User Reviews (3)

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  • If you want to know about foreigners in Hollywood, about how difficult it is to produce and make movies and the power of movies stars here please check out this movie.] Music is quite exciting. Most people wonder if it is a film, a documentary, if everything is true, if everything is not true, our mind works during this movie, yet it is entertaining. I have seen it yesterday and I believe it is quite accurate in anyone interested in the film-making process and Hollywood and keeping the dream alive. Bravo fellow French man in Hollywood.
  • BRAVO, Phillipe and the rest of the "people that you've never heard of before"!

    That he drew performances of this caliber from mostly non-actors is astonishing, though credit must be shared with them.

    Charming, funny, frustrating, and ironic, this movie managed to keep me thinking long past the applause-drenched closing credits. What a great, positive film from a man I can't WAIT to hear more from in the future.

    The music is spot-on as well featuring songs by Sonic Vibe and Outsized. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on that puppy.

    It doesn't hurt that Philippe is verrry easy on the eyes...

    -NAMASTE, Sandi in Pasadena
  • I saw this when it came out a couple years ago at the Laemle Sunset theater ... there weren't many people in the audience. I fully enjoyed the movie, as did my meta-new-age-self- proclaimed-psychic female companion, as did everyone in attendance.

    It's partially a story of Mr. Calande's attempt to sell a weird movie he had already made and could not let go of ... and he's in the middle of building a house ... and runs out of money ... rents a Buddha's head for $2000 a month and his luck changes ... floating around Hollywood ...

    As we left the theater that evening, Mr. Calande was standing in the back. We stopped and talked for a moment. He was very charming, and clearly intelligent. My friend was swooning for him.

    I'd love to see the movie again. I hope it comes out on DVD.