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  • Was this a student project or something? Lousy acting (...if you can even call it acting), lousy script, just plain lousy everything make this the worst movie ever made (...or a close runner up). It started out bad and got worse every scene. Finally, it got so bad we had to turn it off after half an hour because we just couldn't stand the agony any longer. Honestly, getting a root canal would have been more enjoyable.
  • Forget the one star rating--what were they expecting: Hamlet? West Hollywood Stories is entertaining fluff, to be sure, but it's entertaining GAY fluff, and sadly you won't find any of these stories on your daytime soaps. The writing/the acting/the camera work--no worse than you'd find on Days of Our Lives, which is to say it's not brilliant, but I didn't find a single "bad" performance, and some of the actors are actually pretty good, and pretty good looking, and a pretty face can excuse quite a lot. More than anything, West Hollywood Stories is a tantalizing peek at what might be if prime time, or even daytime, paid more attention to the 10% focused on in this "what if" soap. Too bad that only four episodes were made. I'd like to have seen more of these stories.