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  • swat61117 February 2004
    I knew this show would be canceled, and for good reason too. Its pretty bad really. The whole Osbourne thing is really getting old and then Sharon got her own show, i mean come on people are you kidding me? Its so bad and so meaningless its pointless. It will be one less crappy talk show on the air, and not a minute too late either.
  • I loved The Sharon Osbourne Show! I just had to weigh in because I couldn't disagree more with the only comment posted here -- just couldn't let this stand as the last word on this show. Sharon was not the least interesting member of The Osbournes itself by any means. Yes, of course Ozzy was the main draw, but those of us who fell in love with the show fell in love with their entire family, and as the driving force of not only this uber successful show that spawned countless imitators, but of her husband's career and Ozzfest, you could hardly describe Sharon as uninteresting or unsuccessful. On the contrary, she is VERY interesting, super successful, incredibly brave, (She battled cancer and beat it), funny, open, and pretty damned charming as well.

    I attended two tapings of the show and she was a great host. She was herself; unique, irreverent, witty and wacky, and that was what was so great about it. The show was a lot like their home, the decor of the set was similar, some of the pieces of furniture were actually borrowed from their home, and she let her dogs wander around the same way that they did on The Osbournes. During the tapings she would swear like mad when she flubbed lines, she was incredibly funny, and she was extremely nice to the audience. She definitely has charisma and appeal.

    I think she was funny and compassionate and the show was a good mix of these two qualities. I enjoyed the show so much and so did so many of my friends. Talk shows fail all the time. Many more experienced and successful industry players have tried and failed as well. It takes an entire industry of people to pull off one of these shows and there are so many factors that need to be considered when judging a show's success. IMHO Sharon was possibly at odds with her network or producers, I believe she wanted to be herself, and as with any media personality or politician, there were too many people trying to get her to fit a certain mold, people who perhaps did not have enough faith in her natural ability to shine. I was sorry to see the show go.
  • I cannot stand talk shows. I would rather watch hours of paint drying than ever watch The View. Or, that god-awful show, Good Day Live. But, I've recently come to like Sharon. It's a little shaky because it's new, but hopefully she will get better at it as the show goes on. I like how the show brings out her feminine side. Strong, successful businesswomen who still recognizes her femininity is few and far between. It's very refreshing to see that in Sharon Osbourne.
  • I think this show is great. I try to watch it whenever I can. I think Sharon's relaxed approach is so refreshing and easy to watch. It airs on Sky One here in the UK in the afternoons and gets repeated in the evenings on their +1 channel. I think she has some great guests and I really like the way she incorporates some live music into the show. I can understand why some people don't like it because Sharon lacks the professionalism of most other talk show hosts. However, I think that's what makes it more enjoyable. I know it would be naive to say that she is like an everyday person, she's a multimillionairess who lives in Beverly Hills! But she has a certain worldliness and a down to earth quality that really comes across. It's a shame it was axed. It's less sensationalized than MTV's 'The Osbourne's' and should you want to see what the 'real' person is like then I reckon this is the best show to watch.
  • Sharon Osbourne has many talents and this is one of them. She is a wonderful host to a great talk show. I enjoy Sharon's comic wit and dry sense of humor. She is one woman who can take the punches and also give them out. This show has a long staying power on the telly for a long time.
  • I absolutely agree with the previous comment. There are times however, when she looks completely tense, and she doesn't have a clue what she's doing- but she always covers it up well. The guests are well known....and I love it when she educates the Americans on British traditions etc....nice to see that even with her wealth, fame, status- she hasn't forgotten where she's come from!! Seeing her on X-factor now in the UK, you can see she has a lot of confident- whether thats just because its a different circumstance, i don't know...but if she goes back to the states with the same attitude she has here.... i think the critics will leave her be!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sharon Osbourne is just fabulous, I don't see what problem people have with her she is just recovered from cancer, for god sake, give the woman some Leo-way for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you trying to do kill her off!? You just don't know good shows when you see them!!!!! Its better then all the other stupid shows on t.v! She is a great mom! She knows how to keep her family together! Un-like some!!!!!!!!!! I think if you don't like the show no one is making you watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!! she has had to put up with a lot from her family but she has stuck by them all the way! How many people can put their hand on their hearts and say they could or would do that? Just as i thought not many!