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  • mikeiskorn17 October 2021
    Have an actual balls, pun intended, to go through with this documentary was very brave of Tom. However, I really didn't find his sense of humour funny is whilst watching it but at the same time what he was doing and raising awareness for testicular cancer was fantastic.
  • wwwutz26 January 2003
    My wife died of cancer, so seeing Tom with this diagnosis was a hard thing to take. But, hey, it's Tom. And he went through this business in a way I wish I would like do it. Some might find it disgusting to see some scenes, where some really personal things of Tom end up in a little silver plate. But for me... well... I keep testing my b*lls. Good luck Tom!
  • An amazing look at the sick, sad, and funny side of Cancer. Writer, Actor, Producer, Composer, Director , Tom Greens bout with the evil ball cancer. See his friend dress as a fire fighter and play with his detached ball. Amazing! See Phil get his own balls checked by a strange "doctor".
  • I kind of like Tom Green or at least I used to. Never really or anyway very rarely found his public ambush style comedy pranks funny but he seems like a friendly guy probably and you can't deny he was an original voice and he was fearless in what he would do. I'm surprised he never got punched by an angry person or parent at some point when he was screwing around with real people who didn't know he was a comedian.

    Anyway this cancer special is one of his better things but still not all that funny. He had testicular cancer and had to have one or both removed so he turned it into a comedy documentary about cancer which is his over the top in your face style. Unfortunately none of his comedy skits were very funny maybe because it is such a serious and sad topic. But really also I just didn't think much of it was funny. Talking with a doctor or joking with his friend about his balls or singing a song in his bad voice with only a few notes that went on too long. Give him this though anyone like me who watched did get a reminder to check themselves out for testicular cancer more often and he really put himself out there.