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  • The story is not good, the main villainess is highly forgettable, too damn time is given to the "manly man" Ikki of Phoenix (my absolute least favourite of the Bronze Saints hands down, I can't stand the guy), the only slightly interesting thing about this OAV is that some of its ideas were reused in the godly Asgard Filler Arc of the original Saint Seiya series (in particular here you'll find the blueprint of Mime) and the animation completely destroys any of the Hades Chapter or Lost Canvas crap (not that it was a difficult thing to do anyway). Recommended only to Saint Seiya completionists, other people might want to watch other OAVs or the movie directly instead of this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So after having reviewed all the anime series now I also have to talk about the Saint Seiya films then This film was created in 1986 and I really don't believe it there are only two people who have only negative reviews And thank goodness I got to do it then this film belongs to meliked it quite a bit So this film is about a girl who works and they make it trophy But this girl has been infected by a golden apple that is controlling inside a goddess that Eris the goddess of discord is what you think she wants to kill Athena using the golden apple absorb all itsenergy and the bronze knights have to go and save her but Eris also uses her Knights or the ghost knights who are Knights from the previous century So what do I think of this first film for me it is really very unfair that no one hasn't put a review positivebecause I liked this The animation and the fights were good and I'll tell you what I think of the Ghost Knights everyone says they aren't channeled well But there you go Forget that this movie is only 45 minutes long I couldn't not last that long on the bad guys of this film Then to meI'm not too crazy about Eris because she's a very exaggerated villain in character and she seems crazy to me now let's talk about her warriors. So the only Ghost Knights that I didn't like at all are the Arrow Knights because this one is defeated very easily by Seiyathen I don't like The Knights of the Southern Cross because this one had a terrible death or when he challenges the knights of the swan Eris uses his orange to hit the knights of the Swan he even hits his warrior What great stupidity Instead the others the knight of the Shield ithe really puts his opponent in difficulty but this time there is one of the Knights whose name I remember very well or Orpheus but he is not the same one we saw in the Hades saga if he is the designers have really messed up with his appearance he is ok And finally we come to the last onewhich for me was very important because I found him very cool jagger God ion who for me is one of the favorite Knights of these Knights films and he really held his own seiya is Ikki yes Esse really seiya To be able to beat him The Cosmos burns a lot andthe golden mature appears I I tell you one thing some people can't understand where this movie can be connected all the people say it connects Before the battle of the twelve times But if so how come Sirius was blind and He should be in China however he is not blind and is still therein Japan it can also be set later in the moment at twelve times this really finds it an opinion for me and for me this film must be overrated because it is not really as bad as others think to conclude rating 8.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have been a Saint Seiya fan since my childhood, being one of the first anime series that I've seen in my life. Sadly, none of the movies based in that series could match the same level of epicness and fun that the original Saint Seiya had, having all those movies a very interesting premise, but a very poor and predictable development.

    This movie was the first one to introduce the predictable pattern followed by the other "Saint Seiya" movies: A new enemy appears, the new enemy kidnaps the goddess Athena/Saori; Seiya and company went to fight against this new enemy and they battle separately the minions of this new enemy, Andromeda Shun can't fight alone, so he has to be saved by his brother Phoenix Ikki, and at the last moment, when everything seems lost, Seiya uses the Sagittarius Gold Cloth to defeat the new enemy, and Athena and the World are saved. The end.

    The most disappointing part is that all those movies start in a very interesting or promising manner, with lots of potential to develop a new and interesting story, but all that potential is wasted in order to follow the formula which I previously described.

    There is almost no participation of the secondary characters, only the main heroes and the new enemies introduced for the movie, which sadly doesn't get a very well development since their screen time is way too short and their participation in the story is rushed and forgettable.

    In the good side, the music is excellent as always, the designs and the animation were pretty good and the action scenes were decent. Too bad that the plot was so incredibly shallow to make appreciate those virtues.

    I only recommend this short movie to the fans of Saint Seiya, since it does have very little interest to anyone else.