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  • Kevin-9417 January 2008
    This film is now available on DVD. It's included in one of Steven Wright's recent stand up comedy DVD's. Anyone looking to see it or own it can find it there.

    Check it out. I love the contrast of the staid, serious style with Steven Wright's hilarious modern-style surreality. It reminded me of Woody Allen's great comedy "Love and Death."

    It was laugh out loud funny. And the black and white photography was beautiful.

    Favorite moment: When Wright shared with Becky all that he had learned about life.
  • FunklordM14 September 2004
    Black and White aren't funny, its all those grey in between areas of life that are hilarious. I was lucky enough to catch this short on IFC more than once a few years back. I was so excited the first time I saw it I started every week by combing through the TV guides to see if it was going to be on again so I could tape. My one attempt at taping failed due to pore VHS quality.

    But the important part is that I saw it. And highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. If you are able to understand Steven Wright's comedy this is the quintessential experience. Whether screaming to his wife that they should boil the furniture upon her announcement pregnancy, or explaining how life is an interruption from nothingness, Steven Wright is a genius. Fingers crossed I find this on DVD one day.
  • I caught this one probably like everyone else who has seen it: on IFC one obscure afternoon. I was in love with this film immediately. This hapless philosopher of a soldier is a likable narrator and his story is intriguing and involving. I found myself raving about this film to my artsy film Illuminati friends, just dying for them to get a chance to see it only so they can agree with me about how brilliant this film is. It's become a bit of an obsession, culminating in a feverish search for the DVD to purchase (I found it!)and you better believe I'm showing everybody this one. This is a wonderfully humorous and intelligent film that is definitely worth a look if you ever get the chance.
  • Steven Wright, that lethargic comedian we all know and love, plays a star-gazing soldier-for-hire during the American Civil War. His inspired accordian performance on the battlefield is interrupted by his irate employer, the rich man who hired Wright to fight in his place. Wright murders only for love of music; his reflections on life and love are eerily profound; his execution does nothing to quiet his contemplation. See this film short! Ironic, witty, endearing. Documentary-style, one gets the sense that the only thing separating us from the real Steven Wright is a period costume.