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  • My 2nd go at this game on Oct 20th 2023 as an adult. The last time I tried this game at my local arcade machine in Singapore was in the early 2000s, going back some 20+ years ago. Memories of my early childhood years came flooding back. So much nostalgia! Gameplay mechanics, duck & shoot familiar as always. The game's background score sums up the chaotic thrilling nature of the Time Crisis series. Early 2000s were fun times. The era before social media.

    Just a heads up, I don't recommend playing this game on the PCSX2 emulator with iGPU HD 4600. Many settings in the emulator had to be scale down (e.g. Internal Resolution) to 2x Native (~720p) for stable fps without sound stuttering issues due to it's low GPU performance. That said, the iGPU HD4600 functions very well on the PS1 Duckstation emulator for PC at 6x Native (~1440p). I guess it's less demanding?

    Overall, Time Crisis II was a blastful thrilling ride.
  • This game is great for a rental, but you can finish it in a few hours! Almost no skill whatsoever is required, and when you finish it you are treated to a very poor ending! It is good for a boring afternoon, but in no way should you ever buy this game!
  • Time Crisis 2 is good in every way, but in all honesty, Time Crisis 3 is far better. You get to select from 4 different weapons in mid-battle, and the game itself is longer and harder. This should be a must-buy when it hits systems this summer. Time Crisis 3 is currently in arcades.
  • OK, so you've just finished Time Crisis (1). good wasn't it? also hard. In comes time crisis 2. But this time its dual player so you can bring a mate along for the ride too. The graphics have been improved, the gameplay is more fast paced, but maybe one of the lets downs was it was very easy to finish! even on hard mode!

    Now if you're a hardcore shoot em' up fan, buy this now! but if you prefer the odd shoot ere and there maybe its just worth a rental (or wait until its only a tener and buy it!)

    But wait there's more: when completing the story mode, there's a whole new range of bonus (crisis) missions to do. I've had this game for 4 years and still haven't completed all of them. Plus when completing them you get rewarded with your very own TC music player! how cool is that! Plus machine gun, shotgun and mirror modes to name a few.

    Very well done, and very good value for money, if you don't have a G-con2 then get one!!!!