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  • Las Vias del Amor is the quintessential Mexican soap opera. With an amazing cast including Aracely Arambula, Jorge Ramos, Patricia Navidad among many others, the epic episodes deliver drama at its fullest. The main story is about a girl played by Aracely who is in love and is about to get married. Her fiancé is murdered by a rival thug of the town since he wants her for himself. The plot gets more and more complex after this until all of the characters are interconnected. The filming of the episodes is also excellent with various camera techniques and angles. The music soundtrack was also exemplary as Aracely herself provides the theme song "Las Vias del Amor".
  • This soap was a super hit, Aracely Arámbula was the best actrees of the year, making a good couple with Jorge Salinas, What about the villians, wow! They were a lot, starting by Enrique Rocha who showed he ever will be the best villian of the novelas, Daniela Romo playing his wife entered again in this world of Emilio Larrosa, with a exellent cast and writters, Emilio marked another hit, I hope we'll have the sequence, we deserve it, Aracely and Jorge are the best actors of the world, i'm fanatic of them, But something weird this soap had 17 deaths, there's a lot, but each had their excuse to be killed. Emilio ever will bring us a original stories about good people, villians, good characters, but specially, Real Love!
  • Eventhough I don't speak Spanish, I enjoy watching this show. This has friendship rivalries, and families turning on each other. This show contains a puzzle solving through the series, but I'm going to tell you. Overall this show is well worth watching.
  • This is my favorite novela ever! Every episode is action-packed and fast-paced. The story-line is unique and the characters are interesting. I think this is the best casting job I have ever seen on any novela. Every actor seems perfectly suited for his or her character. Jorge Salinas and Gabriel Soto are both great actors and easy on the eyes as well. Aracely Arambula is amazing as the protagonist. Daniela Romo is probably the show's best asset. Her character is strong and her performance is brilliant. My only complaint is that there seems to be a thread of racism that goes through the show. The meanest character in the novela is Elmer, who is of African descent. He is rarely referred to by name. Instead he is called "El Negro" or worse "el mono ese". This novela is very controversial. There is a lot of violence. Prostitution and organized crime are recurring themes. Although it isn't for everyone, I thought it was well-written and very memorable.