or people to make a big parade scene he can use objects to block the view so that 30 people look like 300, that cannot be done in videogames since you can "swoop" the camera yourself. Devil May Cry actually tries to capture the directors vision of action, Devil May Cry 2 does this aswell but since the new director only tries to mimic Hideki Kamiya the vision is not original.

    However, this game is good. It's entertainment. It's that simple. It's premiss is simple it's execution is simple the controls and camera are responsive and does what they're told.

    To comment on the plot would be to lower myself to a degree unworthy of a serious critic and is not of essence to the gameplay.

    8/10 - Worthy of your time if you like videogames for videogames and not for interactive movies.
  • yjamesjg28 October 2023
    There's lots wrong with this game, but honestly it just takes the complete mickey out of anyone wanting to play it - let alone enjoy it!

    End game becomes absolute garbage, bloody palace is just a spam fest of goats who hover extremely high in the air shooting at you constantly.. All while the ground enemies also attack you (and you auto aim at them, instead of the bigger threat looming in the skies). Dante doesn't feel like Dante, he's underpowered and every time you're knocked down, movement is extremely slow.

    So what else? Let's see. The story is trash, and also you don't ever unlock any new movesets! Yup, that's right, no progression bonus except having to buy upgrades for your weapons... Which all suck by the way. Guns are overpowered in this game.

    Save yourself a total snooze fest and pass. DMC1 is a brilliant game, and so is 3. This one belongs in the bin.

    PS: This game was made in 4 months.. Says a lot about how bad it is.