Based on a true story of Griff Sanders, who was thrown out of the Torquay Bowls Club for "improper conduct" (including writing "tosser" on the back of a score card).
Johnny Vegas (Trevor) is the only cast member who can actually play bowls, and does not do so in the film.
Director Mel Smith confessed that five minutes before they started filming they realized everyone was absolutely useless at playing lawn bowls.
The bowling green used is in Torquay, where the film is mostly set. It is famous for being one of the few actually placed between a cultivated gardens behind it and the sea in front.
The tagline "At last a sportsman the British can be proud of..." is actually written "aT last a spOrtSman the britiSh can bE pRoud of..." the capitalized letters spelling the word 'Tosser' which is a word frequently used in the film.