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  • So bad. In so many ways, but at the same time just the most entertaining thing to watch. Not as bad/boring as some mediocre anime can be, this just throws you right into things and does a terrible job explaining anything. The best part of this show is to try to keep up with its rapid fire pace (with some friends if you can) and just have a good time.

    10/10 for recommendation

    4/10 for actual quality
  • So basically I heard that this anime is funny because of the bad English Dub voices and omg the frustration was boiling into me man while watching this, it drove me goddamn insane!!!

    I mean c'mon the voice actors and the animators could've done better with this at the time. Why did they even bother creating this anime in the first place if they knew it was gonna be completely rubbish?????!!!!
  • This is probably one of the stupidest, inane, and most poorly made movies I've ever seen. Because of that, it's also easily the most hilarious animated movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Every scene is filled with unexplained and dumb sounding terms. Plot lines randomly appear, disconnect, or end. And every interaction between characters is bloated with non sequitur. This is the kind of movie that is so unimaginably bad that it's mind boggling that it even exists but is bad in all the right ways to make it funny. I literally had to pause it no less than five times to cry from laughter on my first time through it. On the second time through it went down to about three. However, knowing when and what is coming next and still being so floored by it is a hallmark of perfection of a scene. This movie is an animated match to "Guess What Happened to Count Dracula?" in terms of poorly made hilarity. Buy it now! It's less than $10 off eBay and worth five times that for the good times it provides.
  • From the creator of Gundam, Yoshiyuki Tomino comes a masterclass in writing, animated by the studio behind Toradora, J.C. Staff. This will change your life.

    This OVA is a trainwreck of the highest order. It is a 30+ episode show crammed into 90 minutes. Horribly paced, atrociously written, terribly animated... Now add the worst dub in history on top of that? Seriously, watch it. The epitome of so bad it's good.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Minor Spoilers

    Basically this movie is about a Japanese kid who gets whisked off to another world called Byston Well. There he can grow freaking wings from his feet and thus becomes the savior of a tribe of refugees. I've only seen the English dub of this film but it's so terrible that it could set cartoon voice acting back twenty years. As the film progresses the voice acting seems to get worse and none of the actors seem to be able to to project the slightest bit of emotion. It also sounds like everyone of them is trying to slowly pronounce each syllable of every word. It reminds me of the old days of anime dubbing when they needed another voice so they would run out into the hallway and have the first secretary or mail room clerk they saw come in and record lines of dialog. The dialog doesn't help to forward the story in anyway and some of the lines are so ridiculous you will actually find yourself shouting out loud "What does that mean?". One example is when one character says something about convenience the other character's response is "If you did have a convenience store I would live with you." WTF!!! This is a movie that features an 8 foot tall ninja named Towelrod and if that isn't enough to keep you away then prepare yourself for one of the most confusing annoying cinematic experiences you will ever have cause this film plain sucks.