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  • I bought this movie on DVD for 5 bucks, but it really wasn't worth it. This movie is one of the worst films i've ever seen. Normally i still tend to like bad movies just to see what thing they do wrong, but i turned this movie off after ten minutes.

    The story is about a nuke that is stolen. But the guys that stole it try to sell it for eight years, but fail. Then the movie goes 8 years later and the nuke is going to be detonated in LA. ( That's what i read on the back cover...)

    Everything in this movie is bad. The acting, the special effects, the 'fighting' (Oliver Gruner crushes a guy 2 death between his legs :S), some parts of the movie are dubbed and some are not, even in on scene.

    Please don't wast any money on this movie.
  • A few months ago, I saw a movie called "The Vault" and I thought it was probably the worst "Die Hard" ripoff ever made, but "SWAT: Warhead One" gives it a serious run for its money (although, to be more accurate, this one doesn't go into "Die Hard" mode until the second half). The plot is an utter mess and the "special effects" are unintentionally funny computer graphics far below video-game level. The movie is so underbudgeted that the hospital the bad guys (led by B-movie veteran Gerald Okamura) "take over" seems to be practically deserted: we see almost no patients, no personnel, no security people, and no more than 3 hostages. For Olivier Gruner, this is about 5 steps down from "Nemesis", if that tells you anything. Rebecca Ferratti has put on some weight, but so what, she's still beautiful at 41. The (few and far between) fight scenes are mediocre at best, but they're still the only reason this gets * instead of no stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Plot impossible to follow, incredibly unbelievable, incoherent yet.... predictable. Sailient points: involves a nuclear warhead, counterfeit money, a maverick SWAT team leader, a treacherous SWAT boss, the LA Chinese mafia, illegal gambling, a computer virus, you name it.

    Some relationships: maverick hero follows his guts against higher authority: the whole tension thing against his boss so very, very, very predictable. Sigh... Hero's flailing relationship with his nurse wife - whom, inexplicably, is a martial arts expert - seems to miraculously recover in a hostage situation. Other noteworthy relationship: lead character is landed with an annoying and cumbersome journalist but, surprise, surprise, the pair end up developing some complicity and their team work helps them succeed against evil.

    Writing: The closing line is just soooo cheesy (incredibly unfunny joke which all the heroes - who've just narrowly escaped death - seem to find hysterical). Oh, and full of grammatical mistakes from supposed native English speakers.

    Camera work, light, and photography laughable. Most video games have better artwork quality.

    Special FX: worth watching the movie just for them. The best (worst) bit is the dangling GI Joe-type toy helicopter supposedly representing its life-size counterpart.

    Acting: Incredibly bad. Swedish- or German-sounding Chinese baddie is a must-see. French accent of SWAT team leader yet to be explained. Oh, and the actress playing the central heroine is actually an ageing erotica star. You could just guess from her looks but we googled it to be sure and sure enough...

    I am actually a huge fan of bad movies, but you just have to draw the line. This movie is so far beyond it it should be made illegal. I nearly couldn't make it to the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is your typical action movie, starring former kick-boxing champion Olivier Gruner as a SWAT team's leader. The only other well known cast member is Mel Novak, whom i liked very much in this awful movie. The story is full of cliché's, fighting scenes are bad, i mean really bad. David Huey (directed and also wrote this) doesn't seem to know how to use his actors. I mean, he has Gruner, Ron Hall and Gerald Okamura. Ron Hall is known for his martial-arts skills from Bloodsport 2, and Okamura has been in lots of low-budget martial-arts movies. The only one of the three who gets into the fights is Gruner. What a waste.

    The movie is full of unnecessary idiotic dubbing (Gruner is being dubbed for a couple of minutes), some parts of the movie were completely dubbed, as if Huey was shooting them with sound turned off. Like i said, the only worthy actor in this movie is Mel Novak. He is actually the only one who is trying to ACT. Everyone else is pretty much awful. 60% of the cast seemed to be picked up from the streets to act in this film.

    So if you're looking for an action movie, look for something else. Because with this, you will fall asleep in just 20-25 minutes. This is only worth for die-hard Olivier Gruner fans. I bet Gruner really regrets being in this movie.
  • This atrociously atrocious atrocity is a showcase for the producing company Cine Excel's staggering lack of talent and decent budget. Laughable special effects, ineptly staged fights and a fair number of action scenes all taking place in the same couple of empty stairs make up for a delightfully pathetic excuse for entertainment.

    The best thing about this mess is the reporter's character, played by Cine Excel regular Mel Novak : this guy obviously serves the purpose to explain the plot for the audience. But not only that : since Cine Excel lacks the budget to film any decent action or plot development, Novak's bizarrely omniscient character will indulge in over-complicated explanations, so the audience will (hopefully) believe that they are seeing a movie with a real plot. As a result, the whole movie is rendered nearly incomprehensible. Quite a feat. This is a definite must-see for fans of the "so-bad-it's-good" genre.